The Job Guarantee is a built in automatic stabilizer that, instead of just propping up unused commodities actually steps in and backstops labor minus the politics. Federally funded, locally administered automatic community stabilizer and a job as a right. #MMT#FJG
Enabling real geographic and class mobility. Baked into the DNA of the nations laws, and institutions, women trapped in bad marriages would have the ability to move forward with confidence, leaving abusive situations and landing on their feet with a #FJG... Free to move about.
Now... Add in the idea of free college and eliminating student debt and expanding social security and a Green New Deal. A better world is possible.
"We need to get a few things straight. And this is partly for those out there who seem to think that the extent of literature on ...(MMT) or the Job Guarantee within #MMT is confined to collections of Tweets that allow 280 characters or Unicode glyphs"
Funny thing... We spend all this time trying to think of how to frame economic messages for those who are still not convinced of #MMT or have no understanding. 1/x
But when a movie comes out targeting the outlandish avoidance our MSM goes thru to keep us happy, laughing, depressed and struggling but always distracted, people have a fit... Not left enough, no class awareness... Not enough xyz... Not global enough... Too American... Whatever.
.. Fact is the people we need to reach are not always going to be able to have a full class analysis as the word class has been tainted and people expect you to trot out Trotsky or some other boogiemen that propaganda has fed them thanks McCarthy and the intelligence community.
So if something is already the way it is but people don't know, then that means an education is required.
Nothing need be implemented... just education.
Why does this matter?
If you see someone pouring gas in the windshield wiper fluid, or transmillion fluid in the gas tank, you might want to inform them they are about to trash their vehicle... or at least show them the proper place to pour those fluids.
Same with economics.
When you see someone saying they need to raise federal taxes to pay for things, you know they are pouring antifreeze into the transmission.
There is a HUGE public out there who thinks our nation, which creates its own currency everytime it spends, must be constrained like a household budget which cannot do the same.
The lie is so pernicious that no other factor will hold us back including corruption, rigged elections, or any other issue you may raise.
Because this lie is responsible for more death and destruction than any other lie, it is ground zero of our efforts. All the yellow vests and protests in the world will not fix what ails us until this is known.
Nothing pains me more than to have to explain to activists & others who've deeply held beliefs & very little individual power to execute them, that they MUST toss aside lies & myths about macroeconomics In order for us to get the policies we want & need. But we do & We must. #MMT
See, short of a real revolution that literally dismantles the entirety of global capital, we must learn and understand the system to make demands. Demands that will rally the streets and get the establishments attention. That's why you need to #LearnMMT
The tales from the barstool and tablecloth are simply not striking fear in the establishment and it is misleading well meaning activists. That time waste is a loss we cannot overcome if it continues as climate disaster bears down on us and escalates. Woe to those who advance lies
Pretend you understand #MMT(Modern Monetary Theory) and look down at your child, knowing we have literally no time left to substantively reduce our carbon footprint and little time to stave off some of the more deleterious effects of climate change heading towards us. 1/x
You know that Congress and other sovereign currency issuing nations can simply spend what must be spent to save us all from disaster. Raising taxes isn't required to "fund* these efforts. Just political will and an informed, economically literate populous.
Now... pretend that the major parties are both corrupt and 3rd parties are steeped in economic illiteracy that edges up on at worst criminal negligence and the very least incompetence.