How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App After 11th Cir. ruled yesterday, when it denied injunction but refused to strike Cannon's injunction & said DOJ could appeal that if it wanted, DOJ filed a so-called "Notice" which really asked 11th Cir. to reconsider its decision. Totally improper. Everyone is assuming the 3 days was to let Defendants appeal to Supreme Court, but that's not what Cannon said. She entered injunction to allow "orderly and deliberative sequence of events." the headlines are all extremely deceiving connecting that Alito spoke with Trump to Trump's case as opposed to stating that Trump called to get a reference from Alito. While this case is in state court system & Trump is seeking stay of his sentence on a state crime, his arguments for stay rest on federal law. U.S. Supreme Court is final arbiter of federal law.