Data shows us that 97%+ in Delhi, 85%+ in Mumbai,& an average of 67% across India have developed antibodies. Nat. immunity is undeniably better than vax immunity. Stop the criminal misuse of taxpayer money as vaxing naturally immune gives them no benefit
To all the provaxxers who believe vax reduces hosp & death, lets for argument sake say that they do. But so do many other things, like vitamin d, ivermectin, arginine, nutritional therapies, black seeds, omega 3 fats, & more! Why do youll only push the vax?
1) Lets say govt comes in court & agrees that vax doesnt reduce transmission, but definitely reduces hosp & death. & they argue that since they fine ppl for helmets & seatbelts, they can also fine us if we dont take a vaccine for our own good, or mandate it
2) Even then, their argument won't stand due to 3 reasons:
a) helmet & vax analogy cant be compared, as most ppl already are protected due to natural immunity, without having to wear an additional helmet (i.e. vax)
b) Mandating a vax is like mandating a particular brand of helmet. There are many helmets that can reduce spread, hosp & death, like vitamin d, arginine, ivermectin, omega 3 fats, black seeds, nutr. & oxidative therapies, and debatably the vax! So why just mandate the vax?
There is scientific evidence of other previously dormant infections like hepatitis and varicella zoster waking up in the bodies of the vaccinated, and previously controlled cancers going out of control! Where there is risk, there must be choice
Covishield has been causally connected to serious adverse events in studies. To force a harmful vaccine on people even if you think it is helping others, is criminal. You cannot harm some people in order to help others
2) New research published in The BMJ confirmed evidence of blood clotting and found a risk after receiving just one dose of AstraZeneca’s (Covishield) vaccine
More than 8 scientific studies show that the viral load of Sars-Cov-2 in the throat of a vaccinated person is the same as, or more than a naturally immune person. What is the basis for discriminating against the unvaccinated & ignoring natural immunity?
1) “Found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta.”…
If the vaccines did stop transmission or even reduced the chance of transmission, more than 50% cases in Kerala & Bangalore, 75%+ in Chandigarh, & 80% plus in Guwahati & Lucknow would not be from fully vaccinated people!