IOW, since they only reference the estate, not the decedent - if he was actually whisked away by Barr &| Mossad and surfaces in 10 years, would this safely serve to indemnify all his powerful 'clients' in perpetuity a way that victims would not have agreed to if they were aware he was not deceased (if that were indeed the case), as the potential for his harm to others would not have come to a fixed end as they believed?
What we really need: legislation to permit any citizen to force those who they have reason to believe engaged in facilitating sexual predation into court.
Allowing others to file suit relieves survivors of the initial burden.
If SCOTUS decides to 'remain neutral' on abortion rights, they're effectively saying fetuses have no inherent constitutional 'right to life' per the USC.
That means any attempt to outlaw it as such would then be an unconsititutional violations of fully living womens' rights.
The thing is, you can't just willy-nilly restrict the rights of one person - unless you're doing it to ensure someone else's liberty is not impeded.
The only limit to our own liberty exists when it negatively impacts another's liberty.
If SCOTUS "neutrally" deems non-viable fetuses are not guaranteed the same rights & freedoms that a fully realized human adult possesses under the constitution in ALL states,
there can be NO constitutional path to limit the rights of pregnant women to terminate that pregnancy.
The reason the FEC "dropped the ball" for several years?
Because there Was. Not. A. Quorum.
There literally were not enough commissioners to even vote on ANYTHING until May 2020 - because Trump nominated no one.
And the commission was only filled out at the END of his term.
Leaving those seats open ensured that no action would be possible, and that, by stacking the deck at the end of the administration, things could get pushed out past the SOL.
However, I propose that, indeed, the multi-year lack of a quorum is something that should TOLL SOL.
If there are not enough commissioners to make a decision - any decision - it is impossible for a crime to be "discovered" - and statute of limitations explicitly does not start ticking until the crime is discovered.
If there is no ability to prosecute, SOL can NOT expire.