The Harras dilemma; Mohammed Al Harras, was an Azhari that became heavily influenced by Wahhabis!
But he lost control; even wahhabis had to try and clear up the mess along the way!
Al’aly; for Harrass also means his physical location which is outside in a void uncreated space!
Harrass: Athaahir means: Physically above, nothing is physically above him.
This is physical, and it express his Makan.
Harrass: Allah sees with his Eyes.
Which by the way even far fetched textual evidence is nonexistent for this claim!
Lying runs deep!
We never denied Rahma, Mercy.
We say: Rahma (Mercy)is defined as emotional changes, that cause one to bestow a reward, exceptions, ease, or even grant happiness…etc.
we say, the first half doesn’t apply for God, but the rest does. Nor do we say it is weakness
Some of the salaf sinply said: we do conceive affirming coming & arriving as attributes; however this doesn’t mean moving from point A to B. Nor do they dwell into the verse beyond that! This is Tafweed! What we say.
Harrass has other ideas for they are real as what they mean!
Harras even goes as far as putting verses together along with his imagination!
He says: he will arrive and come and descend and lean forward closely while he is still above on his throne while he is separated from his creation.
So theology with a hint of sci-fi!
He has no textual support for any of these claims. Sure SOME of these words might come separately but not together like this
Harrass actually believe that God if he were to use a statement then it must be literal or else it isn’t true!
He says: hands (or the two) have to be real, or else his usage of the word wouldn’t be acceptable!
Ofcourse his claim is false as Allah and every Arabic speaker who ever lived uses hands one or two or more with the Quran, judgment day, the hour and mouch much more! Yet they don’t have hands!
When we say the mujasim is a mu’atil and the mu’til is a mujasim we mean it!
Harrass here as you can see limits Gods vision to his eyes!
One of the most effective responses to someone trying to harm you is to remind them we can do the same if we wanted to and even better!
Not for Harrass though; for him the attributes of deception and conspiring are literal,
Note: Harrass: doesn’t say we can call him a conspirator or deceptor but rather of his attributes are deception and conspiracy
Harrass obsession with the physical location of the creator has caused him to be disrespectful of God!
Harrass: God is in an Empty uncreated void, nothing is in this space but God, this is not created as it is a void!
Harrass 1 - Jules Verne 0
Harrass: God did these things in time, the “waw” indicates this!
Harrass: “Rafi’uka Ilaya” can only mean he “Isa”is with God literally, not to his mercy or the place of his angels!
You know this sounds like a trinity apologist!
If Isa went to the 2nd heaven as the Prophet said.
Then to Him means to where he willed or to the Ghayb!
But here Harrass actually is accusing the Prophet, and saying basically God is in the second heaven.
This could be read as God was taken up too! This looks fishy and scary Nagah Hamadi type insanity!
The claim that Nidaa is only by sound is false, as we said before Wahhabis don’t know Arabic.
So Harrass is forcing sound to Gods speech!
Then he calls it Hadath; which the salaf took to mean created!
Harrass: his actions are based on his will & ability in all times and time.
Both IT & Harrass have no issue hiding the Hadith in Nasai!
حتى يمضي شطر الليل الأول ، ثم يأمر مناديا يقول : هل من داع يستجاب له ؟ هل من مستغفر يغفر له ؟ هل من سائل يعطى ؟
This recognition of 1 narration and neglecting the other that explains it; is exactly what Christians did, and the jews before them!
They insist rejecting the explanation of the Prophet. They force their own logic over scripture! Then call those rejecting this falsehood deviant!
Sorry wahhabis we follow the Prophet!
We all agree that laughter is something that is amusing us!
As a result we laugh!
Due to our laughter we offer the cause of this joy & happiness.
We all agree here.
Harrass says: this is all what happens to the divine literally!
Why you ask?
Harrass says: Well because something that doesn’t happen normally took place, so the lord was astonished by what happened.
Now you might be thinking did this guy just claim God didn’t know!
Harrass goes on to say: claiming his happiness is a way to describe his acceptance is false!
Well this for you harrass is true! You want chemicals in the brain and red cheeks, along with astonishment!
Harrass says: so when a kafir becomes muslim and dies a martyr this is indeed astonishing.
Yes Harrass it is; for us not Allah, man! May Allah forgive you!
Harrass say: saying his laughter is a way of expressing his acceptance or pleasure of your efforts or he created something to laugh with (no one ever said this) non of these constitute actual laughing!
You know I am not even gonna try with that one!
Ibn Qutayba said: non of these mean laughter, but rather all these verses mean would be like they are to you.
So there the salaf have responded to harrass!
Harrass says: in the narration of Ibn Mas’ouds recitation it said: “A’jibtu” with a ُ over the ت to indicate the speaker is amazed. So Allah has the attribute of amazement!
Al Baghawi: rather it is the Prophet who gets amazed and astonished and Allah shows support & agreement
Harrass: remember Allah promised to fill hell, well he meant with his self!
