32 today, so far I’ve spent my entire 30’s w/ #LongCovid 😵💫 ~ Haven’t been able to leave the house for a meaningful outing since last Spring.
This year I’d love the world to start responding with the urgency required to address the greatest mass disabling event in history. 1/4
Would love to see medical community warn the public about #LongCovid with the same vigor they have encouraged vaccination. Would love to see meaningful discussion about how to fast track the most promising treatments the same way we have vaccination & acute therapies. 2/4
Would love to see a robust daily conversation about how we’re going to support #LongCovid pts who can no longer work or support themselves but don’t qualify for disability or other social service supports. They didn’t ask for this condition. How will we respond? 3/4
Lastly, would love the world to fully wake up to the reality of #LongCovid 4/4
Combined triple treatment of fibrin amyloid microclots and platelet pathology in #LongCovid can resolve persistent symptoms.
“Fibrin amyloid microclots block capillaries & inhibit the transport of O2 to tissues, accompanied by platelet hyperactivation” researchsquare.com/article/rs-120…
“We used a triple therapy to treat the microclots & platelet hyperactivation. During this medication regime, 24 patients were followed, the endothelium layers recover sufficiently over a 3-4 week period, this allows for normal clotting physiology & endothelium function to return”
“All patients in this cohort, reported a significant reduction in their #LongCovid symptoms. We suggest that a platelet and clotting grading system should be used as a simple and cost-effective diagnostic method for the early identification of long COVID/PASC.” 👏 @resiapretorius