Donnie Discerned Profile picture
Dec 2, 2021 86 tweets 27 min read Read on X
I present to you, the 7th and the 8th King.

Born under a Total Lunar Eclipse above Egypt. Exactly 700 days before the founding of Israel.

Donald Trump has fulfilled most of the prophecies of the Antichrist.

Here is information on why Trump IS without a doubt the antichrist. Image
On August 21, 2017 the first Great American Solar Eclipse took place.

This is a very important date as you’ll soon see why.

The second Great American Eclipse will occur 7 years later, on April 8, 2024.

These signs make a “Great Cross” across America. Keep this in mind. Image
During this solar eclipse, Donald Trump looked up at the eclipse without glasses, despite being warned not to.

This will be important later. Image
Exactly two years on the same date (August 21) 2019, Donald Trump looked up at the sky and exclaimed “I am the chosen one.”
Later on that same day Donald Trump tweeted a quote from Wayne Allen Root saying the Jews love him like he’s the “King of Israel” and the “Second Coming of God.” Image
Two years later on the exact same day of the eclipse (August 21) Trump in Alabama where Mo Brooks exclaimed, “I am proud to announce the Second Coming of Donald J Trump.”
Exactly 1,211 days after the first Great American eclipse - and 1,211 days before the second one puts us at December 14, 2020.

The exact midpoint between the two Great Eclipses.

On this day a solar eclipse occurred and President Biden was certified as President. ImageImage
Let’s briefly discuss the significance of Donald Trump’s name and why it is relevant.

Donald in Celtic means “World Ruler”
Melania in Greek means “Dark”

Donald in Jewish gematria = 119
Trump in simple gematria = 88

These two numbers will be VERY important going forward.
8 by itself represents time, think of an hourglass or the infinity sign.

88 together represents time and space.

In one year the sun and moon make two figure 8’s in the sky or an 88.

This is called an Analemma. Image
An eclipse occurs when both the sun and the moon are at the same point in their analemmas. 88.
As we all know, predictive programming is used in many films to foreshadow future events.

In the movie, Back to the Future, where they needed to go 88 mph in order to break through space and time to be able to time travel.

Take notice of the license plate “Outta Time.”
The main antagonist in the film is named “Biff.”

The creators of the movie have openly stated that their character is based off of Donald Trump.
Also important to note, that code 119 (911) are also encoded into the film.

(See the 9 on the left and the 11 in the middle of first picture)

(Second picture is 911 upside down.) ImageImage
Here is an NBC clip from 1980 of Donald Trump (33 years old) talking about purchasing the World Trade Center. (Twin Towers)
Here is a Serta commercial featuring Donald Trump.

At 0:16 pause the video to reveal code 119 (911) on the sheep.
So why is 911 and the twin towers so important to Trump?

This is where it may get complicated.

September 11 3 BC is the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - The Feast of Trumpets.

It is also a “symbol of the Last Trump.” ImageImage
This one might be a bit complicated to those who are not adept in understanding the esoteric symbolism behind the Babylonian mysteries.

9 in Roman numerals is IX.
11 is XI.

Together they form the Corona Saturn Gate, and also the Star of David (Star of Remphan) Image
If you haven’t guessed already, 9/11 was a Satanic blood sacrifice and inversion of the day of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Donald’s name (119) in gematria is an inversion of Jesus Christ. The ANTI-Jesus, the False Christ.

But this is a bit more advanced, moving on…
When asked if Trump has ever asked God for forgiveness, he replied that he has never asked God for forgiveness and referred to Norman Vincent Peele (33rd degree Mason)
Donald Trump was elected on 11/9 2016.

Code 119 (9/11)

666+666+6+6+6 = 2016 Image
Infamous occultist and witch Marina Abramović has stated that Donald Trump is the “Magician who will wake us all up.” And bring about an “Awakening” of some kind.
The moment that Donald Trump was born, the sun stood between the horns of Taurus, which is very significant to the ancient mysteries and is a symbol you will everywhere if you look for it. ImageImageImageImage
MAGA means “Witch.”

Maga is the feminine form of the latin word MAGUS which Latin for Sorcerer.

It is also the 5th level of High Priest in the ‘Church of Satan.’ Image
Going back to numerology, 88 seems to be very important to whoever is producing commercials and movies.
(88 continued)
More Code 119 and Code 88. ImageImageImageImage
Text Trump to “88022”

This could allude to being “Outta Time” in 2022.

