How do open source maintainers pick which contributors to “invest” in (time, effort, mentorship, etc)? I don’t know about others but for me the main thing isn’t coding skill. The main thing I’m looking for in a contributor is good judgement. This concept may sound fuzzy… 🧵
First, what good judgement is NOT. It has nothing to do with where you’re from, how you present yourself, how old you are, or even how many years of professional experience you have.
Good judgement also has nothing to do with the “clout” or being known. There are people with 5 followers whose judgment I would trust more than well-known characters with latge audiences.
where do you hope to see yourself in five years? earnestly. (both professional and personal counts)
let me try to answer for myself..
i don’t want to work at a big company and i don’t want to work at a startup. i think this means i don’t want to “work” at all. as in, i want to be doing things, but i don’t want to be in an arrangement where i owe my time to someone on a regular basis.
ok i think i finally finished this exercise (3.4.2 in Tao’s Analysis). the “what, in general, can one say” wording is very sneaky and i initially thought that S = f^-1(f(S)) <=> f is injective. but it’s only => and not <=>. i think this is correct now. math heads am i right?
*well <= in the order i wrote them in the tweet. but the text on the picture should be right i think?
i think maybe there’s a stronger version that would work, like if for EVERY subset S out of X, S = f^−1(f(S)), then f can be shown to be injective?
have a new conspiracy theory that @RoamResearch has a weird scary logo and spinner because it is scared of mass adoption and subconsciously feels the need to repel those who might want to check it out
same energy (russians will know)
i feel like there is some obvious explanation for what it means that everybody understands but i’m too late to the game and at this point i’m too embarrassed to not know or vibe with it to find out
can’t wait for nfts to be green so that i can grift ethically
i’ll sell redux and buy a fukken house
the most annoying thing is that nfts make total sense to me. artificial scarcity is silly but there is no real content there. so it’s not like that wu-tang album. people who want to pay for air deserve to have their money redistributed. safe sane and consensual. just make it eco!
doing another Russian lyrics translation today! this song is called A Boy. it reminds me of Mr. Tambourine Man in a lot of ways, i wonder if you’ll notice the similarities too!