Sahil Bloom Profile picture
Exploring my curiosity and sharing what I learn along the way. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land.
Ella Sanders Profile picture Dennis Shanahan Profile picture Token valuation Profile picture Ken Tancrous Ⓥ 🌱 Tough Trader 🔀 Profile picture 664 subscribed
Jun 17 11 tweets 3 min read
The silent productivity killer you've never heard of...

Attention Residue (and 4 strategies to fight back): Image The concept of "attention residue" was identified by Dr. Sophie Leroy in 2009.

The idea is simple:

There is a cognitive cost to shifting your attention from one task to another. When our attention is shifted, a "residue" remains and impairs our performance on the new task.
Jun 10 9 tweets 3 min read
In 1958, a 20-year-old Hunter S. Thompson wrote a letter to a friend with his advice on finding his life purpose.

It is a work of art.

5 brilliant lessons on finding purpose (everyone should read this): Image Lesson 1: Avoid the Perils of Advice

Using someone else's map of reality to navigate your terrain is risky.

My advice (ironic, I know): When giving or receiving advice, focus on the general, not the specific.

Take the general, wrestle with it, and make it specific to you. Image
May 24 10 tweets 2 min read
This is the best thing you will read all week...

A beautiful true story, written by a woman named Pam Kearney, on the impact of even the most tiny, inconsequential actions... Image Teddy Roosevelt once said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

Every single day, you will face moments when you'll feel completely helpless—unable to move or create the necessary momentum to improve the situation.

In these moments, you have a decision to make:
May 19 14 tweets 5 min read
Ok, random interesting experience yesterday that I want to share:

Playing in the backyard with my son, when I notice some bees flying around a tree.

Take my son inside and get closer to investigate.

Here's what I saw (and what I learned): Let me preface this by saying two things:

1. I hate bees. Got stung by too many wasps and hornets while playing barefoot as a kid.

2. I know nothing about the different types of bees.

Worried about my kid getting stung, so I start looking for exterminators.
May 18 11 tweets 3 min read
10 differences between amateurs and professionals:

1. Amateurs make it look effortful, Professionals make it look effortless.

Effortless, elegant performances are the result of a large volume of effortful, gritty practice. Small things become big things.

(thread) 2. Amateurs love the prize, Professionals love the process.

You’ll never make it if the view at the summit is the only thing motivating you to climb. The hunt has to be just as exciting as the meal at the end.

Professionals truly fall in love with the process.
May 13 17 tweets 4 min read
My Anti-To-Do List

(15 things I want to avoid on a daily basis)

1. Do not complain about anything.

If the thing is within your control, then go do something about it. If the thing is out of your control, then it's just a waste of energy to complain about it.Image 2. Don't allow negative people to steal your energy.

Stop avoiding difficult conversations. Embrace the need to remove toxicity from your life.

3. Do not allow more than 2 hours of inactivity.

Get up and go for a walk. Do a few pushups or lunges. Move your body regularly.
May 11 13 tweets 3 min read
These 7 questions changed my life...

(ask them and they may change yours): Image 1. If I repeated this day for 100 days, would my life be better or worse?

You live your life zoomed in. It makes it difficult to assess your course.

Force a zoom out:

How would your actions from a typical day compound?

Would they steer you off course?

Adjust accordingly.
May 9 19 tweets 4 min read
Last weekend, I attended Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting in Omaha.

It was an incredible experience.

9 ideas from the event that I can't stop thinking about: 1. Go where you don’t belong.

One truth I’ve learned over and over again in my life: Good things happen when you put yourself in rooms where you don’t feel like you belong.

Remember: That feeling of uncertainty, fear, and discomfort is usually a sign of growth.
May 8 11 tweets 2 min read
This may be the best definition of success I've ever come across...

Here are Ralph Waldo Emerson's 9 Pillars of Success: Image Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote the following passage on his definition of success:

I'd break this down into nine items... Image
May 6 15 tweets 3 min read
In 2009, Stanford business professor Tina Seelig split her class into groups and issued a challenge:

Each group had $5 and 2 hours to make the highest return on the money.

At the end, they'd give a short presentation on their strategy.

