7 dominoes threaten to topple our NHS this winter…
1. ✂️ CUTS
A decade of underfunding means the total number of NHS hospital beds in England has more than halved over the past 30 years, from around 299,000 in 1987/88 to 141,000 in 2019/20...
Over 605,000 patients have been admitted to hospital with Coronavirus across the UK since the pandemic began. With Delta, Omicron and new variants likely to emerge, this number will keep on rising...
Our focus today is PFI - a.k.a Private Finance Initiatives. Today, PFIs drain an average of £2 billion from NHS Trust budgets every year. How exactly? 🤔 Here’s a little history…
Initially launched by the Conservative government in 1992, and expanded enthusiastically by the Labour government in 1997, PFIs were a method of financing public infrastructure projects via private partners. They allowed...
the government to defer public spending (albeit at a much higher cost in the long run given the debt repayments) - in effect creating a mortgage on the public sector. PFIs were used to finance a range of projects including schools & parts of the London Underground, but where…
Today we’re focusing on MPs - the only way we’ll #ScrapNHSBill is if enough of them speak out. So we wanted to start the day with a big **thank you** to the 30 MPs who’ve stood up for the NHS so far by expressing their interest in starting an All Party Parliamentary Group on…
Our final thread to mark "Freedom Day" from an anonymised EveryDoctor member on the NHS COVID-19 frontline:
"Over the past 2 weeks there has been a noticeable shift in the hospital where I work. Our cohort of patients is younger this time. Largely unvaccinated people... 💉
Another, my age, had just got her first dose - its effects had not had a chance to protect her. Our ward is full up with people with a single diagnosis - COVID-19 pneumonia. We were already busy trying to catch up with all our patients who have been neglected over the past 18m...
We know they need our attention but yet again, we are, necessarily, back to fire-fighting. 🔥
Another emergency rota looms. All the while we hear the cry for "Freedom Day". We were told there is no going back. Only this week have we had some…
Thread No. 6 of "Freedom Day" anonymised EveryDoctor Member stories:
“I'm a self-employed GP working in London 111 clinics, urgent care clinics in A&E, and in GP practices. The demand we face currently is unprecedented. Every appointment is booked within minutes... ⏱️
of telephone lines opening. Waiting times in A&E are frequently 3 to 4 hours long.
COVID-19 patients are exponentially rising across the board. Staff are tired+burnt out. Patients are angry+frustrated. This is not sustainable.
Abandonment of social distancing + masking guidelines 😷 is ill-advised and foolish, at best. It means that the NHS will be on its knees within weeks.
I hear the arguments about how “we have to go back to normal at some point”, but...
Thread No. 5 from our "Freedom Day" set of anonymised stories from doctor members on the NHS COVID-19 frontlines:
“It is an utter nightmare. Kids’ school bubbles are bursting all over the place. Most colleagues have children at home. Some GP practices have…
...genuine staffing crises due to isolating staff. The rates of COVID-19 cases are climbing exponentially 📈 Hospitalisations are climbing 📈 Numbers of ventilated patients are increasing 📈 If the government could only have waited until the majority of the population...
had been vaccinated 💉 and focussed mitigations where needed to control the spread in the meantime.
The situation we are in is a result of impatience & a misplaced ideology regarding what "freedom" means.
"Freedom Day" Thread Twitter No.4, another awful anon story from our doctor members on the NHS COVID-19 frontline:
“I’ve been a fully qualified GP for 7 yrs. I've worked in inner city practices where we've been very short staffed before but somehow we always got through it...
But now, we are short staffed due to sickness from long COVID, Mat leave, staff leaving, and staff isolating. And we just can’t cope and morale is at an all time low. Today for example I was the only regular doctor on-site for 14,000 patients... 🚨
One of our GPs was working from home as they are isolating, and that was it. For 14,000 patients. I cried at work today due to the enormous stress I and my colleagues are under.
We are exhausted, being asked to manage things that we do not have the capacity to do…