Parliament is today debating the amendment tabled by @Jeremy_Hunt - supported by cross-party MPs, @RCPhysicians & 60+ health and care orgs - which would mean Gov would have to publish independently verified assessments of current & future workforce numbers every 2 yrs 🧵#NHSBill
@Jeremy_Hunt Shadow Workforce Minister @justinmadders speaking to amendment now - says sector is united on amendment, and can't find anyone who thinks what gov has put forward as the solution in Clause 34 is good enough
Lib Dem MP @munirawilson says in 2019/20, some £6bn was spent on bank and agency staff. Adds long-term planning to recruit the right skills is 'absolutely critical'
@munirawilson We will support the amendment, says @justinmadders and quotes @CommonsHealth report 'there is no accurate, public projection of what health &
social care require in the workforce for nxt 5-10 yrs... without that level of detail, shortages in health & care workforce will endure'
Hunt begins his speech - 'it takes a long time to train a doctor or a nurse'. Says gov has recognised pressures on NHS by giving additional £, but adds 'extra money without extra workforce will not in the end solve the problems that we want to solve'
The amendment will lead to more doctors, nurses and professionals being trained, says @Jeremy_Hunt - but says that will save the NHS money
@Jeremy_Hunt It's not only about meeting the needs of the NHS workforce, says @GregClarkMP - we need to have extra people who can be the 'brilliant researchers and discoverers of new medicines' in future
Amendment 10 is supported by a large number of organisations and 6 select cttee chairs, says @Jeremy_Hunt wrapping up his speech. Says "every month that we delay putting in place this structure is a month where we fail to give hope to NHS staff".
@Jeremy_Hunt SNP spokesperson for health @Dr_PhilippaW speaks to Amendment 10. "Workforce challenge is single biggest challenge facing all 4 national health services across the UK" she says
@Jeremy_Hunt@Dr_PhilippaW Labour MP @MGreenwoodWW cites the support of @RCPhysicians & @RCPCHtweets for amendment to strengthen Clause 34 of the Health and Care Bill. Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell also rises to support amendment 10, saying the 'whole sector' is united behind this amdnt #NHSBill
Conservative MP @paulbristow79, member of @CommonsHealth, now rises to support Amendment 10. Says we need a 'laser like focus' on workforce challenges
@paulbristow79@CommonsHealth .@sarahjolney1 & @DerekThomasUK speak to Amendment 10. In response to the speeches given across the House, the Minister says 'the workforce is the beating heart of our NHS' and pays tribute to the workforce. Refers to announcement from yesterday on @NHS_HealthEdEng & Framework 15
Our fifth survey of members during the pandemic, has found that two thirds of them are worried that #COVID19 has indirectly harmed their patients by causing diagnosis or treatment delays.
Our survey also found that almost all doctors (94%) are concerned about the general indirect impact of COVID-19 on their patients.
Despite these concerns, only 5% of doctors said they felt their organisations were fully prepared for a potential second wave of #COVID19 infection, and almost two thirds said they haven’t been involved in any discussions about preparations for a second wave of the virus.