Fyi: this is twist both Quran&Sunnah! Because the Prophet said: He thens put in its Qadam. Now there are plenty of verses that speak about the Qadam of Heaven. Now it is Hells turn.
The Prophet literally says: حينئذ at that Hell is now full, and he says I did promise to fill it with Humans & Jinn.
But these people say no, our lord goes to hell!
For your reference; this is the book I’m gathering Harrass false creed from!
There is no scripture that states : ‘aly ‘ala’arsheh.
There is ‘ala al ‘arsh
Al ‘ali
Combining the two is a new idea
Would this include the Prophet who was first to add names into dua?
No! Sure like a couple people suggested it but this is not fact
No one ever said the Prophet didn’t know that’s a lie! But we are used to wahhabi lies!!
Let me explain:
The rules of Hadith state to use a hadith you need to collect all variations of the story or event with all the chains.
This is for 2 primary reasons:
1. Scholars of Hadith allowed Hadith to be narrated by what the narrators understood. 2. Scholars of Hadith allowed narrators to narrate the Hadith summarized.
For these two reasons a hadith is not to be taken as is until we gather all the details.
When doing so with the Hadith of the slave girl, we can determine that he never asked her: Where is God?
The whole event was in sign language!
This is why it was also narrated as:
Who is your God
Do you believe in God
Do you testify that Allah is your God
With about 3 more variations!
So to pick on the version of Where is God, is an act of Christianization of Texts!
Also, Harrass said this Phrase “Where is Allah?” Was said by the Prophet verbatim!
This is a lie and tampering with Text!!!
As the scholars of Hadith have testified that only Mutawatir was verbatim.
Go check the books of Hadith, they actually speak about this very topic!
Harrass tells us: God spoke with the Quran verbally!
But but but where in the world did he get verbally from?!
I thought they stuck to the texts!
Ajeeb !
And what do we do about the verses that sounded like a bell ringing?!
Harrass warning wahhabis do not believe fi assamaa.
Well then why all the drama?!
You don’t believe he is fi assamaa!
So from the beginning of the book Harrass said we do not make examples for what Allah is. Ok great..! What?!
He and IT say: God is like the moon, in the sky?! And it follows the travelers, so God is like the moon?!
No comment
Harrass goes on to say: the universe is in the hand of the lord but as a nut (or a bullet) in your hand.
If he is referring to his group then he is lying!
Heads are rolling across the middle east.
And the rest are becoming friends with the occupation!
So what wasat?!
Beyond Allah’s names and attributes Harrass doesn’t say much, seems he was only after a physical being!
O Harrass that is also called Tashayu’. I don’t think he was well versed in Hadith so many weak narration!
We finished this book by Harrass, as you can see he follows the path of Karramyyah, which he was mostly influenced by IT, but does indeed surpass him!!
Next book; his commentary on Ibn Khuzaymah!!
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The Shaykh Taught us:
Wahhabis aren’t from the people Sunnah.
As their main enemy is the Sunnah it self.
Wahhabism is indeed a means to give a creature divine attributes so they may worship the antichrist.
They await their master.
If you ponder upon the ideology of wahhabi theology you’ll find they only define attributes in human terms, and never take into consideration any other definitions that involve other creatures.
The God they seek is Man.
Do Asharis support Putin, Bashar, sisi…etc. ?!
But even if we were to say yes.
Don’t we all know for a fact that many others on the opposing side literally support US, UK & the European bloc & Israel!
This type of approach is sick!
No Muslim supports a kafir.
However, there are in each situation a cause to lean towards a direction.
You can’t actually point the finger and say See!
Each individual in each situation plans what they perceive as safe.
As for picking on Ahl Sunnah for doing a seminar in Chechnya; that is just pathetic!
Wahhabis have them in the states monthly half of the time calling us Kuffar!
So why the grief?!
Or should we flip the script and say:
You support the killers of our brothers in Somalia?!
The Jahmyyah & Mu’tazilah said that the 2nd verse of Surah al Anbya is evidence that the Quran is created.
Imam Ahmad said: No, it is referring to the Most recent we have received.
Ibn Kathir also narrated this:
قال ابن كثير أيضا في " البداية " (10 / 327):
عن أحمد بن حنبل أنه أجاب الجهمية حين احتجوا عليه بقوله تعالى: )من ربهم محدث إلا استمعوه وهم يلعبون) قال: يحتمل أن يكون تنزيله إلينا هو المحدث، لا الذكر نفسه هو المحدث.
Again there we have Ahmad refuting the understanding presented by Jahmis & Mu’tazilah.
Very clear very evident!
Silence of God is an Idea development by the Jahmis.
Even in the tampered books waved around by certain people still shows that this concept of God going silent goes against Him actually being God.
Yet, it has been said:
(...... فثبت بالسنة والإجماع أن الله يوصف بالسكوت)
That Silence is an attribute of God by those who have went astray!
We can actually see who has followed the Jahmi creed!