The Screaming Eagle insignia of the @101stAASLTDIV is perhaps the most recognized and famous shoulder sleeve insignia in the United States Army.
However the history and symbolism of the patch is often forgotten. The eagle on your shoulder is not just any American Bald Eagle, but instead, it commemorates the most famous animal mascot that ever served in the United States Army.
In 1861, an American Indian named Ahgamahwegezhig cut down a tree in an attempt to capture two American Bald Eaglets in their nest. Chief Sky later traded the surviving eaglet to Daniel McCann of Eagle Point, Wisc., for a bushel of corn.
McCann took the bird to Eau Claire, Wisc., and briefly kept it as a family pet. Caged inside an oaken cask, the bird grew larger and quickly became too expensive to feed.
McCann actively sought to sell the as yet unnamed bird to the many units of Wisconsin troops passing through the area enroute to their muster site at Camp Randall in Madison, Wisc.
After many unsuccessful attempts to rid himself of the bird, McCann eventually sold the eagle for $2.50 to Capt. John E. Perkins, commanding officer of a militia company called the "Eau Claire Badgers."
In light of their newly acquired mascot, the unit renamed themselves the "Eau Claire Eagle."
Perkins' unit entered federal service and was re-designated as Company C, 8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The Eau Claire Eagles' mascot was adopted by the new Regiment which was nicknamed the “Eagle Regiment.”
During its time awaiting muster into Federal service at Camp Randall, the 8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment purchased a special, shield-shaped perch to carry their mascot.
It was here, in Madison, Wisconsin where “Old Abe” was named in honor of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.
The 8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment spent its entire military service in what was then known as the Western Theater of the American Civil War.
“Old Abe” was present during all the 8th Wisconsin's battles and was carried into combat by a sergeant on a special perch alongside the 8th Wisconsin's National and Regimental colors.
Seeing “Old Abe” atop his perch during the battle of Corinth, Mississippi, Confederate General Sterling Price remarked, “that bird must be captured or killed at all hazards, I would rather get that eagle than capture a whole brigade or a dozen battle flags.”
During his service, the 8th Wisconsin participated in many battles. Among these were the battles of: Iuka; Corinth; Island Number 10; Big Black; Champion's Hill; the Red River and Meridian expeditions; and the Battle of Nashville.
"Old Abe" was there every step of the way.
The 8th Wisconsin's most famous fight came in June 1863, when the regiment participated in a futile frontal assault along Vicksburg's Graveyard Road.
"Old Abe" and his regiment, then part of Mower's Brigade, failed to penetrate the center of the Confederate fortifications near a 90-degree bend in the Confederate defensive positions known as Stockade Redan.
Their enlistments having expired, the men of the 8th Wisconsin were mustered out of federal service in late-1864. The 8th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment was no more.
On Sept. 26th, 1864, a contingent of 70 8th Wisconsin veterans marched "Old Abe" to the state and presented him to Governor James Lewis. "Old Abe" was donated to the people of Wisconsin by the loving comrades alongside whom he had fought for four years.
In 1865 an enterprising Chicagoan, capitalizing on "Old Abe's" fame, sought to enlist him in support of the United Sanitary Commission's efforts to provide aid and comfort to wounded Veterans.
Thus the "Army of the American Eagle" was formed. Children were "enlisted" to sell paper photographs of "Old Abe" in much the same way that schools raise funds today. Proceeds from the sale of these photographs went to benefit local veteran's charities.
The Wisconsin War Eagle's postwar life was punctuated by frequent nationwide travel in support of veteran reunions, patriotic gatherings, Soldier relief benefits, and special exhibitions during which he achieved a rock-star like status.
In 1876, "Old Abe" again toured the country as part of America's Centennial Exposition.
"Old Abe" lived out the remainder of his life in an aviary in the Capitol building. In 1881, a fire broke out in a paint storage area near "Old Abe's" aviary. A month later the famous Wisconsin War Eagle, weakened by fumes, died in the arms of his handler, George Gilles.
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Here's some info on the two Soldiers the Booker was named after....
The vehicle platform honors two enlisted Army Soldiers who served our nation selflessly during times of great conflict – Medal of Honor recipient Pvt. Robert D. Booker, who perished in World War II, and Distinguished Service Cross recipient Staff Sgt. Stevon A. Booker, who died from injuries sustained in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Read: Army names its newest combat vehicle after WWII and Operation Iraqi Freedom Soldiers | Article | The United States Army
The Story of Operation Desert Storm
Jan. 17, 1991 - Feb. 28, 1991
In Aug. 1990, Saddam Hussein led a well-equipped Iraqi army into Kuwait. Hussein also repeatedly violated United Nations resolutions. The international organization officially condemned the invasion of Kuwait and authorized U.S. intervention.
More than 500,000 American troops deployed to Saudi Arabia as part of Operation Desert Shield, in case of an attack on the country by Iraqi forces.
This #Halloween, we’re taking a look at a different kind of ghost story — the Ghost Army.
This World War II unit was all trick, no treat for enemy forces. ⤵️
From June 1944 to March 1945, the top-secret 23rd Headquarters, Special Troops used inflatable tanks, fake radio transmissions and sound effects to deceive the enemy and protect Allied troops.
The Ghost Army was filled with Soldiers from art schools, advertising agencies and technical professions. Their creativity was their weapon.
#TonyBennett, who died today at age 96, was a #USArmy veteran. We salute his service to the Nation and his iconic career as a singer.
After completing basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey and Fort Robinson, Nebraska, Bennett served with the 63rd Infantry Division and went to Europe in March 1945.
With the 63rd Infantry Division, Bennett fought in France and Germany, quickly rising to the rank of corporal based on his experience with close combat fighting.
Many newspapers and Veterans groups wondered aloud "what would become of this famous, flesh and blood war relic?"
Upon his death, "Old Abe" was preserved and exhibited in the Capitol building's Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall until a fire destroyed the display in 1904.
Sadly, only a few of his feathers survived, carefully preserved by the Wisconsin Veterans' Museum in Madison.
Today, large sculptures of "Old Abe" stand atop the Wisconsin monument at Vicksburg, Miss., and atop the entrance to old Camp Randall, now the main entrance to the University of Wisconsin's football stadium.
After crossing the Delaware on December 25, 1776, Gen. George Washington embarked on a ten day campaign, known as the “10 Crucial Days," that would change the course of the war, culminating at the Battle of Princeton.
By noon on Dec. 30, Col. John Cadwalader, in command of a brigade of Philadelphia Associators stationed 15 miles south of Princeton, received valuable intelligence from an unidentified informant who'd been detained the night before by British troops and managed to escape.