(THREAD) Let's talk about Trump lawyer Robert Barnes. On January 1st Barnes was invited on Alex Jones' show and was asked about the "remedy" of a new election.
Barnes continues: His second remedy was to have the House elect him because that was the easiest constitutional remedy.
And Barnes ends this quote with: But as you know, if that remedy is politically not available, then the alternative is a new election in the contested states.
When Barnes presented a re-do of the election in the contested states, it was less than a week before January 6th, the day of the Electoral College Vote Count.
Even John Eastman's coup memo did not go as far as suggesting a re-do of the election in the contested states.
However, a re-do of the election was not a new idea. It was presented by this group of people to Donald Trump during a 4+ hour meeting at the White House. Michael Flynn, Patrick Byrne and Sidney Powell were at the heart of that meeting, December 18th 2020.
Perhaps it is an idea to read Patrick Byrne's account of what happened at the White House that night. This excerpt comes from his book "The Deep Rig."
In the video clip on top of this thread, Alex Jones says he's been told Trump is leaning towards such a new election.
And take a wild guess who Alex Jones had a phone call with the day before this broadcast?
Mike Flynn!
It's also important to point out once more that according to Jones, Flynn spoke to Trump "every day."
Now let's talk a bit more about Barnes himself. Trump called him seemingly right after the election to represent him.
For free of course.
Barnes flew around the country on his own dime and closely worked with Cleta Mitchell. Mitchell, who two days later would be on the call with Raffensperger and Trump.
After this broadcast with Alex Jones, Barnes would fly to DC.
On January 5th he met with Trump's legal team who were meeting with members of Congress to advocate different positions, give them talking points and give information for the house and senate objections the next day.
He says on January 6th, he was in various government buildings during the day with high ranking officials watching the insurrection on TV.
Barnes says about January 6th that he was unfazed about the occupation of buildings such as what happend with the Capitol that day. Seth Abramson wrote about that sentiment at length in this article: sethabramson.substack.com/p/major-breaki…
It's important to note that other than being a lawyer for Trump, Barnes was also a lawyer for Jones (and may still be.)
Robert Barnes has months-long inside knowledge on everything that happened after the election, as well as detailed information what happened on January 5th and January 6th.
What are the names of all the congress members that were briefed?
Was he part of the Waldron briefing?
Were there multiple congressional briefings January 5th?
Who are the high ranking government officials he was with on January 6th? Was he with Trump?
The Jan 6th Committee needs to talk with Robert Barnes.
Call to other Jan 6th investigators: Watch the Infowars broadcast and watch the Jan 6th live streamed YouTube video with Barnes and Viva Frei. You'll have a field day!
Last note since I can't edit: The call to Raffensperger happened the day after this Infowars broadcast on January 2nd.
In light of the 22 page document "STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS PLAN GIULIANI PRESIDENTIAL LEGAL DEFENSE TEAM" released by Bernard Kerik and published by Politico today, here is Trump attorney Robert Barnes again confirming they acted on it.
The clip which comes from the YouTube video shared multiple times in this thread and which was from a live stream on January 6th. Barnes describes how he met with the legal team the day before and explains what he witnessed.
@maddow in her show exposed the coordinated effort of Trump backers from several states sending forged official paperwork to, among others, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. Archivist, that claimed Donald Trump had won the election in their respective states.
Jan 6th 2021, a vile attack on our democracy happened. Trump supporters, incited by Donald Trump and his lieutenants, stormed the Capitol, assaulted police and threatened members of Congress.
But let me show you how the planners and inciters spent their time in DC that week.
Eric Trump celebrated his 37th birthday in the lobby of Trump International Hotel with a giant chocolate cake.
The night before, he was an attendant of the war room located in the same hotel.