THREADETTE: Let's do a little fact checking for @anneapplebaum. GEC is not a "US Agency" but a "Center". The "Center" ceased to exist but GEC personnel & money was realigned to a "hub" to do same thing. And in addition to hub other US agencies continue to "track and expose" 1/
2/ so-called Chinese and Russian propaganda. Problem is GEC & other agencies aren't happy focusing on foreign terrorism or even foreign lies, but seek to silence domestic speech that is contrary to current US government's position. Criticize Ukraine? Russia disinformation.
3/3 And as I've been highlighting last two days, fed's decision to focus on "mis" and "disinformation" has caused our government to miss actual threats to Americans like Jabbar pledging support to ISIS.
THREADETTE: To fully understand the outrage of reality FBI didn't have Jabbar on its radar, one must add fact that our government uses CPD tools & technologies (Countering Propaganda & Disinformation) to listen to everything, everyone says on social media & beyond. 1/
2/ When government began focus was on ISIS terrorism, but circa 2016 w/ Trump's election & then w/ COVID, changed to so-called misinformation & disinformation that harmed U.S. interests but "U.S. interests" meant what overlords wanted so included COVID vaccines,
3/ securing Biden election, stopping negative discussions re funding Ukraine war. EVERYTHING. When EVERYTHING is your focus, nothing is your focus so you miss Jabbar pledging alliance to ISIS. More on this THREAD:
@shipwreckedcrew Ha. Actually that's me typing out thoughts I've had over last 30 years as someone trying to be a faithful Catholic & recognizing Church teaching cannot change so capital punishment cannot be intrinsically evil, but pondering could it ever be prudentially permitted (necessary?) 1/
@shipwreckedcrew 2/ If rationale for death penalty is "self-defense"/"defense of others" versus retribution/balancing scales of justice, with latter maybe being a justification morally but I wasn't convinced on that, so left to ponder former.
@shipwreckedcrew 3/ In countries where lacking of ability to keep someone imprisoned, i.e., Syria, death penalty may be necessary to protect society. But what of U.S.? Well if you can't lock them up & protect others b/c kill in prison? That would justify. Or what if kill cops?
By not commuting all of those sentenced to death, Biden is saying two things: a) death penalty is not intrinsically evil; b) the distinctions between facts of those commuted & 3 that were not mattered. So what are those distinctions? 1/
2/ Were the 3 whose sentences were not commuted convicted of murdering someone while in prison? Were they convicted of killing a cop? Those two factors could reasonably cause someone to treat the death sentence differently based on premise that you only institute death penalty
3/ if you cannot keep society safe by locking person up for rest of life. But we know Biden a) didn't make decision; b) if he did/whoever did didn't care about prudential judgment but cared only about politics.
THREAD: This headline & lede is fascinating to me because it is both spot on and 100% wrong. I agree @SpeakerJohnson has a "taste of the hell that awaits him," but The Sun is completely wrong on the why, as are Dems & rest of media. 1/
2/ It isn't Musk & his posts or the slim majority: It is that "X is the media" now & the old way of Washington doing business are over. Again, the proof of this is in the killing in February of immigration bill on @LeaderMcConnell's watch.
@LeaderMcConnell 3/ It wasn't that Musk tweeted about it but that Musk's purchase of X allowed for ordinary Americans to saturate the country with details of what that legislation would do and would not do & Americans wanted it killed because it was horrid.