goinglikeelsie #KPSS! Ultra Terf! Profile picture
My feminism prioritises the material condition of women over the internal identification of men. A #mythicbiologicalfemale . Gender ID = sex role stereotyping
5 subscribers
Jan 21 13 tweets 5 min read
Hell freezes over and the CBC publishes a story about men in women’s federal prisons! Link later in thread.

Mostly balanced, some seriously naive statements from some people who should know better and it includes a link to a fantastic column by journalist and “influential La Presse columnist Isabelle Hachey”/1 Some background, high and lowlights.

“The Quebec case of convicted murderer Levana Ballouz has sparked a tense debate about whether trans inmates should be allowed to choose whether they serve time in men's or women's prison based on their gender identity.

A jury found Ballouz, a trans woman, guilty on Dec. 16 of fatally stabbing her partner Synthia Bussières, and suffocating their two children, five-year-old Éliam and two-year-old Zac in 2022.

During sentencing, the judge in the case described Ballouz as "sadistic", "dangerous" and "manipulative."  She was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole for at least 25 years. “/2
Oct 21, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Earlier this year, I ran into Stephen Quinn of CBC’s Early Edition reporting on Robson Street. I was 99% sure that it was him but asked just in case. He said no & then laughed while admitting it was. /1 I added that detail because it felt patronizing and I don’t think he would have said that same thing to a grown man. Fellow women, I think you will know what I mean.

I asked him if he remembered the JY vs the Waxing Ladies case. He said vaguely so I brought him up to speed./2
Nov 8, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Linda Blade @coachblade is on the stand testifying for @preta_6 in her @BCnursemidwife Disciplinary Hearing.

#IStandWithAmyHamm #nurseswillspeak #sexnotgender LB is arguing that Coach should be qualified to testify as an expert witness because she can speak to the social value of Amy’s speech and factors relevant to the Amy’s Canadian Charter speech rights. /2
Nov 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
BF just objected to Amy using the term “trans identified male”. Want the panel to rule that she has to use the term “Trans woman”. LB objects, says BF not entitled to compel speech./1 BF say BCHRT (or maybe it was one of her cases, she’s not sure) said that everyone has to use the terms and pronouns recognized by what we would call gender identity ideology. /2
Nov 1, 2023 29 tweets 5 min read
Here’s my recap for Day 15 of the @BCnursemidwife hearing for Amy Hamm. Link to Day 14 here.

#IStandWithAmyHamm #nurseswillspeak #sexnotgender

/1twitter.com/goinglikeelsie Sorry to say that I missed most of the morning due to a migraine but will try to get the notes from others and update as I can. Here we go./2
Oct 26, 2023 46 tweets 7 min read
Here’s a recap for Day 14 of the @BCnursemidwife disciplinary hearing for Amy Hamm, our @preta_6. This took place yesterday, October 27th.

Link to previous two days here.

#IStandWithAmyHamm #nurseswillspeak #sexnotgende As the hearing starts, it is announced that there will be an “in camera” session. This means that the public and witnesses are excluded, only the Panel and lawyers will attend and this portion will be excluded from the public transcript. /2
Oct 25, 2023 67 tweets 10 min read
Here’s a synopsis of Day 13 of the @BCnursemidwife disciplinary hearing for Amy Hamm., our @preta_6. Day 12 is here./1

#IStandWithAmyHamm #nurseswillspeak #sexnotgender Hearing begins with Lisa B from Amy’s team addressing Dr. A Scheim, potential rebuttal witness to Dr, James Cantor improperly being in the participant galley, listening to the proceeding almost the entire day. /2
Oct 23, 2023 38 tweets 6 min read
A brief review of today’s @BCnursemidwife disciplinary hearing for our Amy Hamm, @preta_6.

The morning began with Amy’s team arguing that the College was again attempting to “split” their case./1

#IStandWithAmyHamm #nurseswillspeak #sexnotgender It is a legal principle (backed by many rulings) that the defendant is entitled to hear all of her accuser’s case before presenting her defence. /2
Jan 29, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Explosive revelation from the Correctional Service of Canada.