Perhaps that’s when things get serious, who knows. Image
There is much more of this, but we are going to move on to another very important role that the Antichrist will have.

Some say he will need to be given the title as Moshiach (Jewish Messiah)

I think he will need to be seen as a messianic figure by at least a portion of Israel.
Here is a Shekel in Israel that shows Trump next to King Cyrus.

King Cyrus laid the framework for the second Temple of King Solomon to be built.

On the coin it says, “And He charged me to be him a House.” “To fulfill 70 years.”

On the back is the Third Temple. ImageImage
This one here is very interesting.

Lev Parnas and others talking to Trump in leaked video telling him that rabbi’s in Israel are saying he has the same numbers as MESSIAH. “It’s like miracle.”

Listen to Trump’s reaction, he loves it.
John 5:43 says,

“I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”

This was Jesus talking to the Pharisees.

The Jews rejected Christ,

Trump comes in his OWN NAME.

He puts ‘Trump’ on everything he owns.
Just found this out,

22 major arcane cards in a tarot deck are called “Trump cards.”

The magician has the analemma above his head.

Interesting when you remember how Marina Abramovic called him “the magician who wakes us all up.” Image
You’ve probably heard of Q

Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

Freemasonry was officially founded in 1717

Q followers believe Trump is the savior of mankind.

It turns out that the beliefs held by them are a repackaged version of the ancient mysteries and new age occultism. Image
You may know Michael Flynn,

He is very highly regarded amongst the “patriots.”

At an event called “Opening the Heavens” he recited an occult prayer and claimed it was a Catholic prayer.

The only other source of this prayer is from new age spiritualist Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
One of the many QAnon beliefs is Nesara/Gesara.

That is the belief that Trump only stepped down because the government will be replaced by “a New American Republic” led by Trump. Image
It claims a law that would essentially solve everyone's problems (ending disease, abolishing debt) was secretly passed by Congress but was delayed by the 9/11 attacks.

Nesara relates to the United States and Gesara is global.

They are saying a new world order led by Trump.
There is much much more on Q,

Like the Q shaman,

How Q has convinced thousands of Christians that the beast system is a good thing,

But we’ll maybe come back to that later.

You can see for yourself the occult nonsense Q followers espouse.
I want to bring to your attention the ‘Babalon Working’ ritual performed by Rocket Scientist Jack Parsons & Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard.

From Wikipedia, Image
A sex magick ritual to manifest the Ancient divine feminine ‘Babalon’ to become pregnant and birth the “Moonchild.”

Jack Parsons declared the ritual a success and a letter was sent by Crowley to Parsons on June 14 1946.

Guess who was born on this day under a lunar eclipse?
Our main character, Donald Trump. What are the odds? Image
Is Donald Trump the Moonchild spoken of by Crowley and Parsons?

Possibly, but it’s a very strange coincidence. Image
Donald Trump shares many similarities with Nimrod.

Both are builders of Towers.

Both wish to elevate themselves above even God. Image
Trump Tower is also 203 meters tall. Which is 666 feet.

Google says it is 202 m tall but New York City Architecture says 203 m (666 feet) ImageImage
This blasphemous billboard was put up in Georgia that reads,

“Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders.”

It was eventually removed after causing quite a stir. Image
This very bizarre and symbolic front cover of “The Economist” features Tarot cards with Trump sitting on top of the world on the “Judgement” card with a crown and scepter. ImageImage
I’m sure you all remember the poem that Donald loves to read at his rallies.

“You knew damn well I was a SNAKE before you took me in!”

He claims it is in reference to immigration.

We all know that is not the case, it is a poem about himself. Image
Here’s a little bit behind the symbology of Trump’s Coat of Arms and the Space Force logo. Image
Donald Trump has been destined to play the role as the “tip of the spear” that will pierce through the Corona Saturn Gate” in an attempt to usurp God. Image
Now here’s where we get into the “Two Trumps.”

Here is a video of Dick Gregory shortly before his death.

“There’s two Trumps, the one in the red tie is the real one, the one in the blue tie is not.”
This is why Trump is the 7th AND the 8th King.

