Thank you, Stuart Parker, for running for the Prince George School Board, and for telling the truth about the irreversible harm that gender ideology is leading to.
Here’s a series of videos of our press conference with CBC and CKPG today. 1/
There’s no right way to be a girl, and no right way to be a boy.
Kids, you can be anything you want to be when you grow up, and you’re great as you are.
Tell the ideologues to stuff it, and reject their lame stereotypes. 2/
Schools are hiding from parents that their own child now has a transgender identity at school, a new name, and new pronouns. 3/
We used to live in the same neighbourhood. Our girls are the same age and were in the same class together. They went to dance together. We’ve trick-or-treated together.
She only knows the pre-billboard me so that was kind of funny.
Anyway, I refuse to just let this incoming Bill C-6 pass without a fight and I have plans.
Messaging is everything in politics and Conservatives need to learn what is going on and how to communicate about it.