What happened next was fascinating: Image Most of the groups followed a simple approach:

• Use the $5 to buy a few items.
• Barter or resell those items.
• Repeat
• Sell final items for (hopefully) more than $5.

These groups made a modest return on their initial $5.
Apr 30 9 tweets 2 min read
Here's the secret of the most charismatic people in the world...

The 3 Levels of Listening: Image I used to think that being charismatic meant talking the most.

I was wrong.

Charisma is about being interested, not interesting. Charismatic people are present and engaged.

They are exceptional listeners.

I recently learned that there are three levels of listening:
Apr 27 27 tweets 3 min read
Your entire life will change the moment you...

(thread) Your entire life will change the moment you…

Stop gathering more information and start acting on the information you already have.
Apr 23 10 tweets 2 min read
I can't stop thinking about this idea...

The 3 Types of Friends:

(everyone should read this) Image The idea originates from Tyler Perry (portraying his wise Madea alter ego).

It's a brilliant framing for thinking about your relationships.

There are three types of people in your life:

1. Leaves
2. Branches
3. Roots

Here's what they look like...
Apr 20 12 tweets 3 min read
The secret to success that no one tells you about...

Avoiding the Compound Mistake:

(thread) Image Let's begin by referencing the image made famous by Atomic Habits.

While most of the dialogue focuses on the 1% better every day, which results in a ~38x improvement, the 1% worse every day is just as important:

It effectively zeroes you out—it knocks you out of the game...
Apr 17 15 tweets 6 min read
I challenged myself to cold plunge every morning for 100 straight days.

- Three different continents
- Several frozen rivers and lakes
- Dozens of hotel bathtubs
- One icy shower at 40,000 feet

10 lessons learned from 100 days in the cold:

(a video thread) Image Lesson 1: Discipline is about what you do on the days when you feel like crap.

It's easy to be disciplined and consistent when you feel great.

It's hard when you feel like crap.

Those are the days when you remind yourself that you are a winner.
Apr 16 12 tweets 3 min read
This idea changed my life (and may change yours)...

The Law of Reversed Effort: Image In a Zen parable that I love, a martial arts student approaches his teacher and asks, "How long will it take me to master this craft?"

The teacher replies, "10 years."
Apr 14 4 tweets 1 min read
Advice from a mentor that changed my life:

There’s no such thing as a perfect moment. There are just moments—and you decide what you make of them. Waiting for the “perfect moment” is just a convenient, socially-acceptable excuse to hide from the thing that scares you.

Trust me, I’ve lived it.
Mar 3 5 tweets 3 min read
My entire life changed because of a leap of faith.

There are a lot of people out there who feel stuck, but trust me, you don't have to stay that way.

If you want to take a leap, here's exactly how I'd do it:

The change you want to make in life scary because of two asymmetries:

1. Information Asymmetry: You know exactly what this path looks like, but very little about what the other path looks like.

2. Evidence Asymmetry: You have abundant evidence that you can make it on this path, but very little evidence that you can make it on the other path.

To break through the fear and take the leap:

Step 1: Gather Information

The first step is to solve the information asymmetry.

The questions you should be asking (and answering):

What does the new path look like? Visualize it in detail.

How reversible is a decision to take this new path?

Note: Most people underestimate the reversibility of a big decision. You assume that if you leave your consulting firm, you'll never be able to get another job in consulting. That is usually patently false. Most of these career decisions are reversible.

What case studies exist on successful (or unsuccessful) execution?

What perspectives can you learn from people with real, earned experience on the new path?

Are there any examples of people who have made a similar shift to what you are considering? What can you learn from them?

If you use a thoughtful process to gather information, you'll balance the information asymmetry and shorten the gap considerably.

Step 2: Create Evidence

The second step is to solve the evidence asymmetry.

While still on your current path, you need to create tangible proof that you can build a life on the other side.

What proof points can you generate of your ability to execute?

• Find one customer for your prospective new venture.
• Make $100 selling something on the internet.
• Generate a few client leads to your new coaching practice.

The tiny wins build momentum and help solve the evidence asymmetry.

Step 3: Confront the Fear

Gathering information and creating evidence should get you most of the way there.

But the fear still exists.