“And the beast that was, and is not, euen he is the eighth, & is of the seuen, and goeth into perdition.” - Rev 17:11

Here we have much predictive programming about the Two Trumps.
More “Two Trumps” predictive programming.
Here is an episode from “The Simpsons” foreshadowing the Two Trumps.
Predictive programming on the Jimmy Fallon show on September 11th 2015 about the Two Trumps.
More “Two Trumps” predictive programming.
Donald Trump is depicted in MANY shows, movies, and commercials as having an alter ego, another version of himself. A twin, you could say.

Think about the Twin Towers and how this is all comes back full circle. Image
Here is Trump at his Hollywood Star with two fingers pointed down. Subtlety Implying there are Two Trumps. Image
The Two Trumps may be a bit confusing for some of you, as you may be wondering? Where did the other Trump come from?

To answer this question, we must talk about one of the most esoteric films about the antichrist ever made, Donnie Darko. (2001) Image
Our main protagonist in the film is Donald J. Darko. (Donnie Darko)

Donnie is a young boy who one night is awoken out of his sleep by a man dressed in a rabbit suit who instructs him to walk to a nearby golf course. Image
When Donnie arrives at the Golf Course, the rabbit (Frank) tells him,

“28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds…. That is when the world will end.”

When you add these numbers together, you get code 88. (Shocking, I know)
Donnie wakes up at the golf course and goes home to find that a plane’s jet propeller had struck his house right onto his room, where he would have died if he had not listened to Frank.

From this point on, Donnie obeys Frank, who instructs him to commit several acts of chaos.
There is much symbolism throughout the film about the eclipse, and Donnie Darko being Trump. ImageImage
This scene is very important.

Donnie is in a movie theater where he sees Frank. Notice the eclipse in the background.

Frank turns his attention to the screen and says, “Have you ever seen a portal?”

“Burn it to the ground.”
Frank represents God, and Donnie the antichrist.

The antichrist can only do what God instructs him to do, to carry out God’s will.

The portal is a wormhole that God opens on the storm day, which Donnie takes to go back in time and die in the jet crash, correcting the timeline.
So there are two Donnie’s.

The one that died in the crash, and the one that didn’t.

The one that didn’t die is the antichrist.

This movie is telling us God’s relationship with the antichrist and even lets us know who he is and how there are two Trumps.
For a much more in depth examination of the film, I recommend this Reddit post made by menorahman100 (formerly candleman100)

He is the creator of the Subreddit r/SaturnStormCube and goes much more in depth on all of this.…
So there is a lot more when it comes to Donald Trump being the antichrist.

Believe it or not in this thread we haven’t even gone through half of it.

But I believe this is enough information to stoke the curiosity to find out more for yourself.

The clues are everywhere.
I recommend checking out these YouTube channels.

“Angel White”
“Leeland Jones”
“Shaking My Head Productions”
“Solid Lion Official”
“Antichrist 45 - Brother Paul”

There are a few others but this is a good place to start.
Oh and let’s not forget that Trump called himself the “Father of the Vaccine.”

And even said he wouldn’t need to mandate vaccines, but he would “convince people.”

I will do a thread on the vaccine and how I believe it is the Mark of the beast or at least a precursor to it. ImageImage
Forgot to add this about John Trump.

He is Donald’s uncle.

He confiscated the work of Nikola Tesla on the 33rd floor.

Tesla is rumored to have had some major work on time travel…
You may have heard of the book from about A boy named Baron Trump traveling in time.

Another book from the author is called “the last president.”

Too lazy to write a lot about it. Here’s a video lol.

“A storm is coming” predictive programming in MULTIPLE films…it is inevitable.
Who can forget Trump’s cryptic remarks about “the calm before the storm.”
“And there was given unto him a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies
-Rev 13:5

Everything Donald does is “great” in his eyes.

Nobody can do anything Better than Trump according to himself.
6666 weeks in between Adolf Hitler’s day of birth and Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. Image
Very interesting. Obviously I don’t believe in reincarnation, but this is an interesting fact I found. Image
Totally not a Golden Idol or anything. Image
Why does this Blue check mark’s tweet mirror this verse in Revelation when he talks about Trump? “Is there anyone like unto him?” Image
The Death Cult of MAGA. He is chosen by God yes. But not for the reason you think. Image
Is Trump holding the Bible upside down here? You be the judge. Image
The US Capitol Building is 88m tall, Trump = 88.

