‘On Monday, the Australian Federal Police lifted the lid on the new strategies used by online child sex offenders following increasing reports of children self-producing child exploitation material (CAM) for financial incentives.
'Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) Commander Hilda Sirec said while online offenders have long-used emotionally-coercive tactics to exploit children into self-producing CAM, investigators had identified a new trend.
‘In recent months, cases involving young teenagers being offered incentives such as money, food deliveries and vouchers has grown.
'Children as young as 10 are also being targeted with incentives such as in-game currency on popular online games.'
Over the past two years, Collective Shout has forensically documented the predatory behaviour openly exhibited on Instagram. In a recent submission to eSafety we called for a crackdown on the sale of children’s images + vids, which occurs via subscriptions, gifts + cash.
Instagram and other tech giants have not done enough to prevent the sexualisation of children on their platforms. Read more:
“Porn is a disgrace”: Billie Eilish has spoken publicly about how she has been harmed by porn insider.com/billie-eilish-…
In an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Billie Eilish revealed that she had first been exposed to porn at age 11, and became a regular consumer.
“I was an advocate [for porn], I thought I was one of the guys, and would talk about it and think I was really cool for not having a problem with it," she said.
"Disturbingly, we also know offender networks routinely trade information about particular users of social media who are susceptible to incentives or coercion, which will lead to repeated contact requests from other predators." - Australian Federal Police Commander Hilda Sirec
In a recent submission we made to eSafety, we called for explicit minimum industry standards for CSEM-related matters, including prohibiting promo of purchasable content featuring children.
For over two years we've documented widespread predatory activity + sexualisation, harassment, grooming and exploitation of underage girls on Instagram, and called for changes to keep minors safe on the platform.
Read this blog for a small sample of what we've seen, and why we joined the global call to Facebook to abandon its plans for Instagram Youth: collectiveshout.org/girls_deserve_…
“New South Wales model of decriminalisation and deregulation of prostitution has failed to protect workers in the sex industry while empowering profiteers and criminals, so why is Victoria going down the same path?" spectator.com.au/2021/09/why-is…
“A 2015 enquiry into the regulation of brothels in NSW found that drug use, abuse, organised crime and sex trafficking, including minors, remain substantial problems even under full decriminalisation."
"Local Councils are inadequately resourced and trained to deal with organised crime. In many cases, councils found themselves powerless to prevent illegal parlours from opening alongside schools, learning centres, and within residential buildings."
“The federal government is looking to bring on board multinational credit card company Mastercard as part of its move toward developing a digital identity and age verification system." canberratimes.com.au/story/7445505/…
“Mastercard announced on Monday it has joined into a new partnership with the Digital Transformation Agency and is seeking accreditation to become a digital identity service provider."
“[Mastercard] was looking to offer ways for the federal government to achieve an online age verification system, after a parliamentary committee last year recommended one be introduced to curb minors accessing online pornography sites.”
In a move described by the New York Times as a 'rare reversal', Facebook has paused development of its 13-years-and-under platform Instagram Youth. Announcement comes as Facebook faces global condemnation for failing to disclose research demonstrating Instagram’s harms to girls.
From @nytimes:
‘Opposition to Facebook’s plans gained momentum this month when The [Wall Street] Journal @WSJ published articles based on leaked internal documents that showed Facebook knew about many of the harms it was causing.
'Facebook’s internal research showed that Instagram, in particular, had caused teen girls to feel worse about their bodies and led to increased rates of anxiety and depression, even while company executives publicly tried to minimize the app’s downsides.