April 1 2020. The following "public advice" was released in Sweden -
"Persons over the age of 70 and those belonging to other risk groups should limit their physically close contact with others and completely avoid using public transport and other forms of transport.
"If you are over 70, you should also avoid shopping in stores such as pharmacies and grocery stores or visiting other places where people gather"
The then General Director of the Swedish Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson, explains it in this press conference the same day (in Swedish).
You're obliged to follow it.
If that's not clear here he is cited in Swedish State media -
"Following the guidelines and preventing the spread of infection is an obligation," says Johan Carlson.
You have an obligation to follow this. This is not voluntary," says Johan Carlson" sverigesradio.se/artikel/7443372
Other articles cover the same topic, citing government language experts, with the same message. This "public advice" **is obligatory to follow**.
Carlson - "general public advice is not just some good advice that you can choose to ignore, it is binding"
@pegobry Back in 2010 while awaiting the birth of my son, a friend warned me about my wife taking Vitamin C because it might trigger scurvy in the baby. She said her Doctor warned her about this when she was pregnant.
This made zero sense to me, so I started to dig in to it.
@pegobry I actually found she was kind of right! ie That probably *is* what her Doctor told her, because I found it in some online medical textbooks! (Can't find it now)
I eventually tracked it down to a letter in a medical journal from a single doctor hypothesising it.
@pegobry Digging again now I did find this reference to it. Just bizarre that Doctors even in 21st century textbooks were getting taught such obviously implausible rubbish.
If Sweden couldn't become even more of a parody - New Swedish research shows masks work! But media says ... it's important not wear them tight, or you can't breath and might faint.
This will overcount by including people who died from other causes unrelated to Covid, but will undercount by missing those who die outside the 30 day window.
This is the data reported internationally.
The second registry is actually the official one, from @socialstyrelsen
This count is based on death certificates and the officially recorded cause of death as determined by a doctor.
This will likely undercount, especially early in the pandemic, when doctors were unfamiliar with the disease.
@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden has had magnitudes more deaths than their neighbours.
sources: Statems Serum Institut, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Folkehelseinstituttet, FolkhΓ€lsomyndigheten. graph by Oxford University, Our World in Data
@Mark_Blondin Fact: Sweden has had magnitudes more pressure on health care than their neighbours.
(sources as above)
@Mark_Blondin Fact: Swedish students in schools that remained open lost *more* reading ability compared to UK.
Sweden's leading newspaper, @dagensnyheter, booked an interview with a Swede living in New Zealand. After she old them she supported the NZ strategy, they cancelled the interview, instead going with an "anti-lockdown" Swede.
They failed to even report that nearly 9 in 10 New Zealanders support their Zero Covid approach, and only added some other Swedess in NZ views after many of them wrote to protest.
Perspective -
Sweden 14692* reported Covid-19 deaths
New Zealand 27 reported Covid-19 deaths
* Sweden has not reported any new Covid deaths since Tuesday due to a "system update"