The fact is, if we don't live in a democracy, then we need to overthrow the government.
But the Left just isn't going to overthrow the U.S. government. If anyone does that, it'll be the Right.
This is just another case of liberals LARPing as if they're revolutionary, when in fact they're largely the institution. This is not the 70s. SCOTUS is an aberration; most institutions in this country are solidly liberal now.
By delegitimizing the government -- by claiming that we have no democracy to defend -- liberals merely play into the hands of the rightists who want to *actually* overthrow the government and actually abolish democracy.
It's just not a good move.
Anyway I wrote a post about this, elaborating on my thoughts and bringing in some data.
Also note that although there are some regional effects visible here, almost all of this is just per capita GDP. As countries get richer their values almost always change in very very predictable ways, no matter what region they're a part of.
I spent hours today going through the details of every single one of the 25 killings associated with the Floyd protests, and concluded that maybe half of them could be construed as violence between pro-BLM and anti-BLM people.
That half includes all killings of cops (of which there were none, though one retired ex-cop was killed during a robbery), and killings by cops (of which there were four).
What's really weird to me is that there was basically no good pro-Bernie music or art that I ever saw. With all his fired-up youth support I would have expected a lot more utopian music and art.
A utopian movement needs art of some sort to inspire people. The inspirational power of pie charts and line graphs seems inherently limited.