It should be noted that a ‘Covid death’ is a meaningless statistic because in the fake world of Corona testing $cience, Corona deaths can be misattributed. I cannot think why more people would die of the flu in the EU vs UK! The only deaths that really count are Excess deaths.
#NoVaccinePassports spot on but not because it correlates with fake ‘Covid death’ numbers from fake @OurWorldInData digital pandemic creators. COVID is the illusion to fool the world while the digital-financial complex works its agenda behind the scenes.…
@profnfenton has also given us a timely reminder of the importance of applying scientific rigour in using the right metrics. Forget Covid, see that all the $cience and $tatistics carefully spun around it are gigantic lies and much starts to become clear.
The sooner people aware of the diversionary Covid scam perpetrated on the world by mass misuse of molecular testing to misattribute ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ the more energy will be release to focus on ensuring #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere and defeating the digital financial monster.
Don’t be diverted from clear view of what’s going on in the world by being influenced in ‘us vs them’ e.g. GB vs EU arguments, spun & spun in the media. Think & act Global not parochial. Freedom loving people of the world are one & must think like the globalists to defeat them.
The greedy globalists launched a massive propaganda & brainwashing campaign to ‘think globally, act locally’. It sounds good doesn’t it? But they themselves do not really do this do they? They think global & they ACT globally. So we must organise exactly the same to defeat them.
It must also be understood that the slogan ‘Think global, act local’ (which understandably finds resonance in people’s community spirit) would be OK in a world where free markets were operating. But where markets are massively manipulated by unseen forces it doesn’t work at all.
So, to close the circle, the solution to all of this - there needs to be a different re-set to the one envisaged by globalists. A reset to freedom of markets requiring freedom of people and protection of inalienable rights. This cannot happen unless - #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere
Bhakdi talking now on Doctors 4 Covid Ethics hosted by
The vaccines don't work & could never work - explained in a way that a 6 year old child could understand. The art of communication exemplified.
Pathology of 15 vaccinated people who died following injection now being presented now by pathologist, Prof. Arne Burkhardt. Inflamed cells (swollen nuclei) evidenced in heart muscle is associated with vaccine. Brain cells also damaged.
'Lymphocytic infiltrations' (nodules) were found in several organs and tissue of the body; kidney, liver, uterus, skin.
Just back from my weekly visit to the local outdoor market for food provisioning. I felt that this week there were more people not wearing masks & with that encouragement, decided to risk entering a small electrical shop to purchase a replacement light bulb. Such mundane trivia -
of daily life has huge potential to become high drama during peak craziness Corona times in Germany. I crossed the threshold into 'safe' 2G space of the shop interior with great trepidation (being maskless & not injected with exp'tl gene substances or PCR certified 'recovered' -
Inside the shop, I stayed carefully out of view of the shop assistant serving a customer in front of me. Then another customer, a masked lady, entered the shop and spotted me. She immediately went on the attack with "Warum tragen Sie keine Maske?"(Why aren't you wearing a mask?)
Fact - The new German government has decided that 14 million people can no longer go to shops, cafes, travel on public transport, meet friends other than close family etc.
Demo in Frankfurt am Main this afternoon. A large number of people gathered in the city at different locations this. Ca 10-15 minutes after start a massive # police arrived in vans and announced demo cancelled / cleared assembly areas. Some tiny groups left for filming by MSM!
Police allowed March to start but insisting masks worn and 1.5 m distancing of demonstrators.
After moving only about 200m down the street everything stopped and police announced people must disperse. Many returned to the assembly area, a park, to find it had been ringed with police vans. A massive number of police showed up. I have never seen anything like this before.
A brilliant human rights legal result for Dr. Sam White vs. UK General Medical Council who months ago placed him under a legal order not to post his medical opinions on Covid on social media (this after he'd resigned his post in dismay of NHS treatments).…
Excellent work @Francis_Hoar to achieve this win for inalienable rights of free expression which have come under such unimaginable censorship in C-19 era. We aim to have all details this landmark UK case posted very soon on our new 'CoronaCases' website
An interview of Dr White with Reiner Fuellmich in early September. It is a testament to the character of a good doctor who questions what he is being asked to do & puts the well being of his patients above all else. A beacon of light in dark days of NHS.…
Many people have asked for status & details of legal actions. We are addressing this unmet need with a new site Our vision for this site is to be a central data base for a globally representative documentation of legal actions past, present and future ....
The site is principally conceived to help lawyers learn from and re-apply what has worked to bring justice to victims of the illegal Corona measures. It is also there to inform the public of the progress to obtain justice. As well as country specific case summaries we provide ...
a variety of featured cases, videos, articles and useful links etc to put the legal efforts and challenges into perspective. We have already learned that in many countries, the judiciary has become corrupted and is not in a fit state to give a fair hearing to Corona cases ...