How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App say BCHRT (or maybe it was one of her cases, she’s not sure) said that everyone has to use the terms and pronouns recognized by what we would call gender identity ideology. /2 the hearing starts, it is announced that there will be an “in camera” session. This means that the public and witnesses are excluded, only the Panel and lawyers will attend and this portion will be excluded from the public transcript. /2 begins with Lisa B from Amy’s team addressing Dr. A Scheim, potential rebuttal witness to Dr, James Cantor improperly being in the participant galley, listening to the proceeding almost the entire day. /2 a reminder, this is a hearing into two complaints (one anonymous, one by Alex Turrif) that were originally about @preta_6’s participation in putting up a billboard that said I ❤️@jk_rowling. 2 of this hearing took place on Sept 22. This is the second of three planned days for the @BCnursemidwife College to present a case to support their citation.