86% of millionaires did not inherit their fortune.
78% of millionaires have been middle class.
They've saved on average 23% of their monthly income.
They did not become rich by wasting $ as most people do...
Most people see some $ they did not spend this month, and with just few days for the next salary...they just look for some useless thing to spend it on.
Rich* buy on sales. More than the poor.
Rich wait for the sales, even if it doesn't look like. Each $ counts.
Wealth was not luck, or inheritance.
Rich build wealth working hard too, but the smart way, not the not so smart way, and saving $, and long term investments
Rich do not show off lifestyle on social media. No need. Unless the actual income comes from selling lifestyle...😏
Criticising the rich is like criticising some top model for not wanting to break its nutrition/diet routine.
Because those are habits that allowed them to reach their goals.
Build a rich mindset to then build a rich financial status. Or be like most.
Said before...
Here you'll get the level up content you need to grow (like the correct vitamin)...
You'll get financial education.
You'll get accurate and valuable info.
You'll get no BS and no scam talk
*I refer to the smart and willing to make a change rich. not the greedy.
You'll get to know what is the likely next move expectable on my investments.
(So far...on point throughout all 2021 🎯)
You'll get up to 5% of content as "shi*-posting"(laughter is important too)
You'll get to know what sources I think are absolutely wrong, and right.
You'll get knowledge that school, boss, TV, government, will not give you.
You'll get the correct info and opportunity to discuss it with me or other like-minded people (I try my best to reply to all messages or comments even if I get hundreds of scam ones...)
You'll get accurate charting, and no "Picasso-like" ones that end up 100% wrong
You'll get proper legitness from someone that hasn't built dreams by using/lying/hurting thousands of other people (as MOST influencers do)
Fam knows. And who's been here for a moment too.
If not happy, there is 1 click to do.
I don't need numbers.
I need people ready to level up and that understand the process to do so.
PS: Rich read books (Mindset & Financial). Daily
Looking forward to 2022! SAGMI (the correct mindset and non-greedy ones) 🥂