@hannahmckay88 must be trolling alongside the subject of her photo. A photo journalist talks about being there all night, but no mention of the fact Patsy Stevenson was hanging round with the antilockdown covid conspiracists all night riling up the crowd🧐
If it wasn’t for the live-streamers filming I’d have never been able to reconstruct the events that evening showing who’s really to blame for their own arrest… when will the professional journalists tell the truth instead of manufacturing drama and diverting from the real news?
It is literally unquestionable that @patsyestevenson is responsible for her own arrest. Here she is admitting to the fact as she speaks directly to Subject Access’s camera. Interestingly on GMB, Patsy admitting she had camera people there ‘to make sure everyone was safe’.🧐
The whole narrative surrounding this event is a toxic Tory Psyop. Too many journalists know about this now without reporting on the facts of the evening. This only serves those currently in power as the gaslit nation continues… when will the msm tell the truth?
Tommy Robinson backed ‘Hearts of Oak’, the blackshirted LARPers ‘Official Voice’, Piers Corbyn’s cult, Michael Chaves, Brian Stovel and many more NRx controlled opposition figureheads and organisations are protesting outside Parliament today
Only 100 or 2 there at the mo
Anyone up for a game of Grifter Bingo?
No prizes given considering I don't have a gambling license
Today’s #antivax protest is starting from Speakers Corner. William Coleshillpicks up an antisemitic light newspaper and announces the band jam for freedom should be playing…
I released this video about the band last week. They’re endorsed and funded by Eric Clapton and Steve Bannon…
Here’s an example of the antisemitism the light prints…
Coleshill and his cult are currently on parliament sq. probably about 100 people attending. Organiser Louise Creffield is with her co influencer hiding in his hood…
The day 'ex' Tommy Robinson propagandist Caolan Robertson removes himself from social media, will be the day he stops signal boosting fascist propaganda...
His employers and colleagues should be ashamed for turning a blind eye to this bullshit for so long...
In case there's any doubt about what I'm saying, simply take a quick scroll through the account sharing the original fake...
Find out more about why this is being allowed to happen by his employers by watching Part 1 and Part 2 of my series on the Cognitive Elite, proscribed by Jacob Rees Mogg's father's book Sovereign Individual and the billionaires.