Ursula Van Der Leyer ordered 1,8 billion Pfizer C0VID doses for 36 billlion dollars behind closed doors, a special arrangement with A. Bourla. Do U understand why she wants the Pfizer v@k*cine mandatory now ? MONEY.
The total population in EU was 447 million people on January 2021 against 531.5 in 2019. The EU Parliament is also part of the COVAX system to "v@k*cine" ☠️ the "poor" countries 😠😠😠😠...
In addition, those doses of the first vaccine won't be valid for much longer because the temporary authorization is about to expire which will lead to a dead loss.
And even those who unfortunately still believe in them, don't want it because Pfizer has come out with its novelty
Who will pay ?
The new Pfizer ☠️ allows them to continue their abomination by successive additional temporary authorizations but now it must be more expeditious, the results ☠️are not fast enough (read my tweets, I explain)...
Bourla asks to be paid, and the financial accounts must be closed by the end of December. Black Friday used to be reserved for cleaning up the accounts... which were written in black (entries) and red (outstanding amounts) on their registers when all was handmade...
That tripartite contract was made behind closed doors and was likely a contract that cannot be extinguished before the repayment.
The third part in that agreement being Urusula Van Der Leyer's husband (midlleman & strawman) with the Biotech ORGENESIS inc, nicknamed "The Company"
Don't replay the fake Independance day of July 4th,1776, for the Ignorants & mocking them😈😈😈, hiding the celebration of Adam Smith's "Modern Capitalism" that all of you nicknamed the "Father of Economics :"The Wealth of Nations" was published...
Stop playing with words, opposing them :
->CANNON Law hiding Edwin CANNAN, the Editor of the 1st Edition of Smith's Opus😈😈😈 ;
-> ADAM Weishaupt, Jesuit Professor of Cannon Law, creator of the Illuminati hiding ADAM Smith😈😈😈
3- And I AM not "a joke" 😈😈😈. We know Ur keywords referencing to the Industrial growth with productivist economy, the rise of the industrial Bourgeoisie, the "progress" of opulence (a fat man with a big belly without any distinction) in the "Commonwealth Nations"...
🧵1- Toujours les Rothschilds des deux côtés des guerres !
Et vous croyez encore que les avions Américains Boeing, des Kennedy, n'ont pas servi à des avions de guerre pendant la seconde guerre mondiale ? Les avions de lignes passaient par l'Amérique du Sud puis étaient
2- transformés en bombardiers en Afrique. Les guerres, c'est du Bizness pour eux mais la célèbre compagnie des Présidents américains, Symbole américain, ne veut pas être compromise.... Lisez "Boeing in Peace and War" d'Eugène E. BAUER qui est le vrai nom des Rothschild avant que
3- Moses Amschel ne prenne définitivement le nom de Rothschild après la mort de Mayer.... "It's a small world"
🚨 The twin peaks represent Aleister Crowley's Astrum Argentum (A.:.A), the Morning Star in the "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer". They're ready for the the Rê-Set(h) and launch their New Golden Dawn Age 😈😈U'll be dragged in their Cult against your will, pushed
toake a choice. Don't obey, tell them that you have chosen the alternative with the Creator God. That Ritual is a Game of Throne between Immortals. You are in the Egyptian Amduat. HORUS aka the good one, will stand up & fight against his uncle Set(h) aka the wicked one. He'll be
Victorious but Horus' eyes will be wounded and we will be in the dark, like the Horus... HATHOR will cure his eyes with her magic milk and HORUS will recover. He'll be crowned (the Crown of Egypt) becoming the High Priest, the spiritual protector of the Pharaoh...Don Trump
🚨 1-,The Bible was rewritten in 1908, Jacob Rothschild paid Scofield to rewrite it. And then, Rothschild created the Federal Reserve in 1913, securing Israel's funding which was announced in 1917 when The Windsor departed from Saxe Coburg and Gotha, becoming the Windsor.
2- Oxford University Press edited the Satanic Bible benefiting the state of Israel, "reinterpreting" the Bible! Scofield Bible is the vehicle of the new system of doctrine, the new religion, Zionism. With that book, the Oxford University Press opened the First branch in the USA
3- Understand that the Jewish State was already planned, the Rothschild had already bought many lands at the end of the 19th century in Palestine. The young seminarists who were given that Bible, did not know the plot. The Satanist Banker from a Jewish family rewrote the Bible
But in fact Canada and Mexico would already be part of the US , part of the Commonwealth of Satan, the Quantum Machine....The constellation of the Pleiadians are now in action, on stage @ brandilwells & they're revisiting the Legend of King Arthur. The Round Table is The Garter
today with their Knights.
Charles III would have abdicated since February 27th, 2024... He said his farewell to his children in a letter..
🧵A rigged game of throne among the Immortals in their " Magna Graecia"/"Greatest Israel", the name today : A game to trick the remaining Christenhood and gather it in their net. They use all the techniques to deflect attention while the Tesla Motors, D. Trump-E. Musk,
2- and their fellow billionaires are looting the World. And they set crypto Bitcoins against crypto XRP, relying on the stupidity of people, making arbitrages in both camps , guiding the rates... till the converted savings vanished away into thin air...
3- The Nikola-Tesla tandem is creating a one world government of billionaires, for billionaires😈. A perpetual Dictator, the Doge, will be the Executive. The Doge was the Supreme Vigile/Head of State in the Republic of VENICE : A PERPETUAL DICTATORSHIP 😈