1/In the hope of fighting all forms of #racism at a systemic level, Ireland is deliberating a National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR). But what is the #NAPAR? And what features should be incorporated to make the NAPAR comprehensive and effective in tackling racism?
2/This thread will provide brief answers to those questions. To start with, a #NAPAR is a unique framework that ought to go beyond individual policies and projects, by putting together a comprehensive set of actions and monitoring mechanisms to tackle #racism systemically.
3/Thus, #NAPAR can be a vital tool to deliver a resourced, all-institution and all-encompassing justice and equality strategy which is centered on clear and system-wide actions whose progress can be clearly measured. But what features should the #NAPAR contain to achieve this?
4/INAR categorises these defining features into content and process indicators, where content indicators include aspects to be considered when looking at the nature and scope of included policies while process indicators relate to procedural and implementation characteristics.
5/In terms of content, a good #NAPAR should have a comprehensive definition of racism that recognises structural racism and enshrines intersectionality within this. It should also recognise the specific forms of racism in a country, as these may need different actions to address
6/Additionally, it should also contain transparent data on the indicators of progress on the #NAPAR’s policy objectives, to ensure that the progress is clearly monitored, complemented by a framework for collecting hate crime statistics to ensure up to date data on #discrimination
7/In terms of how it is done, it is very important that it should centrally involve the active participation of communities affected by #racism, to ensure that the policy objectives reflect their lived experiences. They should be involved in both the implementation and monitoring
8/It should also include the perspectives of civil society and academics to complement the expertise of minoritised communities in informing and monitoring the implementation of the #NAPAR.
9/It is absolutely vital that the #NAPAR has strong leadership, from the top, going beyond party politics that electoral changes do not impede its effectiveness. It is also vital that it is adopted at all levels, local, regional or national, to ensure that it is comprehensive.
10/Finally, It is important that the #NAPAR has a clear timeline, objectives, measurable outcomes and clear implementation, monitoring and review process. A NAPAR should use its learnings from these to develop the next #NAPAR, constantly improving as it evolves.
11/While these are important reference points of what an effective #NAPAR would look like, the real work is in developing this into an effective plan relevant to the specific context of Ireland
13/You can also refer to the INAR website where we have a comprehensive note on the qualities of a good NAPAR and more resources on the #NAPAR and #discrimination in Ireland: bit.ly/3DXdZ0y
THREAD: Fair play 2 the Ryans 4their courage &dignity. Shocking that a loving couple like this can be the focus of such racist poison just for wanting to bring up a family. Shocking that R media &institutions let this happen #LateLate#LoveNotHate#IrelandThisisUs#IamIrish 1/12
2/12 Unfortunately they're NOT unique, not by a long stretch. @INARireland’s iReport.ie data going back to 2013 documents over 2000 racist incidents &hate crimes, impacts &outcomes. Online & IRL attacks on minority men women &children including babies R sadly common
3/12: Eg this snapshot from the first 6 months of 2017 which we know captures *only a tiny fraction* of all incidents: enarireland.org/ireports/