It’s out - the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive recast. We’ve all been waiting with bated breath for the central measure - Minimum #EnergyPerformance Standards - to kick-start the ‘Renovation Wave’.
Can we expect a deluge or a dribble? THREAD 1/11 #EPBD
MEPS are essential to increase stubbornly low renovation rate AND one of few measures that can direct renovations to worst-performing buildings, alleviating #energypoverty
MEPS start with worst performing but should not stop there. They set a plan to fully decarbonise by 2050
The MEPS has 2 parts. 2nd is important but may get lost. Requires MSs to set timelines for MEPS for all bldgs to meet higher energy perf. class by 2040 & 2050
Potentially powerful plan for whole stock! Key to an effective framework, esp. given the weakness of 1st part… 3/11
1st part sets min ambition by 2030/33:
✔️All sectors, buildings in EPC classes ‘F’ & ‘G’ (but see 9/11)
✖️ Improve buildings by one EPC band (eg to G to F or F or E)
➖ Trigger dates:
Non-resi: must be F by 2027, and to E by 2030
Residential: must be F by 2030, E by 2033
The big mistake? The ambition for the renovation triggered is low – default is 1 or 2 EPC class.
Each renovation should be deep or start a deep staged renovation. Deep & staged reno standards are most effective to deliver EU goals. 5/11
Without an ambitious standard in EPBD, G/F class buildings will meet only EPC F/E by 2030.
F or E class buildings are:
- Not fully renovated (perf. bands below)
- Not climate aligned or future proof
- Do not protect households from #energypoverty or gas price crisis
Similar standard in UK led to some commercial buildings only needing a lighting retrofit to comply. A wasted opportunity.
Gov now committed to much higher EPC B by 2030, but bldg owners didn't have opportunity to renovate once in full knowledge. 7/11
Compare EPBD’s ambition to:
- the Scottish government: will require all owner-occupied homes to be EPC C by 2033 – the same year that the EPBD asks homes to be just EPC E!
- the Dutch government: requires all offices to be EPC C by 2023! 8/11
More risk to ambition is the % of buildings targeted as ‘F&G’. This is entirely reliant on proposed changes to EPCs in separate article.
Aim is to harmonise EPC scales to A-G, and redistribute stock with 15% in G. Currently, F&G defines very different %. 9/11
Regulations alone don’t ensure successful renovations. We need practical & financial support – esp. for low-income & #energypoor households.
Additional funds are missing. The quoted 144bn from the social climate fund & 61bn from RRPs are not designated to help meet MEPS. 10/11
Critical to MEPS:
- One-stop shops, skilled and resourced to support vulnerable households
- EU reno fund targeted to low-income households
- Technical assistance to MSs/regions
- Protections for tenants' housing affordability
What’s the cost of not renovating?
EU #BuildingsDirective negotiation is happening now. Final #FF55 file can kickstart renovations in the worst buildings – for climate & society
But all I hear are (scare) stories on the cost of renov.
What if it costs more not to?
Europe’s building stock is leaky AND dependent on #FossilFuels to heat. Leading to huge, economy wide, costs to the public purse, incl:
💶Subsidies for energy bills
💶Exposure of economy to gas price volatility
💶Health spending
💶Infrastructure spending
🧵on the cost of not
Leaky buildings demand public subsidy when prices rise.
- €650bn spent 2022 to shield energy users. Largely unbudgeted.
- Fiscal costs of hh support in some MS up to 5.56% of GDP.
If prices rise these funds must be spent again to maintain protection.
🌟The Dutch Insulation Programme was launched last week.
👎I can't help but compare to the woeful lack of focus on insulation in today's British Energy Security Strategy and the UK Heat and Buildings Strategy.
Some highlights from the Dutch approach from which we can learn 🧵 1/7
Headline: aim to insulate 2.5 million Dutch homes by 2030. That's about 30%!
Focus on the worst first - those with energy label of E, F or G (which make up about 20%). This is important for #energypoverty alleviation. 2/7
The plan sets out 4 combined approaches to insulating 2.5m homes by 2030 (machine translation below). Nice combination of area-based, individual and collective approaches. 3/7
1/11 Yesterday’s #Fitfor55 launch press conference was dominated by questions about the social impact. So, I took a bit of time to look at the new measures in the package to support low-income households to decarbonise. @RegAssistProj@RightToEnergy
2/11 First, raised ambition across the package is good for all. Effects of #ClimateChange will be felt by poorest most. Climate ambition is essential but not enough. Climate ambition must come hand in hand with commitment to address structural inequities.
3/11 The Energy Efficiency Directive is the clear winner of prize for social conscience. New provisions include first EU definition of #energypoverty. Oddly it refers to lack of access to essential services but not affordability of those services and excludes cooking needs. #EED
The current rate and depth of renovation is far below what we need to reach the 2030 #ClimateTargets in #Fitfor55, and too many Europeans are living in inefficient homes and suffering #energypoverty 2/9