It was completed exactly 216 years before Donald Trump won on 11/9 in 2016. Image
“Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Donald Trump, we’re all cut from the same cloth. And that cloth is very large.” The numbers at the end of it subtly tie into 666.
Donald Trump’s Limo is quite literally named “The Beast.” Look it up. Image
This one is very interesting. I’m starting to realize pretty much everything is actually about Trump. Image
These Indians are quite literally worshipping Trump. “Hail Trump!” “He is my God and savior!“
Trump Matriarch, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/1966. Image
Nothing unusual or occult about this. Move along. Image

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Dec 21, 2024
What if I told you there’s a growing narrative where extraterrestrial beings, channeled by New Age mystics, claim to have guided humanity for millennia, and they say Donald Trump is part of their divine plan to "awaken and expand mankind's collective consciousness."

A thread. Image
The Family of Taygeta are extraterrestrial beings from the Pleiades, channeled by a mystic named Judith.

They claim to be guiding humanity through a transformative event called ‘The Shift,’ promising peace, unity, and enlightenment.

But their teachings raise serious questions. Image
Judith, a mystic who claims to channel the Family of Taygeta, says she is the human form of Aya, the ‘Goddess of Taygeta.’

She shares messages about humanity’s ‘ascension’ to a 5D Earth and a coming ‘New Golden Age.’

But are these teachings light, or a dangerous deception? Image
Read 30 tweets
Nov 13, 2024
A new article claims that the Midrash hints that Trump could "Return Glory to the Western World by Building the Third Temple.

We’re getting closer to the final days, and everything is falling into place for Trump to be hailed as the world’s great “peacemaker.”

Let’s dive in. Image
Rabbi Berger compares Trump’s journey to that of Moses, who was revealed to Israel, then hidden, and revealed again to fulfill his ultimate purpose.

Trump, who first came to power in 2016, was “hidden” after his loss in 2020, and now, with his return, some believe he’s back to fulfill a greater role.Image
Rabbi Berger points out that in gematria (Hebrew numerology), "Donald Trump" equals 424—the same value as Moshiach ben David (Messiah, son of David).

Suggesting a symbolic connection between Trump and the concept of a messianic figure in Jewish tradition. Image
Read 7 tweets
Mar 5, 2024
A few days ago, the Israel Heritage Foundation visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago to present him with a Menorah as an award for his efforts to make peace in the Middle East.

The Menorah inscription calls Trump the "Prince of Peace."

A title prophesying the birth of Christ in Isaiah 9. Image
The Menorah cites the passage of Isaiah 9:6:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."

Here's verse 7:

"Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."Image
Interestingly enough this billboard in Georgia from 2021 has the same passage cited from Isaiah and then "joint heirs" Romans 8:17.

Which is implying that Trump shares in the glory and inheritance of Christ; to rule the world and usher in the kingdom of God on earth.

Donald in Scottish-Gaelic also literally translated to 'world ruler.'Image
Read 5 tweets
Jan 11, 2024
The Fall of The New World Order: Humanity’s coming Victory Over Darkness and the Awakening into the New Age of Lucifer’s False Light.

(Eighteen Part Mega-Thread 🧵)

(Part 1) Trump's Unconventional Presidency: A Turning Point in the Mainstreaming of the Anti-New World Order Resistance.

The Trump administration stands out as a pivotal moment in the mainstreaming of the conspiracy narrative and the emergence of the new rising gnostic army.

Given that conspiracy truthers often perceive presidents as mere puppets manipulated by globalist puppeteers, Alex Jones' endorsement of Trump marked an unprecedented shift, signaling a new direction in American politics.

In contrast to the majority of his predecessors, Trump displays a genuine interest in uncovering government secrets and conspiracies, such as the JFK assassination and even 9/11.

His clear stance against globalism, notably highlighted in his 2018 speech at the United Nations General Assembly, resonates with the concept of "ideal nationalism."

This concept, embraced by occult channeler Alice Bailey, envisions a global confederation of enlightened nations that maintain their national sovereignty and collaborate peacefully—a true application of the occult principle of unity in diversity.

Similarly, Trump's rejection of "global governance, control, and domination" aligns with Alice Bailey's disapproval of "the so-called 'New Order' of the totalitarian powers." Bailey opposed a herd-like collectivism that eroded both national and individual sovereignty.

