After being deported from the USA, Marcus Garvey and his family eventually relocated to London (on March 26, 1935) from where he supported the Greater Liberian Act of 1938, a law that would help relocate AAs to Africa drafted by racist Mississippi U.S. Senator Theodore Bilbo.😩
Here is more information about Senator Bilbo and his partnership with Garvey’s UNIA organization taken from the Theodore Bilbo papers kept at the University of Southern Mississippi archives. 😭
“Not only was [BILBO] anti-African American, but he did not care for Italians, or Catholics or Jewish people, or Hispanics either, ummm…or Hawaiians it would seem.”😭
More on Theodore Bilbo (Marcus Garvey’s partner)👇🏽
Benefitting from a privileged black immigrant status, these migrants often “brought” with them an ignorance of how race/racism operated within the USA (because they assumed that race/racism operated the same here as it did in the Caribbean), and at least initially undermined BAs.
“It was the first time I had ever come face to face with such manifest, implacable hate of my race, and my feelings were indescribable. ... I had heard of prejudice in America but never dreamed of it being so intensely bitter.”
After immigrating to the U.S., Claude McKay was shocked to learn about the conditions of Black Americans and was actually radicalized *IN the United States. McKay’s understanding of how race/racism operated in the USA was not something he brought with him from the Caribbean.
Gates was being ratioed horribly for this post; now his ratio has improved. Look at the last 100 or so accounts that have “liked” his post. You see the long numerical values in those Twitter account names? These accounts have almost no followers. #BOTS
If you scroll through the “likes” and target the accounts with numerical values, you’ll find that many of them have already been suspended. “Influencers” are hiring social media management firms with BOT farms that will swoop in and “fix” the ratios of Twitter posts “gone wrong.”
Do I know for sure that Henry Louis Gates hired a social media firm to monitor his account? No, but all of the now suspended accounts that swooped in to like his post sure does look mighty suspicious…and if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then…..
This document right here is making me ill. I don’t know how anyone can read a report like this and not full-throatily advocate for reparations for Black U.S. chattel slavery descendants. @TheBlackCaucus@NAACP - y’all need to get it together.
“A federal official who traveled to southern states following the establishment of ADC reported that few Black families participated in ADC because of White administrators’ presumption that Black women should work in the wage labor force—unlike White women.”
“Black women were often denied assistance and forced to work, even as White women were allowed to continue receiving assistance.”