Here's how to address it:

1. Reframe the fear as a good thing: It means you care, it means this is something that matters.

2. Deconstruct the downside of action: What is the worst that could happen? How bad is it, really?

3. Deconstruct the upside of action: What is the best that could happen? How great is it?

4. Deconstruct the regret: How much would you regret inaction when you're 90-years-old? Could you live with that regret?

As Seneca famously wrote, "We suffer more in imagination than in reality."

These steps get the fear out of your imagination and force it into reality.

Your Player's Guide to the Leap of Faith

There's never going to be a perfect moment to make a dramatic change.

The leap of faith isn't for everyone, but if you follow this general process, you'll be well-positioned if you decide to jump.

1. Gather information
2. Create evidence
3. Confront the fear

I hope this helps a few people out there take that leap they've been too afraid to face.

A new life is on the other side... The most important piece here:

Recognizing the fear as a byproduct of the information/evidence asymmetry.

It turns something abstract into a solvable problem.
Feb 27 4 tweets 2 min read
4 principles I use to structure my workday:

1. Match energy to output
2. Move
3. Leverage Parkinson's Law
4. Presence is everything

Come along behind the scenes as I walk through my typical workday to see how I manage my time.

I'll break down the 4 core principles I use to structure my day, which you can steal and adapt to level up your life.

Full video here: The Bloom Boys triumphantly posing with the snowman we made in this video. Image
Feb 18 9 tweets 3 min read
The details of my morning routine...

5 science-backed principles to win every single day:

In this video, you'll come along with me as I walk you through every detail of my morning routine, explaining exactly what I do and why I do it.

I break down the 5 core principles you can implement to create the perfect morning routine that works for you:

1. 15 minutes of prep the night before
2. Wake up at the same time
3. Give yourself a jolt of energy
4. Focused sprint on priority tasks
5. Move your body

Watch the full video here: I cover it in the video, but if you struggle with energy in the morning, try my 5-5-5-30 method when you get out of bed:

• 5 push-ups
• 5 squats
• 5 lunges per leg
• 30-second plank

It’ll give you a natural energy boost.

It just plain works.
Feb 7 5 tweets 10 min read
In 2023, I ran 2:57:31 in my first marathon 6 months after I started running.

In 2024, I'm training to run a sub-2:50 marathon while building strength and muscle mass.

Here's the exact training plan I'm using:

Note: Long post, so bookmark it for future reference.

I’ll split this post into four main areas:

1. Running
2. Lifting
3. Nutrition
4. Recovery

Let’s walk through each area…

1. Running

My basic weekly structure involves 6 runs:

- 3 easy runs
- 1 track speed workout
- 1 tempo run
- 1 long run

Easy runs range from 3-10 miles and are all done to maintain Zone 2 HR (under 150 for me, ideally in 125-145 range). These build the base engine and avoid injury from overuse because they are low intensity and easier on the body. Keeping the easy runs easy is key.

Track speed workouts generally involve a 1-2 mile warmup jog followed by 4-8 miles of track work (starting on the low end of that and building up over time). This is usually a combination of 800s (two laps around a standard track) or 400s (one lap), though occasionally includes 1200s or 1600s as well. Rest periods between the work sets are typically 1-3 minutes.

A standard track workout I do is 8 x 800m with a 400m slow jog to recover between rounds. Another standard track workout is 10 x 400m with a 1 minute slow jog between each round.

Tempo runs are harder middle distance (6 to 12 mile) road runs done at or near anaerobic threshold HR (peak HR before it burns too much to battle through). Usually a 1-2 mile warm up and then the rest of the miles at hard effort (at or better than goal marathon pace). These build the top end effort and are generally representative of the HR exertion level on race day.

Long runs range from 10-22 miles and generally incorporate easy miles (low HR, low intensity) and tempo miles (high HR, high intensity). As I build closer to the marathon, these long runs will be 18-22 miles with at least half of the miles done at or faster than my goal marathon race pace. For now, they are ~10-14 miles as I focus on base building.

