Denmark/Omicron 18 Dec 2021: first look at people in hospital data. Looks to me that people who are in hospital have tested positive 6-7 days earlier. 1/x
Also it would appear that the amount of people in hospital is about 1.9-2.2 percent of people who tested positive 6-7 days earlier. That level is 79-83 percent lower than the overall level of people in hospital in Denmark before the Omicron wave (10.3-10.8%). 2/x
How each point in this graph has been calculated:
- reliable data on new cases exists only up to 13 Dec
- first example (red circle): comparing people in hospital 15-17 Dec with new cases 11-13 Dec (=4 days earlier) 3/x
1) people in hospital: sum of last 3 days = 52 2) new Omicron cases 4 days earlier = 5505 3) 52/5505 = 0.94 percent (data point for 17 Dec) 4/x
Example 2: calculating all the data points on the 7 day line. 5/x
Here are all the data points calculated on the 7 day line. Example: data point for 17 Dec = 52/2357 = 2.21 percent. 6/x
Here is a cumulative version of the above graph. There appears to be initial convergence towards the 6-7 day range (which would mean that people are at hospital an average of 6-7 days after having tested positive with Omicron). 7/x
Here is a quick calculation of length of hospital stay
- hospital stay appears roughly 0.85 days
- therefore: admissions to be measured at the 5-6 day point 8/x
Therefore Omicron admissions in Denmark, measured at the 5-6 day mark, are estimated at 1.7-2.1 percent of people who tested positive 5-6 days earlier. 9/x
Summary estimates:
- roughly 1.7-2.1 percent of people, who have tested positive 5-6 days earlier, are admitted to hospital, where they stay an average of 0.85 days
- roughly 1.9 - 2.2 percent of people who tested positive 6-7 days earlier are at hospital 10/x
• • •
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Finland's epidemic 14 Dec 2024: infectious diseases are showing very strong growth. Among 5-24 year olds, infectious disease incidence (ytd) is up to 4-5 times higher than in 2023, and the year isn't over yet. 1/x
To be clear, I have exluded the following infectious diseases from this graph:
- Covid-19
- influenza
- sexually transmitted diseases (STD) 2/x
Suomen epidemia 14.12.2024: tartuntatautien määrät kasvavat erittäin nopeasti. Nopeinta kasvu on 5-24 -vuotiaiden ikäryhmissä, missä tartuntatautien määrät ovat jopa 4-5 -kertaistuneet vuoteen 2023 verrattuna, ja vuotta on vielä jäljellä. 3/x
Finland's epidemic 11 Nov 2024: excess deaths of 5-9 and 10-14 year olds continue to grow, while deaths of 0-4 year olds are 38 percent above normal. 1/x
Suomen epidemia 11.11.2024: 5-9 ja 10-14 -vuotiaiden ylikuolemien määrä kasvaa nopeasti; samaan aikaan 0-4 -vuotiaiden kuolemien määrä on 38 prosenttia normaalia korkeammalla. 2/x
5-9 year olds: in July 2024, excess deaths reached a level five (5) times above normal. On an annual basis, deaths of 5-9 year olds are 2.5 times higher than normal. The current level of deaths has reached the same all-pandemic record level as seen in March 2024. 3/x
Finland's epidemic 12 Jul 2024: excess deaths of <60 year olds and in particular <25 year olds continue to rise. 1/x
Suomen epidemia 12.7.2024: alle 60-vuotiaiden ja varsinkin alle 25-vuotiaiden ylikuolemien määrä on kasvussa. 2/x
This is the total picture in terms of years of life lost. While the situation is improving for >60 year olds, the number of years lost continues to grow for <60 year olds. 3/x
Finland's epidemic 5 June 2024: excess deaths for <60 year olds continue to grow. For 5-9 year olds, excess deaths are now at 2.4 times pre-pandemic level. 1/x
Suomen epidemia 5.6.2024: alle 60-vuotiaiden ylikuolemien määrät kasvavat edelleen. 5-9 -vuotiaita kuolee nyt noin 2.4 kertaa niin paljon kuin ennen pandemiaa. 2/x
A major change in excess deaths is underway: in terms of years of life lost, >60 year olds peaked more than a year ago, while both 0-59 and 25-59 age groups have taken the lead. 3/x
In this article on Lewy Body Dementia, what they didn't say was that in animal tests, ALL rhesus macaques exposed to C19 got Lewy Bodies in their brains. 1/x
Tässä Lewyn kappale -dementiaa käsittelevässä jutussa jätettiin sanomatta, että apinakokeissa KAIKILTA rhesusapinoilta löytyi Lewyn kappaleita aivoista koronatartunnan jälkeen. 2/x