A bombshell was dropped in Monday’s Jan. 6 committee hearing. It was revealed that Donald Trump Jr.—along with Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham—begged White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to get Trump to make a national address and halt the Capitol riot. thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-j…
“He’s got to condemn this shit ASAP,” Donald Trump Jr. texted Meadows. “The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.”
Even several Fox News stars texted Meadows to implore the president to act. Trump confidant Sean Hannity texted: “Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol.” thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-j…
Laura Ingraham wrote to Meadows: “Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.” thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-j…
After reciting these and more texts, the Jan. 6 committee unanimously voted Meadows “in contempt of Congress” for refusing to show up and testify after receiving a subpoena. thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-j…
“History will be written about these times, about the work this committee has undertaken. And history will not look upon any of you as martyrs,” Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, the Democrat who chairs the committee, said.
Thanks to an “alarmed parent,” an alleged school shooting plot hatched by two Pennsylvania teens who had access to guns was narrowly averted, local authorities said. thedailybeast.com/logan-pringle-…
Shortly before 10:30 a.m. on Dec. 7, 17-year-old Logan Jack Pringle entered Westmont Hilltop High School through a locked front door, according to a criminal complaint. However, Pringle was barred from the campus by court order since 2018. thedailybeast.com/logan-pringle-…
16-year-old Preston Robert Hinebaugh let Pringle into the school and the two “walked the halls examining cameras and other features of the building,” the complaint alleges. thedailybeast.com/logan-pringle-…
From an outsider’s perspective, David Riemens’ life was going exactly as he had planned—which made his disappearance on Aug. 8, 2012, at the age of 60, all the more surprising to friends and family trib.al/JWiY2Xr
For six years, Riemens’ friends, family, and investigators were more stumped than enraged about what happened to the “funny and eccentric” guy who had plans to head to Michigan the day he vanished to see friends and family thedailybeast.com/david-riemens-…
“The longer that time went by, the more we thought that maybe he wasn’t off just doing his own thing,” Wilson County Detective Major Robert Stafford, the lead investigator on this case, told The Daily Beast thedailybeast.com/david-riemens-…
On the snowy evening 17-year-old Hang Lee disappeared, she told her brother Koua that she was meeting with her friend Nikki and Nikki's boss about a potential job.
She said, ‘If I don’t come back, look for me.’
And that’s the last time Koua saw her. thedailybeast.com/st-paul-teen-h…
A few days later, Hang's family reported her missing, but they believe police “didn’t really care at that time, like, ‘Oh, it’s just another Asian runaway,’ or whatever.”
“They came to talk to my mom,” said Koua.
“Nikki saw all the fliers and felt bad and called [police].”
Investigators now had a name: “Wallace” was Nikki’s boss, 30-year-old Mark Steven Wallace—the last person Hang was with the night she disappeared. thedailybeast.com/st-paul-teen-h…
Last Friday, Yale University evacuated students and staff, after an unknown person called the college and claimed to have placed 40 bombs around the campus.
Similar bomb threats prompted evacuations at Cornell, Columbia, and Brown universities last weekend, followed by renewed threats on Thursday against NYU, USC, Cleveland State University, University of Chicago, and MIT. thedailybeast.com/the-jilted-mis…
Some of the evacuations at these top universities happened shortly after a series of Twitter accounts tweeted bomb threats at the schools.
“I think in two years’ time, we will look back on the present discussion and say, ‘Boy, that was much ado about nothing,’”—but the solution is specific to the pandemic, he says on @NewAbnormalPod.
But what should really worry us, and Biden: Crypto Bros.
When Chris Christie withdrew from consideration to be Trump’s White House chief of staff in 2018, multiple outlets reported it was for family considerations and that he was not officially offered the gig.
In his new book, Republican Rescue, Christie claims that he was, indeed, offered the powerful position—and that he turned it down at least in part because of Trump’s big mouth. thedailybeast.com/chris-christie…
Almost immediately after secretly interviewing for the chief of staff job, Christie writes, Axios reported that he’d met with the president. The ex-governor wondered who could’ve leaked their private meeting. thedailybeast.com/chris-christie…