James Cameron: "I studied physics and astronomy in college and I kind of appreciated how difficult it would be and how a lot of spacecraft designs in movies were pretty whimsical. So I came up with this idea for a starship that had the engine..."
"...engine section far away because of the radiation and so on. I could just go down that nerdy rabbit hole of figuring out the tech, and I think I’ve maintained that as a motif throughout my science fiction body of work..."
ISV Venture Star in Avatar (2009):
James Cameron: "We had all these movies that showed rocket ships and they were all pointy and they had fins at the bottom. That’s how they landed and went to other planets."
Lately I've been chatting with a couple of artists that are no longer on social media -and are sometimes hesitant to answer my questions- as they've suffered the wrath and relentlessness of fans from different IPs, about... fictional ship designs.
Fictional. Ships. It's so dumb.
I know that a very small part of the fandoms are rude people but it's a shame. Whether we like a design or not, it's still a work. For entertainment.
It's so stupid lol
I block disrespectful people here, it's a shame I can't do that elsewhere.
I remember those disrespectful people I used to tell to please stay polite like we were IRL. They replied that "this is not how the internet works".
Internet, we do what we want with it. Well if you want to be an asshole you can but what a waste of time and energy lol
The Last Jedi (2017) was released 4 years ago today.
I love this film, really needless to tell me again that you don't like it, on the other hand our respective opinions don't prevent us from enjoying together the sublime concept art by James Clyne
You can't be disappointed by Lucasfilm design team work.
[Thread] Foundation (AppleTV +): Season 1 review (spoiler-free)
I had the opportunity to see the season ahead. Now I can't wait for the second season to be greenlighted, and I'm ready for the hoped-for 8-season cycle.
Did you like the first 2 episodes? You will like the rest.
Did you find that the first two episodes strayed too far from the books? We will have to accept that this is not Foundation, the book. This is Foundation, the TV series.
(All the pics here are from the first 2 episodes, but some wonderful -2839- shots await you in the future.)
I'm really glad I didn't reread Foundation before the series. Now, after the season, is the right time.
Because the interviews didn't lie: it's a remix drawing on the whole of Foundation (and more). If the book was a puzzle, it was broken apart to create a new shape.