Kyle Rittenhouse -- now free of all criminal liability -- did his first interview and said he believes systemic racism is a problem in the US and supports "BLM."
If you think this will cause anyone to reevaluate their decree that he's a "white supremacist," you'd be incorrect.
Rittenhouse has no reason to say any of this if he doesn't believe it. In fact, saying those things could undermine his self-interest, given that many on the right probably didn't want to hear them. There was never any evidence he was a "white supremacist" but that never matters.
There are very few accusations you can make about someone more serious than publicly branding them as "white supremacist" or "white nationalist." But in liberal discourse, especially media discourse, there is literally no evidentiary requirement that must be met in order to do it
Yes, screaming "white supremacist" at someone is a powerful tool to force them to either submit to your beliefs or at least be silent. But the more it's overused, the more it loses its power, as people come to realize how cynically it's wielded:
There's apparently a shortage of people who criticize Fox News -- contrary to my belief that billionaire-funded groups like Media Matters, CNN and MSNBC and digital liberal outlets do little else -- and Democrats have united with "leftists" in an urgent call for me to do it more.
For the union of Dems and AOC-leftists who have decided it's urgent that I use my platform to copy CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Media Matters, Daily Beast & basically every liberal digital outlet by spending my time discussing Fox, here's my 3-part answer to a critic who asked on @GetCallin.
Here's Part 2 (excuse the choppiness: I mistakenly spoke where the connection was weak). Basically, it’s about how I chose to use my journalistic platform. From the time I began writing, I focused on what was being under-covered, not echo what everyone was saying (Orange Trump!).
Two of the most vocal and unhinged advocates of the first War on Terror - @JonahDispatch and @stephenfhayes - just quit Fox News (where nobody knew they worked) in protest over Tucker Carlson warning of the dangers of the new War on Terror and questioning FBI involvement in 1/6.
Goldberg was the classic chickenhawk: weak men who feel tough by sending other families' kids to war. Along with @JeffreyGoldberg, Hayes was the leading liar claiming Saddam had an alliance with Al Qaeda. Now they're viewed by liberals as the noble Men of Conscience quitting Fox.
Goldberg and Hayes are barely on Fox, yet the media is heralding this spectacle as some brave elevation of patriotism over party.
It does actually show a split on the right over militarism and worship of the security state. Like most neocons, Goldberg/Hayes are with CIA & Dems.
On the same day as the Rittenhouse verdict, two other major criminal cases were decided. One was a conviction by a jury in Missouri of a white police detective who fatally shot a black man, Cameron Lamb, 26, after entering his property without cause:
The other was the acquittal on the major charges by a Central Florida jury of a black man, Andrew Coffee IV, who shot at SWAT police officers, resulting in them shooting his girlfriend to death. He claimed legitimate self-defense, and the jury agreed:
No reasonable person can deny that there are still major inequities in the US criminal justice system based on class and race. But there's a reason Kyle Rittenhouse is a household name, while Eric J. DeValkenaere (the now-convicted police detective) and Andrew Coffee IV are not.
There are still a few NYT journalists who follow their reporting wherever facts lead, even if it runs afoul of liberal pieties. They're the ones attacked the most. @powellnyt is one of the best: read this great interview on race, class and free speech:
I'm hesitant to post excerpts because I hope you'll read the whole interview. But here he explains how much the liberal-left has changed when it comes their views on free speech, how just a couple decades ago it was sacrosanct. Now it's viewed as trivial or, more so, pernicious:
Powell has been covering labor and class issues for a long time. One of the most interesting parts of the interview is his explanation of how censorship is so often used by the liberal-left against the working class. In this passage, he describes the degradation of the @ACLU:
Part 2 of the video produced by the brilliant @0rf:
"Kyle Rittenhouse didn't illegally bring a gun across state lines and 5 other myths surrounding the trial debunked" -- from @YahooNews/@BusinessInsider:
The largest media outlets in Brazil this week had to retract their articles on the Rittenhouse case because they claimed it was a case of a white youth having shot and killed two black men. They got this from the US media, which deliberately cultivated this false narrative.
I'd be willing to bet that roughly 75% of the people sitting on social media spewing hatred and rage over the verdict did not bother to watch much or even any of the trial.
You can tell in what they're claiming that, like @NYCMayor, they have zero mastery of the most basic facts
Just look at how many people were radically deceived about this case - and still are! - including people paid to follow and "report on" these matters for a living.