So a standard week early in my training cycle right now looks like this:

- Monday: 4 mile easy run
- Tuesday: 6 mile track speed workout
- Wednesday: 4 mile easy run
- Thursday: 4 mile easy run
- Friday: 6 mile tempo run
- Saturday: Off
- Sunday: 14 mile long run

By the peak of my training, the weeks will build to something like this:

- Monday: 8 mile easy run
- Tuesday: 10 mile track speed workout
- Wednesday: 8 mile easy run
- Thursday: 8 mile easy run
- Friday: 12 mile tempo run
- Saturday: Off
- Sunday: 22 mile long run

My rough idea is to increase overall mileage load by about 5-10% each week, assuming I feel good and healthy (more on that in the recovery section).

If I were training for a shorter race (like a half marathon or 10k), I'd probably replace the long run with a shorter tempo interval run (example: 3 rounds of 1 mile easy, 2 miles hard).

2. Lifting

My biggest challenge last marathon prep was losing weight and muscle mass from all the mileage. I’m 6’2” 185 pounds and this time around, I want to make sure I stay at that weight (and look great).

In other words, I want to be a great runner, but never look like a great runner.

My current weekly lifting plan is aligned with this desire:

- Push/Pull/Legs split
- 4-6 lifting sessions per week

I like the Push/Pull/Legs split because it allows me to hit up to 6 lifts in a week if I feel fresh and well recovered, or scale that back to just the 3 lifts at higher intensity if I'm drained from the increasing running mileage.

The sessions all follow the same general format:

- Compound movement - 4 sets x 3-8 reps
- Secondary superset - 3 x 8-12
- Accessory work superset 1 - 3 x 10
- Accessory work superset 2 - 3 x 12-15
- Core work

Push compound movements are either bench press or military press. Pull compound movements are a deadlift variation or row variation. Legs compound movements are a squat variation.

Push secondary movements include dumbbell bench press, dumbbell shoulder press, and dips. Pull secondary movements include pull-ups, seated cable rows, and dumbbell rows. Legs secondary movements include lunges, Romanian deadlifts, glute bridges, and split squats.

Push accessory movements include flys, tricep extensions, and shoulder raises. Pull accessory movements include face pulls, straight arm pulldowns, and bicep curls. Legs accessory movements include hamstring curls, leg extensions, leg presses, step ups, and calf raises.

Core work includes hanging leg raises, reverse crunches, stability ball rollouts, side planks, ab wheel rollouts, and more.

Programming Note: "Superset" just means two movements done back-to-back before resting.

Here’s an example push day:

- A. Barbell Bench Press 4 sets x 5 reps
- B1. Dumbell Incline Bench Press 3 x 8
- B2. Dips 3 x 10
- C1. Cable Flys 3 x 12
- C2. Rope Tricep Extensions 3 x 12
- D1. Lateral Raises 3 x 12
- D2. DB Skull Crushers 3 x 12
- Core Work 3 x 15

Here’s an example pull day:

- A. Barbell Deadlift 4 sets x 5 reps
- B1. Dumbell Row 3 x 8
- B2. Pull-ups 3 x 10
- C1. Cable Face Pull 3 x 12
- C2. Rope Hammer Curl 3 x 12
- D1. Rear Delt Raises 3 x 12
- D2. Seated Bicep Curls 3 x 12
- Core Work 3 x 15

Here’s an example leg day:

- A. Front Squat 4 sets x 5 reps
- B1. Reverse Lunge 3 x 8
- B2. Goblet Squat 3 x 10
- C1. Leg Press 3 x 12
- C2. Calf Raises 3 x 12
- D1. Leg Extensions 3 x 12
- D2. Hamstring Curls 3 x 12
- Core Work 3 x 15

These lifts usually take about ~45 minutes if I'm focused and stay on task.

A typical week of lifting and running looks like this:

- Monday: Easy Run + Legs
- Tuesday: Track Workout + Push
- Wednesday: Easy Run + Pull
- Thursday: Easy Run + Off
- Friday: Tempo Run + Legs
- Saturday: Off + Push
- Sunday: Long Run + Off

Note: I always do my run before lifting on days where I have to do both. My logic is that my primary goal is a running time goal, so doing that first, while fresh and focused, is essential. This is sometimes a grind, but I always get the work in, even if I have to reduce the intensity level.

Depending on schedule, I vary the times when I do these workouts based on their length and my other work and family commitments. I generally try to do them in the mid-late morning.

