It should be structured exactly how a thought works. One transient thought comes along, and is auto-tagged by datetime and custom metadata. Tags change its type - "actionable" vs "knowable". Like a tweet, you can chain another thought to this (thought train)
New thoughts can be assigned relationships to the previous thought - parent/sibling/child (up/sideways/down). Main idea is that you never break the flow of the current thought and stay in the present.
Just as a new thought can bring up old memories by association, entering a new thought brings up relevant thoughts through AI, tags or similar words used. This thought keeps these associations in proximity.
Hebb's rule - neurons that fire together wire together. The more two terms are used together in a block (or thought), the higher their "proximity" is, increasing chance of resurfacing when used in future.
Why be constrained to pages when we are no longer working on paper? Let it work just like our brain. It can live as a capture interface when browsing videos or audios or sounds or using the camera.
While browsing an article on your phone, you think - oh that's so interesting. On your Brave/Safari/Chrome browser, you highlight it and the app picks it up automatically, saved with datetime, source url, and custom tags, without leaving the browser.
While watching a video, you make some annotations in real time. While having a conversation or meeting, you input valuable insights and takeaways. While brainstorming a project with others, you input ideas and tasks. It works in the background with a minimalistic capture UI.
How about reviewing old material? Just like our brain, we start with a "cue". Let's dive into "travel" - your graph automatically pulls out the most recent and strongest memory, just like how your brain would. That serves as a launchpad to explore related links and cousins.
The strength of memory also gets automatically tracked. As synapses weaken, we forget memories. The graph employs strategies- one is to create a higher cue-to-memory ratio, two is to put it into "memory orbit" and lastly, to allow it to decay.
Curiously... I wonder why no one has bothered to make a PKM app based off twitter - as threaded tweet-like blocks that can embed, branch out or be "retweeted". Twitter threading does it better than indentation imo.
In a way, Twitter follows how our minds work - we leap on a thought train and it takes you down a rabbit hole. Replies from others open up new "threads" of possibilities. Notifications program your attention, taking you back to threads that were pending.
Threading combines both the power of prose-writing in obsidian and the power of sequential block writing with parent-child relationships in outliners like roam/logseq/remnote. It's also not as linear and one-dimensional as traditional forums.
When we want a sequential chain of thought, we nest them as equal level children under the same parent. The alternative would be a very ugly way:
- A
- B
- C
- ...
This way makes more sense but looks horrible.
The maths doesn't work out either. When use method 1, A/B/C are related via an OR (x) function. In method 2, A/B/C are related via an AND (%) function. We intuitively feel this burden that something is not right. And yet we don't like going into indenting hell.
Part of the reason why I enjoyed writing in prose form in obsidian was because I didn't have to figure out whether I had to indent or write a sibling bullet. Isn't it intuitive? No it isn't, especially when you consider how a bullet is queried in future...
Just a thread on how to maximise your Obsidian experience and learn how to use it really quickly (and unlearn bad habits)...
Install "CodeMirror Options" on the community plugins to get access to the closest WYSIWYG mode you can find...…
Unlock roam-like outliner/list/bullet manipulation with the community plugin "Outliner". Again, just go settings > Community Plugin > search for "Outliner"> Click "install" > "Activate". That's it.…
Working in @obsdmd has forced me to rethink of a PKM strategy that is also compatible with Roam, and here's what I've come up with so far: Input Notes, Summary Notes, Connector Notes, Category Notes, and #properties. Let me explain what these mean...
This strategy was built because I needed some structure while preserving the anti-hierarchy of zettelkasten - inspired by MOCs, Zettelkasten and how language works.
Input Notes: Any kind of input - they can be notes taken down from media (pdfs, books, videos, courses, interviews, classes), conversations, thinking, journalling. These contain metadata - authors, links, dates, etc.
~ aka "reference notes"/"fleeting notes".
The directionality of attention is what drives usage of roam - not just the existence of bidirectional links. Some thoughts below...
Attention is like a spotlight - just as it can shift from a sound in the room to the taste on our tongue to a visual object or a sensation, it can move from 'concept' to 'concept'.
The shifting of attention from one object to the next object creates a chain of continuity. Going from bullet → bullet, idea → idea, or clicking links offers an unbroken chain of attention moving from object to object
If there is no "hierarchy" in Roam, there is no true "nesting" of bullets. There are only different relationships.
Nested bullets *do not* indicate a parent-child relationship - they talk about "AND" (÷) vs "OR" (×) relationships.
A union B = OR relationship
A intersect B = AND relationship
A nested bullet has an AND relationship with its parent or child; A bullet in the same level has an OR relationship with siblings. Each time we create an indent, it is not creating something smaller - you are creating a new circle with an intersection with the "parent".
My attempt to visualize the differences between a [[page]] and a ((block)) in @RoamResearch with my horrible drawing skills
It seems that [[page]]s seem to travel perpendicularly to ((block)) creation. Almost like it grows organically at the same time while sharing those blocks. It is almost like a query, but a fascinating question pops out:
Why is there an ability to generate blocks within a [[page]], if this page does not live as a block, but simultaneously in every other block? It's almost like the [[page]] is from a different dimension.