There is no one left in Oregon's state government from which to seek a redress of grievances. The legislative, executive, and judicial branches are all in lockstep with the ruling elite. Overreach is rubber stamped at each stop. 1/X
Our republican form of government's checks and balances have been usurped by a distant and disinterested state house and confirmed by a sympathetic judiciary. What recourse do Oregonians have left? 2/X
Local government. Cities, counties, school boards are closest to to the citizens that elected them and should be the most responsive to the voter's voice. Constant pressure, applied constantly from the bottom up. 3/X
Cities and counties can become 'Constitutional Sanctuaries' and refuse to spend their resources on the enforcement of rules, mandates, and laws that conflict with the higher laws found in the Oregon and U.S constitutions, much like Oregon's 'sanctuary law'
It will take courageous leadership at the local level with unwavering support from the people. It is the only avenue left short of the refreshment of the tree of liberty. We owe it to those who honored their oath to exhaust every constitutional option.
Local leaders won't do it without the steadfast support of the people. They can't do it without our support. We need to be at every meeting, everytime and in numbers large and diverse enough for boards, councils, and commissions to confidently impose freedom from the state.
Many of us sense the time for talking is done and the time for action is now. Join me, join the various groups who have formed, join your neighbors, join with anyone rowing the same direction and make time for direct political action in your life.
School boards, city councils, and county commissions are filled with people who want to do the right thing, who want freedom from the state's overreach, who value the liberty of the individual but they need you and I to stand with them every single day.
These local electeds are bombarded with demands from those who do not value freedom, sometimes 100 to 1. We outnumber them, our principles are sound, and our solutions are better for everone. We just nees to do it and do it constantly.
It is time to push back and it is time to #PushBackHard Remember, constant pressure, applied constantly. We have revoked our consent and will not stop until we prevail, until freedom prevails, until life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is once again our birthright.
Both sides of Oregon's legislative isle are taking a victory lap for burning an additional $400MM in taxpayer's money. We elect moneyspenders rather than lawmakers.
Dear Moneyspenders,
Perhaps if you didn't confiscate so much of our income we wouldn't need 'relief'
And frankly we don't need lawmakers either. We have plenty of laws, even ones we don't enforce. We need reps and senators that will repeal laws, remove regulations, slash programs, close agencies, and reduce government to a level insignificant in taxpayers lives.
@FNC_Jobby2@Bubola After visiting with my family in Scotland, I found my teenaged self in London waiting to catch a ferry to the continent. As any good American teenager of Scottish decent would do while waiting, I hit the bar nearest the train station.
@FNC_Jobby2@Bubola It was one of those 500 year old pubs with plenty of beer and people. I was always a rather gregarious drunk and soon met and was drinking with George ans Sherri Innes. George was a famous British actor and Sherri was his American wife.
@FNC_Jobby2@Bubola As it neared time for me to catch the train to the ferry (no tunnel back then) George wrote his number down and told me if I ever needed anything to just let him know. Nice guy.