Dave Clark, CEO at @Amazon not mentioning any intent to investigate Amazon's safety procedures during the storm, ignoring mentioning the dead workers and offering "thoughts and prayers" #AmazonTornado
Dave Clark, once again, ignoring @Amazon's own ability to respond to this disaster by leaning on the Red Cross, without mentioning its own massive ability to come to aid workers and families impacted. #AmazonTornado
While Jeff Bezos last tweet is still this image, over 50+ grassroots groups have started raising money to directly provide to families of Amazon workers killed, and to Amazon workers injured by the collapse. #AmazonTornado
A video going around claiming to show the tornado striking the Amazon warehouse #AmazonTornado
Jeff Bezos posted this image on Instagram 7 hours ago, which is many hours after we learned of two Amazon workers killed in the warehouse. #AmazonTornado
Remember when you all tried to make Andrew Yang a thing 🤣
My favorite part of that era was how his support peeled off like layers of an onion based solely on how long it took different cohorts of his supporters to recognize a scam artist, an internalized racist and a right winger.
I’ve been getting to know the blue jays in the yard with a bird feeder in my window.
And by the way they land they are very much not the elegant ballerinas I thought they were.
They only take what they need, but they land like toddlers with snow boots and it’s hilarious.
The sight of a blue jay before it lands looks like a symphony. The sound of it landing is like a trombone filled with sausage falling. Maybe the perch is too shallow. They are also larger than they appear.
I filled it with the blue jays faves, various nuts and oily black seeds. The large group here visits very often but takes so little. Which was surprising. One tiny thing at a time. Then goes on a mission to hide it somewhere.
I’m a slow learner, and a lot of you got here a long time ago, but I can no longer think of anything more essential to our communities (short term) surviving and (long term) changing everything than building or joining a mutual aid network.
It’s always been important in my mind, and informal ones have been around my entire life, but I always defaulted to viewing them as a band aids, or elements in a large effort, something to hold us over before achieving top down legislative power to change our world.
If you care about building actual long term power that no one can take away from a judge’s chambers, an executive order or even a right wing paramilitary, the long term relationships you build by being there for even short term needs will be an evergreen foundation for everything