You can scale up or down this plan to meet your time availability, but full marathon training while maintaining strength and muscle mass is probably not for those who are ultra-strapped for time.

3. Nutrition

My daily macronutrient targets that I use as a guide:

- Protein: 215g (~1.2g per lb of bodyweight)
- Carbs: 200g
- Fats: 125g
- Total Calories: 2,785

I do a bit of "carb cycling" by notching up the carbs on hard training days through adding more around the workout window.

Since I'm focused on muscle mass as the running miles (and caloric burn) increase during training, I'll be scaling up these macros in the coming months.

By the peak of my training, my guess is it will look more like this:

- Protein: 215g
- Carbs: 350g
- Fats: 125g
- Total Calories: 3,385

As long as I hit my protein goal, I'm not concerned with perfection here, just general direction. I try to hit within ~10% of the daily macro targets established.

The important thing is to figure out your current baseline and build from there. Track your macros for a few days and see where they end up. If your weight has been constant, you’re eating to a good baseline at your current training level. If you are losing or gaining weight, you’re eating to a deficit or surplus at your current training level. If you’re going to be training hard, getting 1-1.2g of protein per pound of bodyweight is a good baseline. You can fill in carbs and fats behind that based on personal preferences and goals related to bodyweight.

Typical protein sources include eggs, egg whites, beef, chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, whole milk, and whey.

Typical carb sources include quick oats, jasmine rice, sourdough bread, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, raw honey, fruit.

Typical fat sources include olive oil, avocado, grass fed butter, nuts.

As for supplements, I generally keep it pretty simple:

- Fish oil
- Vitamin D
- Creatine (5g daily)
- AG1 + LMNT
- Whey protein
- Magnesium for sleep

4. Recovery

Given the training volume, I need a very deliberate focus on recovery to prevent injury and keep my body feeling strong.

The pillars of my recovery routine:

- Daily recovery work
- Daily mobility work
- Morning cold plunge (3-6 minutes)
- Evening sauna (20 minutes)

Daily recovery work includes foam rolling on the legs and back, lacrosse ball rolling on the feet, and massage gun on any tight areas. This is about ~5-10 minutes.

Daily mobility work is a ~5-10 minute mobility circuit I do before my training that serves a hybrid purpose as a warm-up. It usually includes about ~5-7 movements that I would go through 2-3 times. Movements include squat-to-stands, dead-bugs, spidermans, bowler squats, couch stretch, yoga pushups, 90/90 hip stretch, reverse lunge with reach, and more. If you search “Best Mobility Exercises for Runners” you’ll find a bunch of good options and routines with explanations. Doing this work daily is essential for avoiding injury.

Morning cold plunge is 3-6 minutes in 39 degrees right when I woke up. Evening sauna is 20 minutes in 180-200 degrees right before bed. Obviously, most people won’t have access to this stuff, but you can do the morning cold in the shower if you don’t have a cold plunge and a hot shower before bed if you don’t have a sauna.

Closing Thoughts

This is the training plan I'm following to hit my sub-2:50 marathon goal while building muscle and size.

The plan isn’t for everyone (probably not even for most people), and you should definitely consult with experts (doctors, trainers, nutritionists) before making any dramatic changes to your routine.

That said, the basic building blocks of the above can definitely be adapted to your life and routines regardless of your goals.

As I see it, the basic building blocks are as follows:

1. Running: Half of your runs should be low intensity/easy. The other half should be a combination of speed, tempo, and longer duration.

2. Lifting: Split across push, pull, and leg days. Start every workout with a simple compound movement for strength. Follow it with a secondary movement and a superset of accessory movements. Finish with core.

3. Nutrition: If training hard, aim for 1-1.2g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Fill in carbs and fats based on what suits your goals and body.

4. Recovery: Aim for 10-15 minutes of daily recovery work (foam rolling, lacrosse ball foot rolling, mobility work).

If you build your own plan based on those principles, you’ll make progress and feel great.

Ok, that took a long time to pull together. Basically an entire training e-book for free. I hope it helps. If you're into this stuff, share it with others and follow me @SahilBloom for more in future.Image A lot of people asking about a scaled down version of this program that is doable in 60 minutes per day.

I’ll add to this thread with that version soon…