Twas the night before Terfmas, and across all the world,
The Terfs fought on bravely, their banners unfurled.
Their true sex based rights, they swore to uphold,
Material reality would not be controlled.
The Trans Folx were nestled,all snug in their beds,
More visions of clownfish danced in their heads.
Of "girldick" and periods, they continued to dream,
Male crime would be female, are you sensing a theme?
The Terven, they call us, we respect the ideal.
That women are human, a fact not a feel.
Protecting our children from trans ideology,
Supporting the detrans by respecting biology.
On Terf Island, a triumph, Maya won her appeal,
Belief in sex now enshrined, a democratic ideal.
Across Europe, women gathered and many faced hate,
Australia, New Zealand, our numbers are great.
Scottish women keep going, no way they would wheesht,
Call them all dinosaurs, their resolve just increased.
And dear dear Saint JK, she kept us all going,
With conviction so strong, and courage overflowing.
They called her a transphobe, though no one knew
What she had said that could make that seem to be true.
She said rape is done by a penis and sex usually matters,
It turned most of the internet into mad hatters.
Males "competing" in our sports, just continued to rise,
Sports Orgs sold out women, "we can't tell the difference", they cried.
From weightlifting, track, MMA to swim meets,
More men took advantage, those ignorant cheats.
Males allowed in our prisons, just by saying the word,
So "Keep Prisons Single Sex!" was a cry we all heard,
Heather organized protests to show them we knew,
And we'll never stop fighting, fuck your gender woowoo!
Some great books were written, thanks Helen my friend,
Coach Blade, Katherine, Abigail, may the trend never end.
For libraries and journalists, speech began to be free
But we still saw no coverage from the damn CBC!
And my brave friend Amy, well, she's risked her career,
"Sex is always immutable!", she proclaimed without fear.
I admire her so much and I'm not being funny,
I'm so sure that one day, she'll end up on our money.
If I missed an event or to call you by name,
Please know, I respect you and thank you the same.
I've written this poem and it's all just to say,
Merry Terfmas to all and to all, a Happy Gender Critical Day!
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