I’m fascinated by how founders generate business ideas.
I think I’ll start hosting a regular conversation where I dive deep with 1-2 successful founders on the idea generation process that led to their startup.
Who’s interested?
What would be the best format for the discussions?
Idea would be to keep it short (<30 minutes) and extremely tactical.
The Lindy Effect is a useful framework for evaluating the durability and life expectancy of a technology or idea.
Here's a very simple breakdown:
1/ Let's start with a definition.
The Lindy Effect is a theory that the future life expectancy of specific non-perishable items—like a technology or idea—is proportional to their age.
Simply, the longer it has already lasted, the higher the likelihood it will continue to last.
2/ The term "Lindy Effect" is a reference to Lindy’s—a New York deli frequented by comedians in the 1960s.
While author Albert Goldman used the term "Lindy's Law" in a 1964 article, it was mathematician Benoit Mandlebrot who shifted the dialogue towards the current definition.