The vain old white man's vain old white man. He can change his demands on a whim for months, tell all 49 of his colleagues to fuck off, spread demonstrable bullshit about inflation & debt, crater his party's electoral chances ... but call him out for it? Whine, whine, whine.
I'm sure some savvy types will draw from this the lesson that Biden & Dems should have just kept kissing Manchin's ass forever. The lesson I draw is that *Manchin is extremely sensitive to how he's viewed* & maybe making him a hero for being obstructionist was the wrong move.
It's too bad, of course, that the US political media lionized Manchin for months, cast his every whimsical new demand in the best light, & refused to call out his utter bullshit on inflation. Ideally, telling the truth about Manchin wouldn't be left to Biden. But here we are.
Before this, Biden kissed Manchin's ass. And kissed it. And kissed it. All while Manchin lied to his face & shifted around like a wet bar of soap.
My guess is, the reason Biden got pissed is that he promised Jayapal & progressives, in no uncertain terms, that he could get Manchin on board -- because that's what Manchin told him -- and now Manchin made a liar of him. He looks like an untrustworthy negotiator & he HATES that.
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The Roberts Men saw Spider-Man: No Way Home yesterday. We agree with pretty much every other reviewer: it's fantastic! Thrilling & joyful & genuinely moving -- they threw a LOT of balls in the air & juggled them flawlessly.
I'm sure I'm not the first to make this comparison, but it occurred to me & the 18yo both on the drive home: this movie is the Endgame of the Spider-Man franchise(s). It pulls all the threads, 20 years of movies, together in an intensely satisfying way.
It pulls together all the previous Spider-Man movies, AND integrates Spider-Man further into the Marvel universe (setting up the Dr. Strange movie), AND pulls the Netflix & Disney+ tv shows into the Marvel universe, AND is tonally truer to the Spider-Man comics than the last 2.
The spread of wind power in the US, absolutely central to climate policy, is being slowed & impeded by local communities who are having their heads filled full of ludicrous disinformation on the internet.…
Read this and weep, forever.
By the way, though I was thoroughly mocked earlier this year for saying that people's experience of inflation is mediated, the above 👆 is further evidence for my point that *everything* is mediated. Even your physiological response to a wind turbine!
We've reached that familiar stage of things where the left intellectual class descends to explain why failure was inevitable & why it never could have been otherwise. Why Manchin's actually the sensible one & progressives were always wrong. Why trying was always silly.
If you want to be part of the savvy class, the prime imperative is that you never evince any shock or surprise, & you certainly never reveal that you're hurt or upset. Nothing less savvy than that. You saw this coming; it had to be this way; only partisans didn't know this.
For my part, I'm shocked Manchin took his idiocy & bad faith this far. I'm hurt, because millions of people poured their heart into making change & are now being fucked over by our dysfunctional gov't. I'm upset, because the failure of BBB means untold avoidable suffering ...
Just sitting here thinking about what would happen if Republicans had the House, the presidency, & 50 senators, & one senator -- literally one guy -- was standing in the way of their entire agenda. I invite you to imagine the full-spectrum, 360° hurricane of shit ...
... that would descend on said senator. The RW billionaires that would call & bully him, buy ads against him, & hire private investigators to dig into his private life. The biz CEOs & lobbying firms that would pledge never to do business with him. The media ...
... that would coordinate -- across radio, cable news, local news, & social media -- to ravage him. The RW candidates that would immediately arise to challenge him in his next primary. And above all, the grassroots fury (also coordinated by billionaires) that would haunt him ...
Biden releases a list of 2,700 (!) regulatory actions planned by his executive branch. These measures will improve lives & prevent disasters, but they unfold in the background & most people never hear about them.…
By & large, Americans are unaware of how big & sprawling the federal regulatory machine is & the extent to which it undergirds the safety & prosperity they take for granted. Everyone should read The Fifth Risk.
This, to me, is one of the most striking things about the modern Trumpist right wing. They think the media culture war IS politics; they seem genuinely unaware that, outside, in the world, there is a vast apparatus of agencies & rules that keep things running smoothly/safely.