What y'all racists mean: J/6/21 WM/WP suffer from obsessive jealousy lust, hate & self-loathing as WP w/a HUGE CASE OF "Black penis envy" & thus to prove they had W. dicks at all means killin/castratin BLM w/a US DEMOCRACY KILLIN SPREE b/symbolically & in RT via t/CJS b/c of 1/3
T/reductive dehuminization of this propaganda IS T/CRUX OF RACISM PROPER & inverts the reality of who the sexual monsters in this scenario really are
b/c of course tho nice polite White Society will never cop to it racism & hatred for
No not really! Psychology doesn't have a clue about the psychopathy of White Supremacy (recall psychopathy is MHs word for criminality WHICH IS NOT A MI). WHY?
B/c psychology is the perview of WP and theyre not telling y'all WP that WS & White Society norms are a public health 1/
hazard, abusive, criminal, & that you've now so epigenetically altered your WP neural architecture that the incredibly heritable qualities & traits of SADISM & PSYCHOPATHY ARE NOW AUTOMATICALLY PASSED (just like their White privilege & power) TO YOUR SONS & DAUGHTERS
This is not just a cultural thing, the last 60 years have proven WP can't be educated out of it... & that's because ITS INHERITED CRIMINALITY & SADISM
Yeah sure psychology which refused & refuses to declare racism a public health crisis & hold WP responsible is
@Iwillnotfall@Acyn Yes and no. Psychology doesn't have a clue about the psychopathy of White Supremacy (recall psychopathy is MHs word for criminality WHICH IS NOT A MI). WHY?
Because psychology is the perview of WP and theyre not telling y'all that WS White Society norms are a public health
@Iwillnotfall@Acyn hazard, abusive, criminal, and that you've now so epigenetically altered your neural architecture that the incredibly heritable qualities and traits of SADISM AND PSYCHOPATHY ARE PASSED TO YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS
@Iwillnotfall@Acyn This is not just a cultural thing, the last 60 years have proven you can't be educated out of it... & that's because ITS INHERITED CRIMINALITY AND SADISM
Yeah sure psychology which refused and refuses to declare racism a public health crisis and hold WP responsible is
Didn't say you were.. Not always answering in order as the top responses show first. Like I said Genetics age illness & whether you own your house have $ for repairs is insulated, no drafts etc have a fire place swampcooler air conditioning fan etc has far more to do w/how you 1/
experience climate & folks assume 72 in 1 house 1 room IS T/SAME 72 in another which is NOT T/CASE.
But more it's less abt how you keep t/temp abt how you laugh at those who are too cold or too hot...in this case TOO COLD. The OP and since has been a parade of I CAN DO
COLD SO YOU CAN TOO self-righteous a-holes including FORCING their own kids into discomfort or inability to function well and then asking for a popularity contest to sanction it instead of talking, educating themselves and listening to those most effected by
@MrTSmith81@sheppj2021@PolarBarrett What y'all racists mean: J/6/21 WM/WP suffer from obsessive jealousy lust, hate & self-loathing as WP w/a HUGE CASE OF "Black penis envy" & thus to prove they had W. dicks at all means killin/castratin BLM w/a US DEMOCRACY KILLIN SPREE b/symbolically & in RT via t/CJS b/c of
T/reductive dehuminization of this propaganda IS T/CRUX OF RACISM PROPER & inverts the reality of who the sexual monsters in this scenario really are
b/c of course tho nice polite White Society will never cop to it racism & hatred for
Atlanta to Savannah, GA. The purpose of Union Gen Sherman’s Nov 15 - Dec 21, 1864; 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah was to frighten GA’s civilian pop into abandoning t/Confederate cause. Sherman’s soldiers did not destroy 1/
any of the towns in their path, but they stole food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back. The Yankees were “not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people,” Sherman explained; as a result, they needed to “make old
THREAD: Its total snark because it's exactly as @docrocktex26 says " y'all WP are dying of Whiteness and still you're too busy arguing as "faux WP researchers" & "not me WW/WP" to deal.
And I am 20+ years ACTUALLY researching/tracking White Supremacy as a Genocide scholar & 1/
And to even say t/current climate is deadly, is 1 hell of a Hitlarian understatement.
Genocide was primed by y'all and its backfiring but make no mistake the intent & damage done and still being attempted DOES NOT MAKE ME FEEL SORRY
So why the thread: hopefully you'll realize your killing yourselves ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE AND THE PLANET and stop tho I've no data to support that notion still the humanitarianin in me says I must try. So here we go: