Of course Elsevier's "enhanced pdf viewer" tracks where you click, view, if you hide the page, etc. and then transmits a big base64 blob of events along with ID from University proxy when you leave. I'm sure straight to SciVal for sale.
Is this the way we want science to work?
genuinely sad that avoiding/gaming surveillance to keep your Bench Performance Rankings in the fundable range might have to become part of basic scientific training.
Firefox tracking protection & ublock origin seems to protect against all the trackers I can see
can't protect against all, or even most tracking even if you manage to block all tracking HTTP requests. eg. Springer's viewer doesn't serve the whole PDF, just individual pages as you scroll. link clicks (citations, etc) could be used for document position too.
fediverse just hits different !/
gonna cause a whole damn research hype bubble by hiring a botnet to open and close a pdf a billion times a second
this might read like a joke now but I am making another I Hereby Call Botnet Manipulation Of Scientific Algorithmic Recommendation Products
in their shareholder statements, they list "customer acceptance of products," or "people starting to figure out the scam" as a major strategic risk. i think we should make it risky.
(p62: web.archive.org/web/2021120408… )
sorry, late in the thread, but in case it wasn't clear: the purpose of Elsevier's acquisition of Mendeley was to extend this same surveillance across the whole scientific workflow. See also: SNSI -> RA21 -> SeamlessAccess
I have started mapping the publisher surveillance/propaganda network using @obsdmd here, and would love to have collaborators/pull requests ❤️ github.com/sneakers-the-r…
as usual, librarians, library scientists & information scientists are way ahead of the rest of us on this and should be our close allies
it's that proclaimin' hour: the more I learn about the lineage of each, the more I think a blending of the open science, semweb/linked data, and piracy communities would be an extremely healthy thing for the human knowledge ecosystem. but I still don't know much much they talk rn
the semweb/ld people are maybe a decade ahead of the open science people on the cultural burnout from purity/overpromising vs. tooling to make it real problem. the piracy people are maybe 15y ahead on incentive systems for uploading data and decentralized curation of metadata
if academia was as nimble as infosec, it would pick off the admins, sysops, and moderators of private BitTorrent trackers: they built what we're trying to build a decade ago and did it at the scale of the entirety of human culture, not just one scientific subdiscipline.
"practicality" might have been the worst choice of word possible here. I meant as compared to maybe "ineffability," favoring embracing folk knowledge. In this context it means vs. idealism, academic impossibility. humbling how the meaning flips over such a small cultural divide
I was using linked data here as if it were a near-synonym for semantic web, a subconcept of the broader idea: that's how I've heard it used. but to some people in these communities it is an opposing idea, a reaction against semweb. so close and yet so far
the variation in reaction is instructive: some hear semweb as the totalizing ontology part (it's impossible, it failed), some as the technology and its effects (thriving under different names!) some hear it as the syntax and standards of triplets and beyond (still don't know!!)
Today we're releasing Autopilot - a Python framework for performing complex behavioral experiments by distributing them over swarms of Raspberry Pis. Let me tell you how we've rewritten what you should consider possible in your experiments /1
site: auto-pi-lot.com
We think that to make transformative progress in understanding the brain, we need to study complex, naturalistic behavior. We know we're not alone there, but the technical demands of these experiments start to sound almost comical: eg. how hard would it be for you to... /2
measure pupil dilation, respiration, and running speed; track the position of a dozen points in 3d, record hundreds of channels of ephys while an animal performs some complex task in a virtual reality space that you render in real time? /3