THREAD: Yesterday BBC2 are rather bland and uninspiring 90 minute documentary called "womanhood". But within it they spared 15 mins to cover "the trans debate". 😱 /1
First they went to a night club to meet a transgender woman called Evie. Evie passes so well that even the fiancée of 4 years didn't know his girlfriend had been born male. Cue lots of cooing and smiles from the celebs and Shirley Ballas asking the obvious question /2
Tense music.... the celebs are preparing for their next interview. Suzi tells us how she fears they might be "platforming some quite hateful views". She tells us how toxic it is and how it becomes a "slagging match". Suzi resolutely declares "I don't want any part of that!". /3
Next melancholy music and Suzi contemplating whether she should even go. Thoughtful stares into the middle distance. Worried looks from the other celebs. Mucho sole searching.... /4
Luckily Suzi finds her courage to face her fears to confront the evil bigot. The tension mounts for viewers. What notorious transphobe could they be meeting? What bile and hatred will she be spewing? /5
Well would you believe it. They bump into smiling Dr Nic in the changing rooms! /6
The celebs circle around and brace themselves for the "hateful views". /7
"We are all having compassion here for the trans person, but where the compassion the women?" /8
Suzi asks her big question - where should transwoman go? Terrible editing here from the BBC mashing up an incomplete answer. But the idea of a mixed sex option alarms Suzi - but what about male violence!! Odd how male violence matters now the first time in our conversation. /9
Suzi "but does that mean we put a transwoman in a male prison?" /10
Now back to Evie for some sound bites
"What people are trying to do is paint us as predators".
"Lets remember, it was unheard of for a black person to use the same facilities as a white person".
"Do we really want to be on the wrong side of history again?" /11
"Does is make any difference to you if a transwoman has had their penis removed?" /12
"There's been a huge increase... you are more likely to encounter a trans person in a changing room and its more likely they will have what you perceive as a male body". /13
"If I saw a person in the changing room with a beard and a penis does it matter to me how they identify? They may have changed their appearance to look more feminine but they are still male" /14
"There are ordinary women with concerns, there are ordinary trans people with concerns, who want to talk about this. And that's who we need to solve this problem for" /15
Back at the house, the celebs mull over what they've heard. Disappointingly most of them have still lost sight of women's concerns. /16
Kirsty Wark steps a little closer to the real issues of encountering a male person undressed in a woman's changing room
"If you were in there with your kids..... I can understand why that might be quite difficult" /17
But its Shirley Ballas who dares to say the unsayable "I'm really not sure how I'd feel".
The others try to convince her that its because they all know some trans people and she doesn't.
"But I probably think I speak for the majority" /18
For me it was a gruelling & hostile interview lasting well over 90 mins, pinned by the stare of a glaring Suzi Ruffell who dominated the questioning. Trying to get me to reveal my hatred - she of course failed. Women like me don't hate. We just think women matter in this too /19
All this plus a 100 widths in the pool afterwards! An exhausting day but happy to have shown on national TV that we are not a bunch of transphobes with "hateful views" engaging in "slagging matches". Suzi's hyperbole was over blown. Sex matters & so do women. /20
You can watch the whole section here starting 66 mins in to the show. /21
If you like what @fairplaywomen does to make sure women's voices get heard please support us. Most of our work gets done behind the scenes. The hard work goes on every day and gets results /22
The ONS messed up the gender identity question in the Census leading the data to be downgraded from official stats. New work is ongoing to create a harmonised standard approach across government. /2
In the meantime the interim guidance says you must stick a health warning on any data generated using the Census-type question because some people don’t understand what ‘gender identity’ means so data quality is poor. /3
We asked whether they plan to remove Germany from the list of approved countries for the overseas route of gender recognition after the German Self-Determination Act comes into force on 1 November.
They said GR systems in other countries "constantly change" and it would update the "list annually".
They ignored our key question about whether German applicants could now get a UK GRC without supplying medical reports. Just a copy and paste answer about annual updates /3
Breaking News: Census data on trans population downgraded by Stats Regulator. /1
“We consider that there is sufficient evidence that the gender identity question in the census has underperformed, with some groups of people being more likely than others to misunderstand the question.”
Analysis by Professor Michael Biggs showed flaws in the data triggering this investigation. Public struggled to understand a complicated question about gender identities matching sex registered at birth. Result was lots of people saying they are trans by mistake and inflating the figures /2
The ONS team in charge of designing the Census were captured by gender ideologues. Basic questionnaire design principles abandoned in favour of ideological language and motives. /3
The office of the Taiwanese ambassador, Vincent Yao, contacted us on Tuesday to express their “gravest concern” that we had chosen to “verbally attack a biological female” and asked that we “put an end to the act of spreading disinformation and harmful comments.” /3
Semi-final starts soon. Follow this thread for live updates. /1
Suwannapheng is a phenomenal female boxer. Silver medalist in World Championships last year. Will her female talent be enough to overcome the male sex advantage of her opponent? /2
“The lawyers advised to monitor the situation and to contact the IOC. IBA informed the IOC representatives about these tests, but no reaction followed from the IOC side.” /2
“At the next IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2023 in New Delhi, Khelif and Lin were tested following their consent again before their first fights. Blood sample collection was made on 17 March 2023. The findings were absolutely identical to the first test results.” /3