44% of incarcerated “Transwomen” are sexual offenders.

Information is from two recent official publications. /1 First publication is titled Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders.

Jan 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Anyone want to take one for the team (I’m blocked) and ask @MorganeOgerBC to comment on the CSC report showing that of the 99 gender diverse offenders in-custody between December 17, 2017 and March 13, 2020, 1/3 had a history of sexual offending? /1 Over 80% of that 1/3 were “trans women”. Almost all (94%) had committed their offences while living as their biological sex. The majority ( 85%) committed offences that caused death or serious harm to their victim(s) while 70% inflicted psychological harm on their victim(s). /2
Nov 7, 2022 208 tweets >60 min read
Notes for day 1 of the 2nd session of the @BCnursemidwife Disciplinary Hearing for @preta_6.

It took place on Oct 24th

Links to the previous 3 day session which took place in September are linked in the next tweet
#istandwithamyhamm #womenwillspeak #nurseswillspeak Link to the last three day session:

Oct 8, 2022 151 tweets 29 min read
This will be the thread for my notes of the third day of the @BCnursemidwife Hearing for @preta_6 This hearing took place on Sept 23. #nurseswillspeak #womenwillspeak #IStandWithAmyHamm

Day 2 is here and includes a link to Day 1 As a reminder, this is a hearing into two complaints (one anonymous, one by Alex Turrif) that were originally about @preta_6’s participation in putting up a billboard that said I ❤️@jk_rowling.
Sep 27, 2022 105 tweets 22 min read
Thread for day 2 of the @BCnursemidwife Disciplinary Committee Hearing for Amy Eileen Hamm (@preta_6). The thread for Day 1 is linked.

#IStandWithAmyHamm #nurseswillspeak #womenwillspeak Day 2 of this hearing took place on Sept 22. This is the second of three planned days for the @BCnursemidwife College to present a case to support their citation.
Sep 21, 2022 140 tweets 31 min read
Chair asks lawyers to introduce themselves and invites them to share their pronouns.

For the College:

Michael Seaborn, He/Him
Brent Olthuis, He/Him
barbara findlay She/Her

bf also identifies that she uses lowercase letters For Amy Eileen Hamm:

Lisa Bildy
Karen Bastow

Neither accept the invitation to share their pronouns.
Sep 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
B.C. nurse, trans-exclusionary radical feminist faces hearing for alleged discrimination - Vancouver Is Awesome vancouverisawesome.com/bc-news/bc-ter…
Sep 19, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Bit more info that I find highly revealing about about barbara findlay QC (rumoured to have been brought on by @BCnursemidwife against Amy Hamm (@preta_6 ). #AmyHammHearing #womenwillspeak #nurseswillspeak She endowed an award named after Kimberly Nixon, the notorious and failed litigant against VRR.

“Kimberly Nixon Trans Activist Contribution to Community Award to recognize an exceptional transgender individual who has made an impact in the fight for transgender rights”
Jul 25, 2022 16 tweets 16 min read
@morganeogerbc is again seeking a position of public trust. This time, it’s COV Council on the @progress_van ticket, led by @mark4vancouver. I have questions.

1st, do you even want a candidate who has lost every one of the 4 times they’ve run in the past? #vanpoli #nothankyou Oger claims to share @mark4vancouver and @progress_van’s values so please let potential voters know if you share Oger’s values and if these tweets reflect the level of judgement you think is needed for a position of public trust. #vanpoli
Jun 17, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
.@Etsy Why do you allow vendors to advertise and sell products that use violent imagery to promote hatred toward women who support sex based rights? Some examples follow. .@Etsy Why do you allow products like this that use a slur and promote violence toward women? Image
Dec 18, 2021 12 tweets 2 min read
- The Night Before Terfmas 2021 -
"Around the World with Saint @jk_rowling "

A thread of bad poetry for my friend @preta_6 Twas the night before Terfmas, and across all the world,
The Terfs fought on bravely, their banners unfurled.
Their true sex based rights, they swore to uphold,
Material reality would not be controlled.