@SamGrishamArts TRUTH THREAD (by the numbers) Yup and stop believing the hype that kills folks into thinking this is not who 3/4ths of the White population in America is about and has been about for as far back as the eye can see only changing costumes and language for public display and
It's a fact that White America has NEVER, NOT FOR ONE DAY made the changes necessary in reality to make real CRA, VRA & FHA and all that goes with it (including undermining Brown v. Board of Topeka via tax based public school funding etc) a pragmatic
What DEMS and White semi-liberal America refuses to see is that 3/4ths WP will NEVER vote away their own or their kids White privilege and power and the action the last 60 years proves it.
White Supremacy racism and misogyny are sadistic and corrupt, yet fixing that sadistic corrupt system that WP today did not create equally demands they relinquish the ill-gotten benefits of that macabre system; something that has always been
@SamGrishamArts deferred via a number of false premises with a primary one being "I didn't do it" which speaks to none of the responsiblities to fix it.
But that's exactly the point of spouting such nonsense in the first place.
My mama told me: "if you want to know the truth about
@SamGrishamArts anything don't listen to what people say watch what they do.
And if you want to know why, look at the CBA over time b/c people with the upper hand do not bend to towards fairness and self correction.
To maintain such a thing requires a degree of selfish cruelty and
@SamGrishamArts irrationality you'll never reason with & perhaps never even understand but lived reality is meted out accordingly (meaning given in larger portion to those with privilege & power who are loath to give it up in the interests of fairness)."
The 1/4 the of White people that
@SamGrishamArts value Democracy in more than name alone (meaning more than their privileges and power that automatically comes with being born White) would be wise to grasp these very simple truths.
You can't change crap if you pretend/delude yourselves into thinking it's something
(and pardon my plain spokeness but truly the sugar coated diplomatic speak that passes for explaintions more often than not leaves a lot for room for WP to wriggle this way and that with their next new set of excuses denials and plausible
@SamGrishamArts deniabilities till the cows come home all while doing nothing to actually change what's so obviously toxic to actual Democracy & every American and so here we are which is not at all surprising to me, but I'm a WOC with 20+ years
@SamGrishamArts behind me researching & tracking systemic White Supremacy). And these are my two cents for what it's worth!
@BwanaLawFirm@duty2warn It's my understanding (tho you'd know way more) that it's an impeachable offense for a SCOTUS nominee to lie to congress when being vetted for an appointment and if found to have merit that is grounds for removal. What I don't know and can't find is if any of the rulings
@BwanaLawFirm@duty2warn pertaining to case law they lied about could be reversed after the fact. I'd think despite any reasonable interpretation of questions asked during the current case, until a ruling over turning Roe v. Wade is handed down, there is no way to find impeachable grounds as the
@BwanaLawFirm@duty2warn ruling itself would be the decisive evidence. I also believe the SCOTUS 5 will stack the deck meaning Roberts (no one ever believes me when I tell them Roberts is positively diabolical but he is) will write the majority opinion in such a way as to appear to have arrived at a
TRUTH THREAD (by the numbers) Yup and stop believing the hype that kills folks into thinking this is not who 3/4ths of the White population in America is about and has been about for as far back as the eye can see only changing costumes and language for public display and 1/
It's a fact that White America has NEVER, NOT FOR ONE DAY made the changes necessary in reality to make real CRA, VRA & FHA and all that goes with it (including undermining Brown v. Board of Topeka via tax based public school funding etc) a pragmatic
reality in the daily lives of Af-Am or POC.
What DEMS and White semi-liberal America refuses to see is that 3/4ths WP will NEVER vote away their own or their kids White privilege and power and the action the last 60 years proves it.
@aspieleftist I had one of those too! But I'm not necessarily talking kids at home (0-18 yrs old). Surely no kid then or over 18 (and they are kids to me till about 30) ever badmouths their parents/grandparents or parents/grandparents generation; not to friends peers teachers colleagues
@aspieleftist coworkers BF, GF, husbands wives????
I can guarantee you whether it's deserved or not, that is a universal thing that goes on.
Why? Because we are all looking at a different landscape in time and none of us did this perfectly and we've all failed to do a good many more things
@aspieleftist than we did. If we can't start on that ground, there's no honestly to be had.
Moreover Life is certainly isn't over so there's many more chances to do better but what is so wrong with actually saying “yeah my gen dropped the ball on this & that and you are living with the
@KemtrupTweets@Roland_SKS I think arguing or disagreeing with how a patient describes or defines an experience is wholly unproductive and sinks therapy because now you're getting into your clinical philosophy vs their lived experience. Therapy and healing are ultimately subjective processes sometimes
@KemtrupTweets@Roland_SKS predicated upon relatively objective events and sometimes intrapsychic ones. If you've ever sunk deep into depression, had your body & mind hyjacked by Bi-polar mania/depression decompensated into schizophrenia type episodes, been homeless that's truamatic tho many therapists
@KemtrupTweets@Roland_SKS would not regard those events alone as truamatic; BUT THEY ATE and the fear of loosing the ground you later
gained equally real in terms of aviodence change in world view etc. Further if you are a White man or woman you should really reconsider what you think qualifies as
For members, loyalty to White Supremacist Federalist
Society(FS) comes before anything else; before the Constitution the Law etc and because these folks have been POSITIONED ALL OVER US FED GOV ACROSS MULTIPLE ADMINS it's hard to do anything they don't agree too. This is not 1/
conspiracy, this is fact. FS folks position themselves as somewhat neutral to keep getting appointed admin after admin and even DEMS nominate these folks as they keep their noses clean until the time comes when...... When you stand back and consider that they DO NOT SHOW
THEIR HAND UNTIL THE HEAT IS ON it really does look as if these folks function much like sleeper cells, each with their own task within their own domain and they're very good at covering their a-ses when called before congress as the GOP kicks up a huge dirtpile duststorm to
@MamurphyMaureen@sandibachom@jennycohn1@donwinslow@January6thCmte@ZevShalev For members, loyalty to White Supremacist Federalist
Society(FS) comes before anything else; before the Constitution the Law etc and because these folks have been POSITIONED ALL OVER US FED GOV ACROSS MULTIPLE ADMINS it's hard to do anything they don't agree too. This is not
@MamurphyMaureen@sandibachom@jennycohn1@donwinslow@January6thCmte@ZevShalev conspiracy, this is fact. FS folks position themselves as somewhat neutral to keep getting appointed admin after admin and even DEMS nominate these folks as they keep their noses clean until the time comes when...... When you stand back and consider that they DO NOT SHOW
@MamurphyMaureen@sandibachom@jennycohn1@donwinslow@January6thCmte@ZevShalev THEIR HAND UNTIL THE HEAT IS ON it really does look as if these folks function much like sleeper cells, each with their own task within their own domain and they're very good at covering their a-ses when called before congress as the GOP kicks up a huge dirtpile duststorm to