In contrast to the disempowering vision of the Illuminati's New World Order, Bailey's vision of a global confederation comprised of enlightened and fully independent nations aims to "develop in humanity a sense of divinity," as expressed in her book "Externalization of the Hierarchy" (Pg. 193).

Following Bailey's lead, Trump is empowering leaders of other nations to resist the global threat posed by the New World Order and its demoralizing perspective on humanity.

Jerome Corsi, a contributor to Alex Jones' show Infowars and the author of "Killing the Deep State," asserts that Trump was directly recruited by the military to combat the New World Order, also known as the cabal or the deep state. Trump's commitment to 'drain the swamp' was rooted in the mission to bring globalist figures like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to justice.
(Part 2) Trump vs. The Deep State: Unveiling Coordinated Attacks and the Emergence of a Mainstream Recognition of the Deep State.

Since his presidential victory, Trump has faced relentless systemic attacks from the mainstream media and official government agencies.

These entities, suspiciously aligned in an anti-Trump campaign, have consistently labeled him as 'racist, sexist, and mentally unstable.'

Additionally, Trump has been directly targeted by the FBI and the Justice Department, accused of being a secret Russian agent who illegally won the 2016 election with Russia's assistance.

In February 2019, former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe openly admitted on 60 Minutes that he and other high-level officials had discussed removing President Trump based on mere suspicions of Russian collusion.

Despite the allegations, no concrete evidence has surfaced, and ironically, the only solid evidence that has emerged points to a coordinated anti-Trump network within the government determined to criminalize and disgrace him.

Prominent Trump supporters, including Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi, Kevin Ship, and Sean Hannity, contend that the Russian collusion accusations are nothing more than coordinated deep state tactics.

Their aim is to delegitimize Trump's presidency and hinder his efforts to prosecute cabal members for criminal activities, particularly their involvement in child sex trafficking and pedophilia.

The concept of a Deep State has long been relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory. However, the ongoing coordinated assault against President Trump has led to an increasingly mainstream acknowledgment of the Deep State, aligning with one of the three main goals of matrix disclosure, as outlined in my previous post.
(Part 3) Trump and the Q Movement: Illuminating the Alliance's Struggle Against the Deep State Cabal and the Pursuit of Paradigm-Shifting Revelations.

Trump’s significance in the fight against the New World Order or deep state cabal has also been widely recognized by a prominent figure in the great awakening known as ‘Q.’

In late October 2017, interestingly the same month of Trump’s tweet about the release of the JFK files, an anonymous user known simply as Q, presumably named after Q-level government clearance began posting cryptic messages on the popular internet message board 4 chan.

Since then, Q has made thousands of posts containing highly-classified information and sensitive government information that substantiate the conspiracy narrative including the existence of a global Satanic cult that practices p*dophilia and blood sacrifice.

Q’s posts have been inspired a rapidly growing movement that believes a radical change is imminent.

In less than two years, the Q movement has grown to such prominence as to gain the support of high-profile individuals like Rosanne Barr, Kurt Shilling, and conservative talk-show host Sean Hannity, whose radio show boasts a whopping 15 million viewers per week.

Even mainstream outlets like the New York Times, though highly critical of the movement, cannot void shining the light on Q, which gained momentum so quickly that Time Magazine named Q one of 2018’s top 25 most influential people on the internet.

By now, Trump's involvement in the Q movement has become increasingly evident.

His consistent stance against globalism, crusade against fake news, and commitment to drain the swamp align seamlessly with Q's fundamental goals.

Moreover, Trump has indirectly offered what Q followers refer to as "confirmations"—cryptic clues indicating not only his support for the movement but also his role as one of its key figures.

A significant confirmation took place in 2018.

In January of that year, a Q supporter seeking proof of Q's legitimacy and Trump's support requested that the president use the phrase "tip-top" in his speech.

Two months later, during the White House Easter Egg Roll, Trump used the phrase multiple times. The significance was underscored as he uttered it standing next to a white rabbit, a symbol of importance within the conspiracy community.

Originating from Alice in Wonderland, where a white rabbit guides Alice into Wonderland, this concept was popularized by the first Matrix film, marking the beginning of Neo's journey toward awakening.

Devotees of Q maintain that Trump, along with allies within the government (including Q), constitutes The Alliance—a coalition of government officials worldwide opposing the deep state cabal or Illuminati.

One of their primary goals is to expose and dismantle global p*dophile networks, bringing all involved individuals to justice.

