I woke up this morning to inspiring DMs. People often ask me how I deal with the daily insanity from toxic hate accounts, and I tell them that the support from family, friends, and the Bot Sentinel community makes it easy. But more importantly, I feel sorry for hate accounts...
Imagine the sad and empty lives these people live to go on social media and seek others like them, just to spread hate about people they never met. Really think about it. They could be doing any number of things with their finite time on this planet, but they choose this...
They watch videos created by middle-aged women sharing screenshots of news articles about people enjoying their life. Rambling on about the same thing from the previous videos. As misery and hate consume them, they hope for something awful to happen to someone they never met...
People who are happy and surrounded by family and friends who love them don’t create single-purpose hate accounts. People who are loved don’t try to make other people’s lives miserable. On the contrary, they try to share that love with as many other people as possible...
So the overwhelming messages of support from my peers and people I have never met is a daily reminder that what my team and I are doing is making a difference in people’s lives, and that makes it all worthwhile. Thank you!❤️
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Last week, csthetruth tweeted if I left Yankee Wally alone, he would think about leaving me alone. At the time, I thought it was odd that he tweeted about Yankee Wally, and I couldn't understand his relationship with that hate account. He eventually deleted the tweet...
Then csthetruth abruptly files his pro se defamation lawsuit about tweets from a year ago. It doesn't make sense, right? Why do it now? PinkVanillaDice is Yankee Wally, and somehow csthetruth was persuaded to file his makeshift pro se DIY lawsuit with over a dozen errors...
By doing so, PinkVanillaDice aka Yankee Wally, and other hate accounts can then spam the complaint all over social media as proof Bot Sentinel isn't credible...etc. Obviously, they didn't think their half-baked plan through, nor do they understand real journalists do research...
A group of hate accounts convinced csthetruth to sue Bot Sentinel and me for defamation, in return for their "support." So he rushes to court and files pro se...
Hate accounts are jumping for joy because most of them are uneducated and don't understand the legal process, while all of legal Twitter is literally laughing at csthetruth. Six days before suing Bot Sentinel, he filed another lawsuit... pro se...
So by now, you must be asking yourself, "why did this buffoon file this asinine lawsuit that isn't going anywhere?" Really simple, this is a classic case of grifters grifting grifters. He is being sued by other people, including The National Academy of Television and Sciences ...
This grifter claims he has sued Bot Sentinel and me for defamation, and if you go to his website, you can download the complaint. But when you go to his GoDaddy website, he is selling $1000 subscriptions. He is trying to use Bot Sentinel and me to get people to send him money. 🤡
He is involved in two other lawsuits, and he is pro se.
I sincerely don't understand the strategy these hate accounts are using regarding me. I am not a celebrity, and I am not employed by anyone.
Attacking me didn't get you anywhere. People don't use Bot Sentinel because of me; they use it because it works well...
Everyone who reads our reports can examine the hate accounts and review the data themselves. Journalists don't cite our reports specifically because of me; they cite our reports because they can easily validate the information in our reports...
You tried to get Twitter to suspend me, and many of you got suspended in the process. You tried to get journalists not to work with us, and they are still working with us. You tried to get the BBC and Discovery+ to remove me from their documentaries, and they ignored you...
This is an example of how coordinated messaging works. Since October, they have tried several tactics that weren't successful, so now this is their latest tactic. It's gross, racist, and totally expected from this group.
Let's take a look at each of their tweets...
This person is tweeting dangerous COVID-19 disinformation.
True story: Last year, some conspiracy lunatic accused someone I respect of being part of a cover-up. I confronted this lunatic on Twitter, and he called my cellphone, secretly recorded the conversation, and uploaded it to YouTube. Let's just say he went through some things...
First, I got the video removed, and then I proceeded to get his entire channel removed. When he created a new channel, I got that channel removed. He then created another channel, and that channel was also removed. He is now up to his 5th channel...
I didn't stop with YouTube; his Facebook and Instagram accounts were also taken down. Needless to say, he got the message and quickly moved on...