Oh boy, I'm a bit nervous! I'll be updating this throughout the day with random bits here and there.
What is the better way to improve at something?
Watching or doing?
Yes both are needed. But we improve the most by doing. (3/x)
We learn faster and better when we immerse ourselves in the very thing we want to learn.
We already know this. When a student wants to learn Spanish, what do they do? They move to Spain. (Assuming they are lucky enough.)
That student will be miles ahead of (and away from) another student who tried to learn by only watching videos.
That's because watching videos only is passive. It encourages a lack of engagement and blank face... It pushes you into a passive mode of consuming. A lean-back mode.
Again, we already know this. So let's do better.
If we are in a position to teach something, it's up to us to make the learning experience come alive.
To force the student to Lean Forward.
And if the material calls for it, to make them practice the exact skills they wish to learn.
That's my intention behind "Obsidian Flight School".
Obsidian Flight School promotes *Lean Forward Learning*. It's an immersive “force you to learn by doing” educational product.
It's goal: to make students faster at using the note application known as Obsidian.
It will make students faster, more skilled, and more confident in Obsidian. But I have a personal goal...
Have Flight School inspire teachers in other fields—especially in online education—to incorporate Lean Forward principles into their own educational products and services.
But before I share the paradigm behind *Lean Forward Learning*, let's review how I got here...
If you search “Obsidian” on Youtube, you will probably come across my free "Obsidian for Beginners" series. It's just six videos. They have been helpful for a lot of people.
The first video has been viewed over 330,000 times since it was released over a year ago.
Since then, many people have asked if I could do a course on Obsidian. I resisted for two reasons: 1. For me, the LYT Workshops is where the really amazing stuff is happening 2. Other people had already created courses on Obsidian.
I wasn’t excited to add "yet another course" to the ecosystem if it wasn’t somehow…different. For a long time, I wasn’t sure what that difference would be. But then it finally clicked:
"Obsidian Flight School": Fly around your notes at the speed of thought
The premise was this:
The activity of “linking your thinking” is extremely powerful. But before you can feel that power, you have to feel comfortable in the ship you use to fly around your knowledge.
I call it the Linking Your Thinking ship, or *LYT Ship*, and it's the tool you pilot to fly around your planet of personal knowledge.
This course would train students to become faster, more skilled, and more confident in Obsidian.
So I went to designing it, and it became an educational product—and starter kit—designed to improve your ability to use the note application called Obsidian.
Obsidian Flight School is perfect for you if...
- You downloaded Obsidian and feel overwhelmed
- You want to be faster in using Obsidian
- You want to experience more joy while using it
Obsidian Flight School is NOT perfect for you if...
- You primarily use a mobile or tablet device without a keyboard.
Obsidian Flight School is NOT for you if...
- You want training to build you custom PKM system
- You want training to develop ways to sustainably think better and create more value over your lifetime
That's what the LYT Workshop is for!
Oh, I forgot to mention what is INSIDE of Flight School:
- 240+ lessons and notes
- 100+ videos
- 10+ exercises & simulations
Obsidian Flight School is deceptively big. It has 46,000 words.
It's basically as long as The Great Gatsby.
Here is the video walkthrough of Flight School.
The walkthrough shows why I get really excited about it...
Obsidian Flight School is an experiment in "Choose Your Own Adventure" non-linear education.
That makes it a big risk. I knew some people would love it and some hate it.
But no matter what, when it comes to actually getting better at something, I will never stop shouting "reps, reps, reps".
If you really want to learn how to pilot Obsidian; then YOU have to pilot it.
Watching videos alone is not enough.
Online learning is different. It's the wild west out there right now. The wild frontier.
My deepest goal with Obsidian Flight School is that it inspires other teachers in online education to incorporate the paradigm of *Lean Forward Learning* into their workshops and courses.
The Lean Forward paradigm is an extension of the "Learn by doing" theory of education set forth by *John Dewey* in the early 1900's.
However, the Lean Forward paradigm differs is that it outlines principles specifically with online education in mind.
I believe online programs designed like Flight School are just the beginning of a deeper level of digital learning. Sitting back and passively watching instructional videos is easy, but the results are far less powerful.
Instead, the “Flight School formula" forces you to grab the controls and pilot the ship that you fly around your PKM Planet.
Is it scary? You bet! Kinda like when my dad put my older brother behind the wheel of an old Ford pickup truck for the first time on a winding mountain road, while the nine year old me clung to the backseat with my eyes fixated on the cliff edge just to the right.
I tell ya, you can learn fast in the right environment!
Hey @Dropbox , it's almost 2022 and the 🌎 is using emojis.
They are not going away. But you've been dragging your feet on emoji support for folders and filenames for a few years now. It was a trickle in 2018, but it's almost 2022 and the dam has broken.
Your competitors are offering emoji support already. Emojis are unicode. This shouldn't be an issue. Let's make it happen.
This isn't the first, second, or third time emojis have been brought up on your forum.
I'm a big fan of @HungSu's prompt generator. It's simple and yet effective at getting you to engage your thinking muscles, and because you don't know what the next prompt will be, it keeps things interesting.
I just noticed @TfTHacker prepend's their plugins with "Obsidian42" which makes it really nice to see more from the same developer if you like their style.
What type of "smart" import am I looking for? 1. Can it add new book highlights without overwriting the whole file? Because once I start note-making, I don't want my connections to be erase.
In short, it's making sense of the world around us.
Good sensemaking illuminates our thoughts and guides our actions—adding clarity and enrichment to every moment of our lives.
A thread 🧵
If we can improve our sensemaking by even a tiny bit, we can greatly improve the quality of our inner world and the quality of our contribution to the world around us.
One supercharged, healthy, and sustainable way to improve our sensemaking is through a process I call note-making.
There are many note apps out there...but among them...
Obsidian is one of one—without equal—an app of apps.
It's a generational level event.
Here are 8 ways Obsidian (@obsdmd) is changing the game...& the 2 forces driving it.
A love-thread🧵
This is a celebration and a love letter. It's a celebration because after 15 trailblazing months of Obsidian being in beta, this week marks the official launch of Obsidian's mobile app. 🚀
This is also a love letter. Because for free, Obsidian is empowering anyone from around the world—with a computer and a desire to think better—a way to do it.
What I see that gets me fired up, is when people with platforms—people with positions of responsibility—are making money encouraging others to over-collect, over-highlight, and yet under-think.
Why do I care❓
Mini 🧵 (1/6)
Because they are teaching people to develop the habits that will form a toxic relationship to Knowledge in the long-term. (2/6)
And when that toxic relationship—based on FOMO, "Shiny Object Syndrome", and superficial thinking—backfires 3-5 years down the road...
...people will either become disillusioned with PKM or they will think *they* are the problem, losing some self-worth and feeling shame. (3/6)