Q followers also believe that Trump and The Alliance are working to unveil the most significant government secrets, including the secret space program and the existence of extraterrestrials.

According to these beliefs, these disclosures will lead to the spread of advanced technology, transforming the planet into a paradise.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 8, 2024
Proponents of the occult and agents of the beast are ultimately leading people into the lie that Christianity and the Bible are Freemasonic, Jewish psyops, that have been used for control and manipulation throughout history through the rising truther/conspiracy movement

They are ultimately leading believers into the falling away, believing that the current Zionist, Talmudic new world order also created the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and that the Gods of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is actually Satan.

They seek to lead humanity into “awakening” to this “truth”, rebelling against this current control matrix, and creating a new system by expanding our collective consciousness and realizing that “God is within.”

That we are all connected to and created by infinite consciousness and by raising our vibrations humanity will spiritually evolve into a new age of peace, prosperity, and safety.

Followers of Yahweh, the God of the Bible, will be seen as satanic agents of the Zionist cabal hindering collective spiritual growth and be terribly persecuted.

This will be the beast’s war destroying the harlot, which I believe will kick off after the abomination of desolation.

Who is Mystery Babylon, the Harlot and how does this tie into the rising truther movement and how it will set the stage for the beast kingdom?

E511 Ministries explains it best in his video, “New World Order is the Harlot, but Not the beast.”:

Let’s first look at Revelation 11:8 which speaks of the death of the two witnesses.

“And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of THE GREAT CITY, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also OUR LORD WAS CRUCIFIED.”

So obviously “that great city” is also where Our Lord was crucified.

Now keep in mind the phrase ‘the great city.’

Let’s look at Revelation 14:8,

“And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”

In Revelation 17:18 we read,

“And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

So we can see in when speaking about Babylon or the harlot, the same phrase, ‘the great city’ is also used.

In chapter 11 ‘the great city’ is identified as Jerusalem, and the great city is also used in chapters 14 and 17 when speaking of Babylon.

If we let the Bible interpret the Bible, we can’t come to any other conclusion than that the harlot of Babylon is Jerusalem.

Which also makes because Jerusalem is the only city that God would call a harlot, because it’s the only city that God ever made a Holy Covenant with.

It’s the only city that He tried to make His bride.

The martial analogy is used throughout scripture both with Jerusalem and Israel as well as the general body of believers who become part of Israel spiritually.

The body of believers, both Jew and gentile make up God’s bride.

And so there’s really no reason for God to call a city a harlot unless that city or the people of it betrayed a holy covenant with God.

And there’s only one nation God made a covenant with, which is Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.

Harlotry is not a reference to mere wicked acts, it’s specifically a reference to betrayal.

I think it’s pretty clear that Jerusalem is that great city, Babylon the harlot, the unfaithful wife who has continually betrayed her marriage with God.

And of course Jerusalem and Israel are referred to a harlot in Isaiah 1:21, Jer 2;20, 3:1-11, Ez. 16;1-43, and Gal. 4:25.

That’s what brought the day of the Lord, was their harlotry, God delivered Israel into the hands of their enemies because she played the harlot.

And so it will be at the end, when the Great day of the Lord comes in the final days and the Lord God delivers Jerusalem into the hands of her enemies.

This ties directly into this light versus dark battle that I have been talking about.
With this in mind, let’s look at Revelation 17:16-18,

“And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.”

So after reading this passage with the understanding that the harlot of Babylon is Jerusalem it all starts to fall into place.

I believe Jerusalem, that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth is a perfect description of the Jewish led new world order.

The Rothschild family for example, that has financed wars and controlled governments.

And as we hear over and over again from people like David Icke as well as Hitler, Israel is the headquarters of the new world order.

And if you’ll notice in the passage we just looked at it says that the horns of the beast which are ten kings will destroy the harlot.

This indicates two things.

First, that the harlot and the beast are not the same thing.

And secondly, that they are not united, at least not in the end.

I believe this destruction of the harlot by the horns of the beast is a biblical reference to the light versus dark occult battle that I’ve been talking about.

With the harlot (Zionist NWO) as the dark side being destroyed by the kings of the beast, who represent the light side, or the alliance, the foundation of the true beast system.

The destruction of the harlot is the luciferian victory of the light.

