Mind-numbingly dumb argument. 1. Trump's pathological dishonesty caused the "riot" 2. 147 Republicans voted to decertify (back Trump's lie) 3. A failed attempt does not negate intent 4. 58% of GOP votes still believe the lie... 5. ...b/c countless GOP politicians still support it
6. When the guy (Trump) who @benshapiro blames for the riot is the same guy who's a lock for the GOP nomination...it's not the focus on 1/6 that is "outsized".....what's "outsized" is the pathetic, intellectually dishonest dismissal of the threat. 2/
8. This isn't about "evil Trump voters". The fact that @benshapiro uses that phrase to emotionally incite voters to distract from the gaslighting/disinformation propagated by the GOP political/media class that caused 1/6...
....shows he is the problem. 4/
"...One of the overlooked factors of Qanon: there’s an interactive, crowd-sourcing component where people compete, receive a “reward” (dopamine) for being the *cleverest*, connecting the furthest dispersed dots, & for (most absurdly) advancing the “story” the furthest/quickest."
"The *anticipation* and the 50/50 optimization of dopamine production may explain why people aren't deterred when predictions, and the expectations created by those predictions, do not come true in cult situations or with Qanon." 1/
Yes, 3 threads. One analyzing Trump's disorders against DSM criteria:
"Trump’s Cluster B personality disorders make him psychologically ill-equipped/unfit for a job that requires him to be responsible for the well-being, safety, & interests of millions/billions of people." 1/