Doing the above two ensures that US economy keeps growing, as long as prices are stable (stable inflation) and economy is running at full capacity (employment)
So how does Fed control inflation?
It has two main tools available at its disposal
1. Control interest rates on Federal Funds
2. Quantitative Easing
(fancy word for Fed purchasing US Treasury Bonds and other Corporate Securities)
By controlling interests rates US Fed can effectively control the yield on a bond
This may get a bit technical for those who aren't familiar with bond pricing mechanisms so here is my take on explaining it
Bear with me for the next part, it is a bit technical, but its important
Interest rates and prices of a bond have an inverse relationship
When interest rates rise, prices of bonds go down and when interest rates fall, prices of bonds go up
Yield on anything is simply how much return it generates vs the price you pay
So when Fed raises interests rates, prices of bonds fall and yields go up
This helps lure in investors who are looking for safe risk free investments
*US Treasury Bills and Bonds are considered at par with US Dollar and one of the safest financial instruments available in the world to invest in
US Fed's goal is to enable the yields on Treasury bonds to reach 3%
Why 3%?
Cause inflation target for Fed is 2%
As long as bonds pay more than inflation in an economy, there will be buyer of these bonds
The second tool is called Quantitative Easing
This was established right after financial crisis of 2008, where US Fed intervened, expanded its Open Market Operations and started buying US Treasury Bills and Bonds along with select corporate securities
Quantitative Easing helps control the money supply in the economy
Fed effectively spends USD 120 Billion per month in buying these bonds and other securities from the financial markets
This makes US Fed the single largest market participant in US Financial Markets
So how do US Fed rates matter for stocks?
By using the above two tools available at its disposal, US Fed indirectly influences stock markets
By doing quantitative easing, Fed is able to increase the money supply and liquidity in the economy, there by making it cheap to borrow
The second indirect influence US Fed has over stock markets is 'sentiment'
Stock markets run on sentiment in the short run
If the sentiment is cautionary and market expects liquidity and money supply to decrease, negative sentiment prevails and stocks correct
When liquidity is ample, interests rates are usually low and money is usually chasing high growth stocks
This causes valuation multiples to expand and what used to be valued at Price to Earnings, suddenly starts getting valued at Price to Sales
When bond yields climb back to near 3%, money starts leaving stocks and moving towards bonds (as they are risk free)
Money no longer needs to chase the high growth unprofitable loss making company anymore
As such when money starts leaving these stocks, they tend to correct sharply
What used to get valued at 25 times Sales now gets valued at single digit price to sales
In my view, the bottom of these stocks is not reached until US Fed commentary changes back to stable or accommodative stance
Yesterday (5th Jan 2022), Fed released minutes from the Dec FOMC meeting
In those the Fed took a hawkish tone and expects to increase rates more aggressively than previously stated
The higher they were valued, the sharper they corrected
SaaS Names like Monday . com (-14%)
Overvalued Automation names like UiPath (-10%)
Even Google corrected by (-4%)
I expect this trend to continue and not stop until Fed's tone changes back to accommodative, which may not happen anytime soon
US 10 Year Treasury Yields are a long way from 3% magic number
So what was up if everything was correcting?
'Value' stocks like energy company, utilities company, companies that actually generate Free Cash Flow were all up
Share of Berkshire Hathaway hit an all time high
Mr. Buffett is having the last laugh after all
What do rising interest rates mean for emerging markets like India?
Short Answer: I don't know
There are lot of variables at play and its beyond my technical prowess to decipher what can exactly happen
In my view, more FII money should enter India 🇮🇳
We are the only large economy that is growing at high digits (8 to 10%)
Our Central Bank is sitting on humongous foreign deposits for more than $600 Billion
We are politically stable democracy
Corporate Balance sheets have been stronger than ever before
In the light of no other alternative (China being in doldrums and dealing with their own self created mess) India 🇮🇳 seems like a logical choice for foreign investments
All of the above combined, serves as a potent cocktail 🍸 for one of the best bullish stock market runs for our country
Grab a cup of coffee. In this thread, I will explain:
1. What is Behavioral Finance? 2. What are biases and how do they impact 99% of investors? 3. What are different types of biases and how to overcome them?
Let's dive right in.
2/ Behavioral finance is a field that studies how psychological, human biases and emotions influence financial and investment decision-making.
3/ Humans by nature are driven by emotions and are a irrational species.
This irrationality seeps through in investing, finance and global capital markets.
Grab a cup of coffee. In this thread, I will explain:
1. What is cost of capital and WACC? 2. How does a company's capital structure impact its valuations? 3. How to code WACC as a field in screener?
Let's dive right in.
2/ Before we start to explore cost of capital, we first need to understand what is meant by capital structure of a company.
3/ Any business at a very simplified level, works in three steps
Step 1: Raise funds from various types of investors
Step 2: Use those funds to build projects that generate higher returns
Step 3: Deliver excess returns back to investors
1⃣ Provide loans to banks
2⃣ Value US Treasuries held by banks at par for collateral, even if they are currently not valued at par
3⃣ Inject USD 25B into banking system
They are calling it BTLP
Its essentially QE with a different label
It took Fed ~2 years to sell $600B and only a few days to reverse 50% of that
Just last week alone Fed bought $300B worth of assets
Current size of Fed Balance Sheet ~8.5Trillion USD
This is the MOVE index, its volatility index for Bonds, similar to what VIX is for equities
The only time when MOVE was higher than current levels, was in 2008