Fact - The new German government has decided that 14 million people can no longer go to shops, cafes, travel on public transport, meet friends other than close family etc.
This is 20% of the adult population in Germany who are now no longer normal citizens.
Why ?
Because these 20% reject a medical procedure that has not been proven to be effective and is unsafe.
1. V@x doesn’t prevent disease. 2. No thorough testing of v@x 3. Min 10s of 000s AR’s globally.
But the Ger. gov wants to make free thinking German people surrender to dictatorship from Berlin.
Nuremburg code doesn’t allow unwanted medical procedures. Crimes against humanity.
Prof. Burkhard, shortly before his tragic death gave a presentation in which he said that the tissue lesions his pioneering work identified in vax victims could have equally well been caused by toxic LNPs as the 'spike protein'. Why all the focus on SP? odysee.com/@shortXXvids:e…
Like many scientists & doctors opposing the jabs, Burkhardt believed the 'vaccine narrative' i.e. the technology can induce cellular expression of '
spikes & that there is an overlap of action of the 'virus' & the injections.
But others have questioned the expression story ...
Notably, Dr. Tom Cowan provides compelling argumentation that there's no direct measurement evidence of 'spikes' in vaccinated blood. Using a non-specific antigen test for inferred presence is a very weak standard of proof. odysee.com/@shortXXvids:e…
Data was shared today in this meeting showing a significant drop in live births across all European countries in 2022 vs previous year (on average 7%). Analysis of data from Sweden and Germany shows drop in birth rate starts 9 months after vaccination wave started in 2021.
In particular - “On what basis did EMA say that injections can be given to pregnant women?” There was absolutely no toxicity testing done of the adjuvants in the concoction. “What’s been done in Europe is illegal & needs to be rectified asap.” High lipid concentration in ovaries.
In a new variant of the murder mystery game Cluedo, Miss Scarlet (fit & only 33 yrs old) received an injection & was found dead in her bed next morning. No traditional murder weapon was found but a pathology report noted that a novel molecule was detected in her damaged heart.
This novel entity, called the ‘spike protein’ (SP) was declared to be the murder weapon. It became the default explanation to account for new phenomena such as SADS, myocarditis etc. It even has a magical and easy to apply test used to evidence its presence (more on that later).
But why did the pathologists, in their forensic approach consider only this novel entity (which admittedly does look like it could be used as a murder weapon)? It turns out that they were tipped off to look for it by the weapon manufacturer’s beguiling story.
Here is our status on the 'Baby Will' vaccinated blood legal battle in New Zealand which has captured much attention in the last few days. We'll update this again as soon as we hear the judge's verdict. coronacases.wiki/index.php/wiki…
Just saw this ... thanks @angelovalidiyaangelovalidiya.substack.com/p/baby-will-mu…
... apparently are all property of the state now who will decide what is best for us and our children. A disgusting and unbelievable verdict from an ignorant judiciary.
Our 2nd & final thread in a review of key findings of pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt, a notable pioneer in the histological investigation of tissue/cell damage from the m-RNA injections. English subtitled video(s) and a transcript can be found here: docs.shortxxvids.com/burkhardt_anal…
The first thread, for anyone who missed it, can be found here. Please note that since this thread, all translation questions were kindly resolved by Prof. Burkhardt himself & the text has been supplemented with additional definitions of medical terms.
These threads were created in collaboration with Saji Hameed, professor for Climate Science at the Aizu University in Fukushima & I want to acknowledge his great contributions and insights brought to presenting key aspects of Burkhardt's findings.
Yesterday the Saturday street demo took place in Frankfurt. Corona policy is no longer a key theme at these events but Ukraine war, digital passes, CBDCs & attack on German ‘Mittlestand’ are at the fore. This event attracted a few hundred ppl vs a few thousands 9-12 months ago.
The German author and prominent Corona critic, Thorsten Schulte was present and spoke throughout the event. He was just back from a trip to Switzerland and seemed hopeful that the Swiss would reject existing v@x mandate legislation in an upcoming peoples vote in Feb.
This demo had support from half a dozen farm tractors which the organisers had wanted to lead the street procession. However, the police would not allow this, citing insufficient officers to manage the traffic control, so the tractors trailed - a pity but still good to see them.