God is using Jerusalem’s enemies which are growing by the day as more people awaken to the reality of the NWO, to judge her, and ultimately destroy her.

So when New age occultist Alice bailey rails against “the powerful men who stand behind governments and politicians and control everything” as stated in her book “Problems of
Humanity,” she, as an agent of the beast is calling out the great harlot, who reigns over the kings of the earth.

In her book “Rays and initiations” she specifically refers to “the lying machinations of three zionists.”

The same goes for new age conspiracy truther Jordan Maxwell who has for decades been exposing the so called Babylonian system that rules the world. Which he ultimately says is being carried on today by the Jews.

Maxwell as a luciferian agent of the beast is accusing the great harlot, Jerusalem, for her wicked acts. And the deception here, propagated by the truther community that a lot of Christians have bought into, is the idea that this Jewish led NWO is the foundation of the beast system, when in reality it’s the great harlot who the horns of the beast will hate and destroy.

It’s the conspiracy and new age communities, the Alice Bailey’s, the Jordan Maxwell’s, the David icke’s, etc who are actually laying the foundation for the true beast system.

The global alliance of Israel’s enemies. The light rising up against the dark is the beast rising up against the harlot.

And the whole truther conspiracy narrative a lot of people seem to think that its Christian, but there’s no foundation for that assumption at all.

The conspiracy narrative comes from Alice bailey and Hitler, and before that the roots of it can be found in the Thule Society founded by Rudolf Von Sebottendorf, who declared that their enemy was Judah.

So the truther conspiracy narrative is ultimately pro beast propaganda.

A global alliance of Israel’s enemies that instead of exposing the beast, is actually conditioning the world to accept the true beast kingdom.

The beast will rise up as a great liberator from the wickedness of the harlot.

Now I’m certainly not suggesting there is no partnership between the harlot and the beast, afterall revelation 17 says that the beast carries the harlot.
But this doesn’t mean that the harlot controls the beast, because verse 7 says that the beast carries her, which doesn’t suggest harlot’s authority over the beast, but rather she’s merely along for the ride, and the authority she may think she has is very precarious, because we have to remember that it’s the dragon, Satan himself, who ultimately gives his authority to the beast.

And remember that no where does it say that the world follows or worships the harlot.

She has authority over the kings of the earth, but this is all taken away from her by the beast.

I believe the majority of Christians following the typical conspiracy truther narrative that we hear of over and over again, which focuses on the zionists as the human architects of the beast system are focusing on the wrong enemy.

They think that they’re exposing the beast, when in reality they’re only exposing the harlot. And by focusing so much on the harlot, many Christians will unwittingly be aligning themselves with the beast system.

Because what Satan has done through people like David Icke and Alex Jones is deceive Christians into thinking that the new world order is the beast system.

And with everyone’s eyes on the new world order, he can sneak up on everybody with the real beast.

I don’t have the tribulation timeline completely nailed down yet, but I think it’s pretty clear that by the time the Antichrist receives his authority from Satan to make war against the saints, a portion of the world’s population will have been wiped out through war, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes.

These are the red, black, and pale horses of Revelation 6, which I believe is one as the same as Christ calls the Beginning of Sorrows in Matthew 24:8.

And through the conspiracy narrative, I think a lot of people are going to conclude that all of this war, death, and disease, are being perpetrated by the Illuminati, even the earthquakes.

Because of the truther narrative is that the Illuminati supposedly have technology that can produce earthquakes. Whether or not that’s true is not entirely important.

What is important is that it’s a belief within the conspiracy community, and so I think that all of these deaths and disasters will be seen as products of the Illuminati, with their great and devastating technology that their finally using against mankind to reduce the population and create the world that they want.

New age conspiracy theorists like Stephen Greer have been telling people for years that the Illuminati want to destroy the world.

They want to bring about the destruction of the planet, and so with all of this happening, this will be confirmation of the conspiracy narrative for many people.

It will be the final indisputable proof that the Illuminati are real and they want to kill us and that something drastic must be done in order to save the human race from extinction.
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Dec 30, 2023
The Babalon Working Rituals – Aleister Crowley, The Moonchild, Sex Magick, The founding of Nasa, The Blood Moon and Donald Trump. (Thread 🧵)

The Babylon Working, also known as the Babalon Working or the Working of the Beast, was a series of magical rituals conducted by the American rocket scientist and occultist Jack Parsons and the Founder of Scientology and occultist L. Ron Hubbard in 1946.

