Ursula Van Der Leyer ordered 1,8 billion Pfizer C0VID doses for 36 billlion dollars behind closed doors, a special arrangement with A. Bourla. Do U understand why she wants the Pfizer v@k*cine mandatory now ? MONEY.
The total population in EU was 447 million people on January 2021 against 531.5 in 2019. The EU Parliament is also part of the COVAX system to "v@k*cine" ☠️ the "poor" countries 😠😠😠😠...
In addition, those doses of the first vaccine won't be valid for much longer because the temporary authorization is about to expire which will lead to a dead loss.
And even those who unfortunately still believe in them, don't want it because Pfizer has come out with its novelty
Who will pay ?
The new Pfizer ☠️ allows them to continue their abomination by successive additional temporary authorizations but now it must be more expeditious, the results ☠️are not fast enough (read my tweets, I explain)...
Bourla asks to be paid, and the financial accounts must be closed by the end of December. Black Friday used to be reserved for cleaning up the accounts... which were written in black (entries) and red (outstanding amounts) on their registers when all was handmade...
That tripartite contract was made behind closed doors and was likely a contract that cannot be extinguished before the repayment.
The third part in that agreement being Urusula Van Der Leyer's husband (midlleman & strawman) with the Biotech ORGENESIS inc, nicknamed "The Company"
🚨 The serpent.. Think mirror effect, two # serpents. 2025 is the year of the green wood serpent 🐍, think of the Serpent Gate which is open 🔓in the circular boundary of the crater...The Earth of the Serpent brotherhood is the Heart for the Christendom, the haven of refuge.
They had hijacked our haven.... But today, since we are entering the age of Aquarius & are at the end of the Transition", their timelines collapse, the prison walls dissolve into thin air, illusion shatters... The Arcturian Blue Annunakis, Aliens in Sumer, Egypt, Mayan & Aztec
Regions, Macedonian territories... Are all collapsing, their multi dimensional Hive, their house of cards, their false timelines collapse... Layer by layer.. Mystery Babylon is no longer...Their alien Supreme Commander God of Earth with 50 Titles, Amon Râ (Am€n in the Apocalypse
The Vatican, Fake Prophet "Pope" and Staff" have fallen with all the nonsensical Enki's Babylonian mythology.
The Pope, the Dogon fish God with his "Mitre" was the Impostor. The little Fish was imprisoned/incarcerated in a Goldfish bowl and was becoming insane. The globe (the fishbowl) is definitively broken and the waters of the Aquarium are pouring out with all the hidden Knowledge...
@JuPiterOptMax They cut, they felled the beautiful Tree, more than just Beheaded (rock-FELLER/Rockefeller did it and we stand on the giant stump of THE Tree which has become the sole : Real Humans do not live on Earth but in the living core of the tree, in its Heart : they're the cells of the
@JuPiterOptMax Of the Heart ♥️ and shoots are beautiful and have become a Forest... (shoots are the offspring of The tree)
@JuPiterOptMax The cosmic tree never died, its stump being fed by its mighty roots. From an aerial perspective, the stunt looks like a blue ray disk with tracks (the rings are drills..) separating us from the damned...
🧵1- On vous conditionne ... La Commission Européenne a publié et doc passé, l'EU 2025/89 : les petites fourmis intelligentes, doivent devenir des sauterelles (crickets/locusts) pour nourrir les grands Prédateurs 😈. Revoyez la symbolique des 1001 pattes, (du côté positif,
2- les enfants fourmis du Créateur aux 1001 noms sont menacés et doivent se rassembler pour agir ensemble car même s'ils sont petits, ils sont intelligents et très très nombreux). La version originale anglo-américaine se positionne évidemment du côté des Prédateurs
3- car sont les Dissidents du Nouveau Monde et veulent votre soumission, la soumission des Enfants de la Création à la Loi de la Jungle, primaire. En devenant comme les sauterelles/criquets demeurés sur le devant de la scène politique, vous allez servir et donc nourrir les
@Charles_Monarc La façade n'a pas été endommagée, ni la porte ni les tours. La Tour a énormément de sens, une famille de sang royal dépossédée avec le destin qui s'acharne sur deux sœurs Marie Madeleine et Anne ("de Bretagne) mariée à un Stuart...des empoisonnements. Il y a différentes timelines
@Charles_Monarc qui se croisent... Différentes réalités.. Et vous connaissez l'"histoire de la Pyramide inversée dans le carré du Louvres satanique ? Il y a des reliques de MM récupérées à différents endroits plus celles retrouvées à Notre Dame... Elles sont plantées dans le sol avec
@Charles_Monarc Le Pyramidion... E. Macron a dansé et piétiné ses "reliques" (leur Culte de la mort) lors de son discours d'inauguration de sa Première Présidence , déployant la symbolique du 322 de la "Skull & Bones" (Yale), le triple V du Veni Vidi Vici, se hissant sur le podium des grands
And their Chosen "faces" are on stage : BEST ACTORS AND TV SHOW MEN (with a multitude of crowd artists, walkers-on, doubles of those who are in the limelight, henchmen and minions..coming from Global Casting, from Disney Casting... And all of them distract people : a mega
Production (Hollywood, Disney, BBC...) for the Mega Circus, dividing people who come in the "Arena" and fight against Illusions within an illusory stadium/"arena" : the Earth's "Sanctuary" being within an illusory circle, a ring, protected by a buffer zone under Military control