Official X page of the United States Army. (Following, shares, likes and links ≠ endorsement)
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Feb 13 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The M10 Booker is NOT a tank, but it's still lethal. 💥
The armored infantry support vehicle, is currently being tested at U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground.
Here's some info on the two Soldiers the Booker was named after....
The vehicle platform honors two enlisted Army Soldiers who served our nation selflessly during times of great conflict – Medal of Honor recipient Pvt. Robert D. Booker, who perished in World War II, and Distinguished Service Cross recipient Staff Sgt. Stevon A. Booker, who died from injuries sustained in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Read: Army names its newest combat vehicle after WWII and Operation Iraqi Freedom Soldiers | Article | The United States Army
Jan 17 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
The Story of Operation Desert Storm
Jan. 17, 1991 - Feb. 28, 1991
In Aug. 1990, Saddam Hussein led a well-equipped Iraqi army into Kuwait. Hussein also repeatedly violated United Nations resolutions. The international organization officially condemned the invasion of Kuwait and authorized U.S. intervention.
Oct 31, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
This #Halloween, we’re taking a look at a different kind of ghost story — the Ghost Army.
This World War II unit was all trick, no treat for enemy forces. ⤵️
From June 1944 to March 1945, the top-secret 23rd Headquarters, Special Troops used inflatable tanks, fake radio transmissions and sound effects to deceive the enemy and protect Allied troops.
Jul 21, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Rest in peace, Soldier. You led, 'The Good Life."
#TonyBennett, who died today at age 96, was a #USArmy veteran. We salute his service to the Nation and his iconic career as a singer.
After completing basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey and Fort Robinson, Nebraska, Bennett served with the 63rd Infantry Division and went to Europe in March 1945.
Jan 5, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
We continue The Story of Old Abe.
Many newspapers and Veterans groups wondered aloud "what would become of this famous, flesh and blood war relic?"
Upon his death, "Old Abe" was preserved and exhibited in the Capitol building's Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall until a fire destroyed the display in 1904.
Sadly, only a few of his feathers survived, carefully preserved by the Wisconsin Veterans' Museum in Madison.
The symbol of the Screaming Eagles, @101stAASLTDIV
The Screaming Eagle insignia of the @101stAASLTDIV is perhaps the most recognized and famous shoulder sleeve insignia in the United States Army.
Jan 3, 2022 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Even small victories have big effects.
Today we look back at The Battle of Princeton
New Jersey | Jan 3, 1777
After crossing the Delaware on December 25, 1776, Gen. George Washington embarked on a ten day campaign, known as the “10 Crucial Days," that would change the course of the war, culminating at the Battle of Princeton.
Dec 26, 2021 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
We know the Holidays are in full swing, but let's take a moment for some #ArmyHistory.
New Jersey | Dec 26, 1776
In late 1776, morale in the Continental Army was at a low after losses at the Battle of White Plains in October and at Forts Washington and Lee in November.
Chased by the British, General George Washington retreated across New Jersey and into Pennsylvania.
On September 12, 1918, the American Expeditionary Forces under Commander General John J. Pershing launched its first major offensive in Europe as an independent army.
#ArmyHistory | #ArmyHeritage
The U.S.-led attack occurred in the Saint-Mihiel salient, a triangular area of land between Verdun and Nancy occupied by the German army since the fall of 1914.
Today, we salute and honor the #Veterans of the #OperationDesertStorm. Listen as SFC (Ret.) Fred W. Brown Jr. recounts his experience from thirty years ago.
Let's celebrate their service! Share a photo or a story or your favorite #DesertStorm Vet.
The #PersianGulfWar (1990–91), was an international conflict that was triggered by Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.
Saddam Hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait with the apparent aim of acquiring that nation’s large oil reserves.
On this day in 1944, Sgt. Alfred Nietzel fought tenaciously to repel a German counter-attack during WWII. Realizing he desperately needed reinforcements, Nietzel ordered his men back to the company command post to secure aid.…
Nietzel remained alone in the forward position, using his machine gun to cover their movements and hold off the German advance. After expending his ammunition, Nietzel began firing his rifle into the attacking ranks until he was killed by an enemy grenade.
Oct 5, 2020 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
Out of 24 Soldiers awarded the #MedalofHonor during the Valor 24 ceremony in 2014, Master Sgt. Jose Rodela was one of only three living recipients to receive the medal for his actions during the Vietnam War.
Here's his story.
📸 ➡️ Nick Del Calzo,
On Sept. 1, 1969, Rodela’s battalion came under an intense barrage of mortar, rocket and machine gun fire.
Despite wounds to his back and head, Rodela repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire as he single-handedly assaulted and knocked out the B-40 rocket position.
Then-Staff Sgt. Roy Benavidez distinguished himself by a series of daring and extremely valorous actions while assigned to Detachment B-56, @5thForces, 1st Special Forces, Republic of Vietnam.
On May 2, 1968, #Benavidez was at the Forward Operating Base in Loc Ninh, Vietnam, when word arrived of a 12-man Special Forces intelligence-gathering team that was pinned down by the North Vietnamese Army.
SFC Leroy A. Petry distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.
For more, ➡️
On May 26, 2008. As a Weapons Squad Leader with D Company, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Staff Sgt. Petry moved to clear the courtyard of a house that potentially contained high-value combatants.
To kick off #HispanicHeritageMonth, lets look at a Soldier who went above and beyond the call of duty.
#MedalofHonor Recipient: Sergeant First Class Leroy A. Petry
Learn more of his story at
Staff Sgt. Leroy A. Petry distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.
What better way to celebrate than a history thread on U.S. #Paratroopers.
Let's Begin.
In 1940, a test platoon from @FortBenning's @29thID Regiment executes the #USArmy's first airborne training jump less than 45 days after airborne was formed.
The U.S. joined several world powers who had also developed the capability after World War I.
#OTDIH: The first day of the #BattleofGettysburg during the American Civil War took place and began as an engagement between isolated units and escalated into a major battle that culminated in the Union forces retreating to the high ground south of Gettysburg, PA.
7:30 am: First shot fired intersection of Knoxlyn Rd and US Rt. 30 Chambersburg Pike by the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, Gen. John Buford’s cavalry division, against Major General Henry Heth’s division of A. P. Hill’s corps as they march towards Gettysburg.