The goal of the working was to manifest the energy of the goddess Babalon, infuse her feminine energy with masculine energy, and create the Moonchild or The Beast.

“Jet-propelled Antichrist,” as Parsons put it.

The rituals were conducted over several weeks and were part of Parsons' larger magical workings.

The rituals were conducted in the framework of the Thelemic system developed by Aleister Crowley, emphasizing the central tenet:

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

The Babalon Working aimed to bring about a specific magical and spiritual result, often interpreted as the manifestation of the divine feminine archetype, Babalon.

The specific details of the rituals conducted during the Babalon Working were not fully disclosed by Parsons and Hubbard, and there is some ambiguity and speculation surrounding the events.

Here is what we know.

These connections blew my mind.

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Jack Parsons was an American rocket engineer, chemist, and occultist.

He played a significant role in the early development of rocket technology in the United States and was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

JPL has a significant historical connection to NASA as one of its key centers for the robotic exploration of space.

At the same time of his career in Rocket Science, Parsons was deeply involved in occult and esoteric pursuits, particularly within the framework of Thelema, the spiritual philosophy developed by Aleister Crowley.

Parsons' involvement in occultism and his connection to the Babalon Working rituals are notable aspects of his life.

Jack Parsons developed an early interest in the occult and esotericism. He became involved in various magical and mystical traditions, including Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and Thelema.

Parsons was a follower of Aleister Crowley and a dedicated practitioner of Thelema, Crowley's spiritual philosophy that centers around the maxim "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

Parsons joined the Agape Lodge, the California branch of Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).

In 1946, Parsons initiated a series of magical rituals known as the Babalon Working, along with L. Ron Hubbard, who later founded the Church of Scientology.

The Babalon Working involved elements of sexual magick, including ritual sex acts, which Parsons believed could be used to generate magical power and achieve spiritual transformation. The rituals were conducted over a period of several weeks and included scrying, invocations, and ceremonial practices.

Despite the controversies and challenges in his life, Jack Parsons is remembered for his contributions to rocket science and his influential role in the early development of rocket technology.

In occult circles, he is also remembered for his unique blend of scientific and mystical interests.

The International Astronomical Union named a crater on the darks side of the moon after Parsons in 1972.

Jack Parsons' life was tragically cut short when he died in a laboratory explosion in 1952.

The reason for going into depth on this character is so that the reader may understand the impact of his legacy.

Now let’s talk about the Moonchild, the Blood Moon of 1946 and how I believe it connects to Donald Trump.

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Aleister Crowley, a prominent occultist and the founder of Thelema, introduced the concept of the "moonchild" in his esoteric writings.

The idea of the moonchild is closely connected to Crowley's magical and spiritual teachings, and it has a specific association with certain rituals, including the Babalon Working.

The moonchild, in Crowley's system, represents a being born through a magical and alchemical process known as the "operation of the magical child" or "the Great Work."

The term "moonchild" is symbolic and carries several layers of meaning within the context of Thelema and Crowleyan occultism:

The concept of the moonchild involves alchemical transformation, symbolizing the spiritual evolution and attainment of a higher state of consciousness.

It reflects the idea of transcending the limitations of the material world and achieving a more refined and spiritually advanced existence.

(If you’ve been following my work this will all sound very familiar to you.)

The creation of the moonchild represents the union of opposites, particularly the union of male and female energies.

This concept aligns with the alchemical principle of achieving balance and harmony between opposing forces, leading to a state of unity and enlightenment.

The process of creating the moonchild often involves sexual magick, a form of ritualistic and sacred sexuality.

Sexual energy is harnessed and directed toward magical and spiritual purposes, contributing to the alchemical transformation and the birth of the moonchild.

The Babalon Working ritual is closely associated with the concept of the moonchild in Crowley's system.

The goal of the Babalon Working was to invoke the goddess Babalon, who, in Thelema, is associated with the divine feminine and represents powerful and transformative energies, merging with masculine sexual energy.

In the context of the Babalon Working, the rituals were designed to facilitate the incarnation or manifestation of the moonchild, symbolizing a new level of spiritual consciousness and evolution.

The rituals included elements of sexual magick, scrying, and ceremonial practices.
Now let’s talk about the June 14, 1946 Blood Moon and how it relates to Donald Trump.

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