It's honestly weird that I was offered a chance to apply for @SuperFollows and was accepted, but despite being fully qualified for verification as far as I understand it, Twitter just refuses to do it. It just doesn't make sense.
@SuperFollows It's a work in progress. I think I will post some voice tweets there, maybe additional Yoko content and potentially some longform threads on things like movies or such. You can already subscribe now. I picked the cheapest option they gave ($2.99 a month).
@SuperFollows Again, I'm not sure how this will play out. Twitter offered and I said why not. If people are into it, I can do more involved content for sure.
In what world are liberals grateful for America? They want to abolish the senate, just spent a week trashing the entire justice system, and don't even think Thanksgiving is an occasion to celebrate in the first place.
Frank, we both understand that my comment doesn't apply to literally every single self-defining liberal in the country. But we're talking about a line that's pushed by the president and vice president, not some fringe opinion.
When Trump said crazy stuff and almost no one else in the party did, it was still valid to criticize as a top-down policy from the guy in charge of both the party and the country. I think it's equally fair to apply this standard now. Party leaders are setting the tone.
I almost don't blame them (despite the fact that media malpractice is media malpractice), but plenty of seemingly authoritative sources either said this or framed the story in a way that made it sound obvious that this is what had happened.
Eventually enough of these will fail that they realize that anime zaniness and extreme personality traits do not translate to live action. It's like trying to make live action Looney Toons. The serious anime that would work as live action are often too violent or messed up.
You could never make Berserk in the West. I'm sure there won't be any hot takes about how the main female character is raped by demons until her brain breaks. Monster might work but has a couple of plot points that would be really hard to translate to live action.
Or hey let's make a Gurren Lagann live action movie where Yoko has her demure teacher's outfit for the entire show and a robot that's literally larger than the entire universe won't seem silly at all.
I don't buy the argument that since some Star Wars movies made $1 billion plus and the Mandalorian was a huge hit is proof that Kathleen Kennedy is excellent and the envy of producers everywhere and that criticizing her makes no sense.
I mean her contract was renewed so clearly they are at the very least happen *enough* with her. It took 8 years to boot Ike Perlmutter from Marvel. The last Jedi isn't even 4 years old yet. These things don't happen super quickly.
If Kennedy were really humming along as well as Feige, they would have had serious production problems with three of their five films and have cancelled at least four future high-profile projects.
I hate it when directors trash superhero movies. If you want to critique them, don't be an internet shitposter. People worked on those movies just as hard as you work on yours, and they provide entertainment for millions. Sorry your historical French tragedy didn't make bank.
It's not the industry's or the audience's fault that you made a movie about subject matter that most people don't care enough about to drag themselves to a theater during covid. Oh yay, a movie about a woman on trial for being raped. Fun Friday night activity!
Audiences are not dumber. They just have options. We are in a golden age of prestige TV and you'll never run out of quality stuff to watch until a movie like this is on demand. A theater used to be the only way to watch something like this.
It would be nice if people stopped angrily advocating for unnecessary covid measures for things they never actually do themselves. If you're not going to theaters right now anyway, don't lecture the people who do go on how safe you think they should be. Mind your fucking beeswax.
You don't get to police the activities that I do and you don't just so you can feel safer about not getting it elsewhere. If you're worried, YOU be more careful. Wear an N95 and an ABC suit. Don't police my life for your peace of mind.
We're also acting like these measures make sense. DC gyms have been begging the city to let them instate a vaccine mandate as a replacement for masking and were told no. So you can go work out unvaccinated around people if you have a cloth mask half on your face. Good job, DC!