So he's still pushing racist disinformation and should be called on it. Of course I have very little faith in most of my colleagues to have the tits to do that sort of thing
I mean I told everyone about the grifters. I tried to warn the conspiracy theorists they were being taken for a ride and weaponized for political purposes. I warned about the bowels of the "alternative medicine" internet, where people give their kids hydrogen peroxide enemas... now, all I can do is laugh at everyone as they eat fucking landfill dirt and whatever the hell other vile shit they're putting in their body as they merrily A/B test themselves into further insanity. But remember this, mainstream American press: You treated these people as
It's very easy to find with those search terms to verify it for yourself. Here's the link.
This is what Facebook, or @Meta, or whatever stupid bullshit that creepy platform is calling itself to try to distance itself from its ongoing sins, is allowing -- encouraging, even.
Thread. I joined the San Diego SPJ board to try to get journalists to join forces against what Facebook was doing to our industry in 2018. I discovered instead that SPJ's national board (which is heavy with San Diego people) is taking money from Facebook, and has been for years.
When I brought up my concerns about Facebook and its influence on journalism, my fellow board members laughed like I had made an especially funny joke. "Find us alternative ways to get money then if you're so smart," was pretty much the attitude I was met with.
What's especially great about this video is that because they are always so inauthentic anyway it's impossible to tell whether this is a poorly acted bit
Yep! I can no longer remember this guy's name but I can tell you that during a brief stay in San Diego he did try to stick his gross and much older than me tongue in my mouth when I was just a lil wee one going by "Producer Brooke" at the rock radio cluster in 97 or so