OK, last night I watched the latest Bond movie. It was pretty good -- the best one in a while, IMO, with real emotional stakes -- but there was one choice in it that utterly baffled me. Maybe I missed something? Short thread.
When the movie begins, Bond is retired. He gets pulled back in (of course) & in the process meets ... the new 007! She's a young black woman, a total badass, & the highlight of the movie. Lots of zingy banter between her & Bond. Great stuff.
At that point I was thinking, "ah, sweet, they've elegantly solved the problem of who's going to take over for Daniel Craig. It works perfectly in the movie & she's a great choice." (I have not followed Bond discourse at all, obv.)
But then, in the last third of the movie, she ... asks her boss to give the "007" tag back to Bond! WTF. Why? It doesn't even make much sense in the context of the movie. And now, having googled around, I see everyone's back to discussing which *dude* should be Bond next.
I don't get it. Why introduce a new 007 -- an exciting choice that opens up all kinds of new possibilities & is guaranteed to get lots of attention -- and then ... undo it? Why flirt w/ the possibility of a non-white-dude choice, take all the "woke" heat for it, & then bail?
If they're just gonna give "007" to another suave womanizer dude (🥱), why include this subplot at all? Were they *going* to make her the new 007 & then changed their mind at the last minute? Why flirt w/ diversity & then reverse course so awkwardly? A baffling choice. </fin>
Never mind. God knows what horrors a female 007 would wreak.
Fascinating study. Rather than starting with a temperature target & modeling backward to determine what's needed, this study used multiple IAMs (models) to simply project ahead based on near-term policy & 2 assumptions about how it will evolve. nature.com/articles/s4155…
Key: "Despite finding a wide range of emissions by 2050, nearly all the scenarios have median warming of less than 3 °C in 2100. However, the most optimistic scenario is still insufficient to limit global warming to 2 °C."
Seems the likeliest climate outcome is that we don't get enough warming to produce the apocalyptic scenarios activists like to conjure ... but also have millions more deaths, billions more in damages, & heaps more human suffering than was necessary.
In Virginia, Democrats suffered based on an image of progressives ginned up in right-wing media, which they did very little to counter. And they rejected the help of actual progressives. All indications are, they plan to double down on both mistakes. nytimes.com/2021/11/21/us/…
All my life, the same dynamic: the right conjures up a bogeyman left; Dems try to counter it by shitting on the real left. Weirdly, it doesn't work. There was a brief break in this cycle around the election, but it's back with a vengeance.
If I were Dems I would simply build the kind of media & communications apparatus that can bypass the MSM filter & tell positive (& accurate) stories about Dem accomplishments & goals directly to voters, from voices they actually trust & through formats they actually consume.
If you hire a bunch of people whose jobs & status depend on hyping & demonizing "wokeism," they will never run short of material. It's a giant, diverse country we live in -- you can tell *any* story with anecdotes if you invest enough energy.
Similarly, if every newspaper & cable channel hired reporters whose job was to find & elevate examples of routine racism denying certain people job opportunities or places to live or positions in prestigious professions, they too would have no shortage of material.
People in media hate admitting it, but they are not simply mirrors, documenting events. They make choices; they decide what's worth our attention, what *matters*.
They have decided that "wokeism" matters more than the still-ubiquitous baseline racism & sexism in the US.
That piece by @Edsall is great, but it's remarkable that, in thousands of words, neither he nor any of his contributors so much as *mention* the giant RW propaganda machine & the Dem lack of same. Like fish in water -- it's become so familiar we don't even note it.
One side will have a unified message about the Rittenhouse verdict -- what it means, what it implies, what comes next -- and one side just won't. Like with everything else.
The Rittenhouse case is a cartoonishly clear signal that the right celebrates political violence and plans more.
Who is telling Americans that? Not Fox. Not CNN. Not Sinclair-owned local news. Not WSJ, not NYT. Not civic groups or churches, not the Dem Party.
Seriously: who?
I return to this question again & again. The right has built a giant machine that bypasses mainstream media to take lies & conspiracy theories direct to voters.
Who is doing the same to get *accurate* information to voters? Whose job is that?
I don't think Johnson (+ people like him) is consciously *lying* about believing that Dems cheat, as a pretense or something. I honestly think that credits him with too much intelligence & self-awareness. I think he believes Dems cheat because that's what he needs to believe.