A few days ago, @DennyBurk posted this picture of an @MSNBC legal analyst with the book #CriticalRaceTheory: The Key Writings in the background.
Given the pushback, I thought I'd show how CRT can help us understand progressive commentary on the #Rittenhouse verdict. A thread: 1/
CRT asserts that racism is "ordinary, not aberrational." It is the "usual way society does business" (Delgado and Stefancic, CRT: An Introduction, p. 8).
This is especially true in our legal system, where ideas like "liberalism, neutrality, objectivity, colorblindness, and meritocracy… camouflage [how] racial advantage propels the self-interests, power, and privileges of the dominant group" (Harper et al., JHE, 2009)
Even instances of racial progress/justice can be explained away as "interest convergence," the notion that "whites will allow and support racial justice/progress to the extent that there is something positive in it for them" (Hartlep, Going Public, p. 157) 4/
Finally, while traditional legal scholars might ground law in some "universal system of right and wrong", CRTs insist that "political and moral analysis is situational—‘truths only exist for this person in this predicament at this time in history’” (Matsuda et al., p. 20-21) 5/
On this view, Rittenhouse's exoneration was further evidence of a racist legal system constructed for the benefit of whites. Appeals to "due process" and "the right to self-defense" are mere excuses to preserve a systemically racist legal system. 6/
Appeals to recent cases where black defendants were exonerated under the same legal principles as Rittenhouse can be seen as mere instances of "interest convergence," where Blacks happen to benefit from laws that still serve White interests. 7/ sports.yahoo.com/jury-acquits-g…
In conclusion, if we want to understand our current cultural moment and progressive reactions to the #Rittenhouse verdict, it helps to understand #CriticalRaceTheory. You can read more here from CRTs in their own words with no commentary. 8/8 shenviapologetics.com/what-is-critic…
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Some of the toxicity of Dissident Right thought comes from the adoption of Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt's "friend/enemy distinction."
So here's a quick explanation of what it is and why it should be rejected: 1/
1) Schmitt believed that the "final distinction" on which politics rests is the friend/enemy distinction, just like economics rests on the profitable/unprofitable distinction (p.26). The political enemy is the one who "intends to negate his opponent's way of life" (p. 27). 2/
But why think this? Are mayoral elections "not politics" because neither candidate wants to destroy the other's way of life? Are even presidential elections "not politics" if both candidates are just corrupt graft-seekers? And what is a "way of life"? Schmitt never explains! 3/
The phrase #WokeRight is not a meaningless or oxymoronic insult.
It refers to ***people on the Right who are embracing the ideological framework of critical theory.***
Before you insist "NO ONE IS DOING THAT," here's a thread of evidence from primary sources. 🧵
Here's Sam Francis, a prominent New Right thinker, recommending Neomarxist Antonio Gramsci:
“While Gramsci and Hitler sought to develop their cultural strategy for totalitarian ends...the same strategy can be used for conservative purposes" 2/ fpparchive.org/media/document…
Here's fellow New Right philosopher Paul Gottfried just last year "Like Sam Francis and much of the European Right, I accept Gramsci’s view that the ruling class shapes the consciousness of those it dominates." 3/ lawliberty.org/not-right-wing…
I keep seeing awful takes about how "nO oNe iS qUaLiFiEd tO hOmEsChOoL," so here's a quick thread.
First, it's crazy for college-educated people to claim they can't homeschool. Can you read? Can you multiply? That's K-3rd right there (long division isn't until 4th!) 1/
This objection is particularly strange because -when I was a kid- lots of my classmates were already reading when they entered kindergarten. Who taught them? Their governess?
And if you understand fractions and percentages, you'll be fine through 6th grade, at least. 2/
Second, when people ask "what about subjects other than English and math?" my short answer is "they can do it later."
"Reading, writing, and 'rithmetic" is actually a wise slogan. Once you really master these, history/biology/geography/etc. are straightforward. 3/
I just finished a section on queer theory for my new book. Check out this fascinating example of queer theory's inherent instability.
Here's the original "Genderbread Person," created by cartoonist Sam Killerman in Jan. 2012. Notice the four categories and double arrows: 1/
Fast forward to March 2012. This is "Genderbread Person 2.1"
Each double arrow has now split into *two* separate arrows because the original figure implied that you exist at one place on the woman-man spectrum. Note also the extra text explaining how complicated gender is. 2/
It's 2015, and now we have a rival depiction, because Genderbread Person was problematic.
The Gender Unicorn splits sexual orientation into two categories, and has added a third arrow to each category, as well as fixing "several other issues" with the Genderbread graphic. 3/
Enjoyed @AbigailShrier's excellent talk at UNC last night. Some selected (rough) quotes from my 5-pages of notes:
"Gender ideology is a religion: gender identity is the secular version of a soul and gender transition is baptism."
To parents of college students:
"Schools are not your friends. They will undermine you at every turn... If your Ivy League kid declares they're trans, ditch your Ivy League dreams and pull them out or you'll look back and wish you had." 2/
On UNC's free-speech group:
"It's great that you're part of a free-speech group, but you shouldn't need to be. Free speech should be the default on college campuses." 3/
My wife and I first attended Summit 13 years ago. There was a small coffee bar in the foyer and the church bulletin was well-designed and glossy. There were video trailers before the sermon.
I was offended.
I was thinking of my old church in New Haven, CT.
It had no money. The church bulletin was printed five minutes before service by the church secretary. We rented space from a SDA church.
"That's a *real* church," I thought to myself. "Not this Joel Osteen stuff."
But we stayed for the service.
The worship songs were theologically rich, and I still remember the sermon. Trevor Atwood preached on adoption from Ephesians. He had adopted two sons internationally, and he preached the glorious doctrine of our adoption as sons of God.